Kerry's first Purple Heart


Football season!
Originally posted by vraiblonde
Read for comprehension, please. I said "you folks" meaning " you Democrats" and "you liberals". While you personally might not have been ignoring the Clinton follies, your komrades were.

Even more confused since you were responding to my posts, and I am neither a democrat nor a liberal. Go figure.

In fact, if you want to really go out on the limb concerning reading for comprehension, it was YOU several months ago (possibly even a year ago ) who took great offense to my use of the term "you people" (same as "you folks") because it was such a blanket term covering republicans in general. So yes, a little consistency please.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by SmallTown
In fact, if you want to really go out on the limb concerning reading for comprehension, it was YOU several months ago (possibly even a year ago ) who took great offense to my use of the term "you people" (same as "you folks") because it was such a blanket term covering republicans in general. So yes, a little consistency please.
Uh-huh. Straight out of the Democrats playbook. Get busted out on your own story, then switch topics to point the finger at the other person and take the heat off yourself. Get 10 extra points if you can make them apologize.


If you're not a Democrat or a liberal, why do you keep towing their party line, going so far as to repeat the things that have been proven untrue?


New Member
Originally posted by SmallTown
I personally haven't seen where Kerry has gone full force with being a war hero. The topics I most often here are questioning Bush's military "plans" for Iraq and the economy. And on those two topics, I don't think Kerry has a strong answer.

Yes, if Kerry tried to wimp out of vietnam and now is trying to ride his military service into the white house, it won't work. But it also shows what kind of people the republicans are when they go after the military record of someone who actually WENT there, when their beloved candidate took the wrong turn on his way to vietnam and ended up in fantasy island.

All that Kerry and democrats talked about during the primaries was his damn war record. Its not the republicans that are exposing Kerry, it is vets that served with him. LOL The republicans always have scrutinized his record as a senator.


Well-Known Member
His latest TV ad focusses almost entirely on his experience as a veteran, including comments from some of those who served with him.


Football season!
Originally posted by vraiblonde
Uh-huh. Straight out of the Democrats playbook. Get busted out on your own story, then switch topics to point the finger at the other person and take the heat off yourself. Get 10 extra points if you can make them apologize.


If you're not a Democrat or a liberal, why do you keep towing their party line, going so far as to repeat the things that have been proven untrue?

Hardly. Bush's "time" was documented, but that is it. So ducking a war "legally" has no bearing on your thoughts of his character? Please. I'm sure if Kerry and Bush both new they would be running for president back then, both would have done things differently.

As for my "liberal tendencies", I don't see that at all. I am just an individual who is frustrated with our current administration which just so happens to be republican. Had I been around during the glory years of Clinton, you would have been saying I was a hard core conservative.

8 years of clinton. at least 4 years of dubya. possible 4 years of kerry. Not a lot there to be proud about. I only hope one of the parties can come up with a good candidate in 2008. I'm tired of voting against someone rather than for someone.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by SmallTown
I only hope one of the parties can come up with a good candidate in 2008. I'm tired of voting against someone rather than for someone.
Amen to that. But I suspect that your definition of a "good" candidate and mine are probably very different.

That said, who would be your ideal? Create a candidate. Here's mine:

  • Isn't afraid to tell special interest groups to go to hell.
  • Isn't afraid to be called a racist, homophobe or misogynist by making them take responsibility for their own behavior.
  • Is ruthless with terrorists and rogue nations - would just as soon bomb them as look at them.
  • Doesn't feel the need to apologize for something he didn't do.
  • Is honest - when he screws up, he says he screwed up, then tells you why.
  • Doesn't pretend to feel sorry for the dregs of society who have made their own problems and now want to take MY money to fix them.
  • Puts hostile reporters at the back of the room and refuses to call on them. If a hostile reporter's question happens to sneak through, isn't afraid to tell them to sit down and shut up. Tells the media, "You know what? You're just some lowlife reporter - I'm the President of the United States. Please explain to me why you think you know more about it than I do?"
  • Has some dignity. No screwing interns in the Oval Office.

There's probably more but that's all I can think of right now.


New Member
What I always find that is amazing, is that weven the Clinton News Networks polls always show that when they poll Dems on the top reasons for voting for Kerry, they always says " HE's NOT BUSH!". I find it hilarious that the Dem's not he sucks. They care more about beating bush then putting someone in the white house that is know a known liar...LOL...again!