Keystone Cops Shoot Own...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I agree...

Warron said:
If police can safely pursue and capture a suspect without hurting anyone else, I am all for it. But if the police are doing more damage then the person they are trying to catch, then they are not doing their job and might as well let the guy get away.

But then again, we could always go back to the Dillinger days where the police shot into a crowd hitting 7 bystanders to take him down and he didn’t even have a gun in his hand.

...and I think training is the issue here. You can't simulate a real chase where innocent bystanders are almost killed with each passing mile nor the adrenaline rush the cops gets from going 90 and almost getting killed himself nor the fear/anger/rage when they finally get the bad guy. Is he armed? Is he gonna shoot? Is he gonna sandbag us then come up with a weapon?

BUT you can practice shooting moving cars in the engine block from a helicopter. And you can practice shooting cars from up close that have to stop and turn around and the patrol office has a couple of seconds to get off a good, safe shot.

Right now, the field of fire and shoot/no shoot discipline of the cops ain't what it could be and it's not their fault. A great many of these chases we see there is an opportunity to stop the vehicle.

BUT they need training to do it.


vraiblonde said:
Yeah, because Compton residents are just so unfamiliar with shootings and violence. :rolleyes:

They were making a big deal about this on MSNBC this morning - how these terrible policemen shot an unarmed man. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: No mention of the chase or the crack, just made it sound like these bad cops opened fire on this guy for no reason.

I would love to see these whiners take a trip to the 'hood and be confronted with some crackhead. We'll see how sympathetic they are then.

So I guess that if you run from cops or use drugs you should receive the death penalty? That is the sentence these JBT's passed on this guy. They said they were in fear for their life when the SUV lurched towards them. I saw the video, it looks like the Suv lurched towards them after they started shooting at the suspect.
I guess if the guy had been respectable looking and hadn't of admitted to doing drugs you would then have been shockedat the shooting? Or do you believe that anyone that doesn't do exactly as the cops say should be shot?

The police are suppose to be here to protect (laughable) and serve (rule?) not judge and execute!

Larry Gude

Strung Out
These cops lost control...

Pushrod said:
So I guess that if you run from cops or use drugs you should receive the death penalty? That is the sentence these JBT's passed on this guy. They said they were in fear for their life when the SUV lurched towards them. I saw the video, it looks like the Suv lurched towards them after they started shooting at the suspect.
I guess if the guy had been respectable looking and hadn't of admitted to doing drugs you would then have been shockedat the shooting? Or do you believe that anyone that doesn't do exactly as the cops say should be shot?

The police are suppose to be here to protect (laughable) and serve (rule?) not judge and execute!

...and it's obvious from the video. They entered into a pack mentality and I don't want no pack of anything making life and death decisions.

Again, shooting the engine block thereby stopping the vehicle seems justifiable in this situation.

Shooting up the neighborhood and each other sure doesn't.


I say a 10 gauge is heck of a lot cheaper to operate, than say a Desert Eagle or some helicopter sniper platform. I would hate to think of the cost to the tax payer. I believe Ithaca produced some model along these lines, Roadblocker. (?)