Kerry Sex Scandal Continues...


Dancing Up A Storm
To the media, the contrast is simple: Kerry = war hero; Bush = something smaller, shiftier.

Bill Clinton, of course, is smallest and shiftiest of the lot, but, back in '92, John Kerry stood shoulder to shoulder with his fellow Democrat and said:

"We do not need to divide America over who served and how."

Now, apparently, we do. So Kerry has his supporter Max Cleland, former Senator, fellow veteran and triple amputee, all over the talk-shows, explaining that the difference between giving Clinton a pass on draft-dodging and hammering relentlessly on Bush's National Guard record is that in 2004 "it's the national security, stupid."

Just wanted to reinforce something for everyones memory.:cool:


New Member
Originally posted by vraiblonde
See, now you're going somewhere. That's my biggest issue with these philandering types - no self-control, no integrity. It's just not someone I'd be interested in having as a President.

Democrats obviously don't think cheating on your wife makes you a bad person.

It's a decay of moral integrity. Maybe one day their constituents will realize that someone doesn't just lack integrity in one area of their life and it stops there. Nope. It goes across all areas of their life and if they will cheat on their wife and deny it, they will lie about everything else.

Just b/c the divorce rate in our society is about 60%, people are beginning to accept it. The only problem is that you make a committment before God and people, "till death do we part." As for me and my wife, we took that committment seriously and intend on fullfilling it. As for the cheating. It


Dancing Up A Storm
Originally posted by ceo_pte
It's a decay of moral integrity.

" Maybe one day their constituents will realize that someone doesn't just lack integrity in one area of their life and it stops there.


It goes across all areas of their life and if they will cheat on their wife and deny it, they will lie about everything else. "
This is what confuses me to the max.

Don't the Demonrats understand this, or are they so bent on replacing the man in the White House - with one of their own - however flawed he may be?

Integrity does not seem to be an asset in the Liberal Lefts' eyes.

Also, food for thought:

"Former Democratic presidential candidate retired Army Gen. Wesley Clark was at the center of this controversy last Monday when he told a group of reporters in an off-the-record comment, "Kerry will implode over an intern issue." Although he later acknowledged making the statement about Kerry, Clark still chose to endorse the frontrunner on Friday."

Isn't Wesley Clark Bill Clinton's fair-haired boy? Does anyone think this is a ploy by by our former commander-in-sheets to blunt Kerry's charge to the nomination?
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Asperger's Poster Child
Originally posted by penncam
To the media, the contrast is simple: Kerry = war hero; Bush = something smaller, shiftier.

Bill Clinton, of course, is smallest and shiftiest of the lot, but, back in '92, John Kerry stood shoulder to shoulder with his fellow Democrat and said:

"We do not need to divide America over who served and how."

Now, apparently, we do. So Kerry has his supporter Max Cleland, former Senator, fellow veteran and triple amputee, all over the talk-shows, explaining that the difference between giving Clinton a pass on draft-dodging and hammering relentlessly on Bush's National Guard record is that in 2004 "it's the national security, stupid."

Just wanted to reinforce something for everyones memory.:cool:

Penncam, I think every election featuring baby-boomer candidates is going to be like this. Part of me can't wait until we Generation Xers (I'm 37) are fielding candidates for President, so we can stop refighting the bitter social battles of the '60s.


New Member
Originally posted by penncam
This is what confuses me to the max.

Don't the Demonrats understand this, or are they so bent on replacing the man in the White House - with one of their own - however flawed he may be?

Integrity does not seem to be an asset in the Liberal Lefts' eyes.

Also, food for thought:

"Former Democratic presidential candidate retired Army Gen. Wesley Clark was at the center of this controversy last Monday when he told a group of reporters in an off-the-record comment, "Kerry will implode over an intern issue." Although he later acknowledged making the statement about Kerry, Clark still chose to endorse the frontrunner on Friday."

Isn't Wesley Clark Bill Clinton's fair-haired boy? Does anyone think this is a ploy by by our former commander-in-sheets to blunt Kerry's charge to the nomination?

I wish I could explain it... That's why I say that to vote for a liberal candidate you are either 1) STUPID or 2) Being misled and believe everything that you read and hear.


Nothing to see here


New Member
Re: Re: She gave an interview

Originally posted by otter
Hundreds of posts/opinions on this over in FR. But US media refusing to get into it...All it takes is one US paper/news show to say something and the floodgates will open..

That washington times has an article... but they are careful. Once this girl comes out of hiding, it will be all over!


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Now I'm completely and totally confused. First the Dad says he knew about the affair and that Kerry is a sleazebag. Now he's saying there was no affair. Wes Clark brings it up in front of reporters, now it's not true. Which is the lie?

Doesn't matter - I'm still voting for Bush in '04.


Dancing Up A Storm
Originally posted by vraiblonde
Now I'm completely and totally confused. First the Dad says he knew about the affair and that Kerry is a sleazebag. Now he's saying there was no affair. Wes Clark brings it up in front of reporters, now it's not true. Which is the lie?

Doesn't matter - I'm still voting for Bush in '04.
:confused: I'm right along with ya.

So what's with Wesley Clark and his statement?

What about the story that she just taped an interview with a major American news company?

The odor of decaying fish is beginning to permeate this story.

Either it was a lie from the get go, or she's received a payoff to quash this thing - that's my guess.

Kerry is STILL a sleazebag, no matter what, after flip-flopping all over himself.


Nothing to see here
Very odd intend..But, I believe the only thing the father said was that Kerry was a sleazeball and no man would want his daughter working for him. I don't think he ever acknowledged an affair. The quotes came from an Aussie or Scottish paper, have read so many news snips, I have no clue where the original story came from. Now the family is endorsing Kerry :confused:

Clark makes these statements about an "intern" problem. Then denies them, then shouts at the reporters that heard the original statement that the "intern" statements were off the record. THEN endorses Kerry the very next day..This story still has legs, Im sure more will be coming out. Way too many contradictions here. With all the flip flopping, someone is gonna screw up somewhere along the line and make this a bigger story than should be warranted.


Dancing Up A Storm
Originally posted by otter
Clark makes these statements about an "intern" problem.

Then denies them, then shouts at the reporters that heard the original statement that the "intern" statements were off the record.

THEN endorses Kerry the very next day..Im sure more will be coming out....

Way too many contradictions here.

"With all the flip flopping, someone is gonna screw up somewhere along the line and make this a bigger story than should be warranted."
The last comment by otter is most compelling. The thing that is also weird about all this is that, if I read the news stories correctly, this just did not happen recently.

They've been sitting on this story at least as far back as Christmas.........

There are alot of differing slants on it too. She was an intern of Kerrys, she was not.....

He begged her to join his campaign committee, she refused....

The father calling Kerry a "sleazeball", and now endorsing him..

Wesley Clark making the statement, now claiming it was off the record...

I'm gonna call it.....................Kerrygate!

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Let's play conspiracy...

...what if, in their loathing of Drudge, reporters and Clark (with Clinton masterminding the whole thing along with James Carville)
decided to make up enough to get Drudge to jump and stick his neck out.

Then, they cut Drudge off at the knees, fake story that everyone denies EVERYTHING and he's discredited so that when the REAL story, John Kerry murdered JFK, comes out, nobody touches it but Drudge and then he is locked in an asylum for the rest of his days and then, and ONLY then, can 'real' reporters rule the world again and keep secret what they choose as in the days BD, before Drudge.

Enh? Pretty good, huh?


I hope the Enquirer, Globe and Star run the crap out of it. Only trailer dwelling crats read that crap anyway. I hope they even go so far as to publish that Kerry is the product of Alien/human relationship........not that far of a stretch if you look at him and think about it....:shrug:


Nothing to see here
Little off topic but interesting
Story from BBC NEWS

US campaign begins to get dirty
By Paul Reynolds
BBC News Online world affairs correspondent

The 2004 American presidential election is shaping up to be a rough one by recent standards with questions already rife about President Bush's National Guard service and Senator John Kerry's private life.

But in historical terms, this is quite mild stuff and there is a moderating influence these days in that the heavyweight US media are reluctant to get involved in what they see as private issues.

Both the New York Times and the Washington Post, for example, have written about whether President Bush actually carried out his duties as a pilot in the Texas Air National Guard in 1973.

That has public importance given that trust and national security issues are major campaign themes. John Kerry's record as Senator and the support he has or has not received from lobby groups are also obviously fair game.

But neither paper has covered the John Kerry story which has engaged the attention of websites, radio and TV talk shows, some of the tabloid papers and elements of the foreign press.

The Kerry story

The story is about whether Senator Kerry had a recent affair with a young woman intern. (Interns are young people, often students, who take short-term, unpaid jobs in political and other offices in order to get experience. Monica Lewinsky, of course, was one.)

The question, it appears, was first raised by aides in the campaign of retired General Wesley Clark, who himself was quoted as saying that Kerry's campaign might "implode". It has not so far and Clark has even endorsed Kerry himself.

Senator Kerry himself said initially: "There is nothing to report" and then when that was challenged as a Clinton style non-denial, he stated clearly enough: "I just deny it categorically. It's untrue."

His supporters hope that this is an end to it. His opponents perhaps hope that he will be caught out. Lying in these cases is usually far worse than the original offence.

Mainstream media defence

The Washington Post London correspondent Glenn Frankel, a Pulitzer Prize winner and former editor of the Post's Sunday magazine, defended his newspaper's editorial judgment.

"We've been down this road many, many times before. We are extremely reluctant to follow this kind of thing up unless there is a really, really compelling public interest. We don't feel there is any reason to until it reaches a threshold.

"All we have at the moment is that the woman's parents, who are republicans, don't like Senator Kerry.

"In any case, nobody would be too shocked if Kerry lied about an affair. Even if someone came to us with photographs we still wouldn't run it. Lying to Don Imus [the radio host to whom Kerry gave his initial denial] is not a federal offence."

The early jousting holds the promise of a campaign with few holds barred. It is a delicate game because it can backfire and allegations are often floated through the undergrowth of the internet to see how far they get. Both campaigns muster big teams to counter whatever might emerge.

A long tradition

Dirty tricks, though, are part of American political life.

Indeed, it used to be far worse.

Richard Nixon was a master of the art in large ways and small. In 1968, when Nixon was running against Vice President Hubert Humphrey, the Republicans are believed to have persuaded the South Vietnamese to withdraw from a peace conference being organised by President Lyndon Johnson. The subsequent diplomat fiasco is felt to have damaged Humphrey's chances.

There was one infamous dirty trick in the nineteenth century which might have cost one candidate the presidency
1968 appears to have a vintage dirty tricks year. Former Senator George Mitchell once remembered campaigning with Senator Edmund Muskie in the primary races: "We encountered what then seemed inexplicable, crazy events. Everywhere I went on the road, there would be a bill for $2000 in the restaurant and bar signed with my name. One day, 15 limousines showed up signed in my name. At four o'clock in the morning, 500 pizzas were delivered, ordered in my name."

Nixon carried on with his tricks on the 1972 campaign when the Democrats' headquarters in the Watergate building were broken into. The discovery did not stop him from winning the election that year but it did have somewhat serious consequences subsequently, showing that to be dirty is not necessarily to be smart.

Losing an election

There was one infamous dirty trick in the nineteenth century, told by Richard Shenkmann in his book Presidential Ambition, which might have cost one candidate the presidency.

The candidate was Democrat Grover Cleveland and two weeks before the election in 1888, he seemed to be in the lead.

Then the Republicans released a letter from the British ambassador to one Charles F Murchison, an Englishman living in California.

The letter supported Cleveland's candidature and naturally this upset Irish Americans voters in New York who promptly deserted the Democrat.

He lost the election.

It turned out that "Charles F Murchison" was no Englishman but George Osgoodby, a Republican who had managed to get the ambassador's opinion by stealth.

The election of 1828

One of the most vitriolic elections was in 1828.

John Quincy Adams was nicknamed "The Pimp" by the campaign of his opponent General Andrew Jackson, based on a rumour that he had once coerced a young woman into an affair with a Russian nobleman when he had been American ambassador to Russia.

Adams' supporters hit back with a pamphlet which claimed: "General Jackson's mother was a common prostitute brought to this country by British solders! She afterwards married a mulatto man with whom she had several children of which number General Jackson is one!!" Jackson won anyway.

And just to show that this kind of thing goes right back to the start of American campaigning, we have the election of 1800 in which Thomas Jefferson was accused of favouring the teaching of "murder, robbery, rape, adultery and incest". Jefferson won.

George Bush and John Kerry have got off quite lightly.


Re: Re: She gave an interview

Originally posted by otter
Hundreds of posts/opinions on this over in FR. But US media refusing to get into it...All it takes is one US paper/news show to say something and the floodgates will open..

Derrick McKinney, Channel 9 @ 7 p.m. did tonight.

My opinion: I think John Kerry has paid her and her family to deny it now.


I think it's rather funny how we as Americans love to build up our idols only to tear them down again.