Kid Nation


canuk woman

I wanted to catch it before they cancelled it. I think the shows pretty cool and the recent episode made me go aw a bit because the council awarded that gold star to a girl because it was her birthday. Seriously if that Greg dude wants a gold star really bad he has to do more than just work hard he has to watch his fricken attitude.

canuk woman

who says it is going to be cancelled?:(

People thought it was a dumb idea about the exploiting and all that I do agree with the post showdown choice in the first episode but in the recent episode I don't really agree because they didn't have microwaves in the late 19th century last time I checked the Microwave was invented in the 40's

canuk woman

OMG after last nights episode I just started crying because another one left and this is like episode 4 and two people are gone
People thought it was a dumb idea about the exploiting and all that I do agree with the post showdown choice in the first episode but in the recent episode I don't really agree because they didn't have microwaves in the late 19th century last time I checked the Microwave was invented in the 40's

Here you go. [ ...... ,,,,,,,] I have extras. You're welcome.



New Member
who says it is going to be cancelled?:(

CBS track record. They cancelled Priate Master mid season. At least, the unaired episodes were posted at CBS.Com for streaming video.
So many serialized shows lately have been cancelled before answers given, think Reunion, Ransom, The Class, and the aforementioned Priate Master.

canuk woman

CBS track record. They cancelled Priate Master mid season. At least, the unaired episodes were posted at CBS.Com for streaming video.
So many serialized shows lately have been cancelled before answers given, think Reunion, Ransom, The Class, and the aforementioned Priate Master.

Reunion was a FOX show not a CBS show then what was Ransom?

canuk woman

The reign of Taylor is over and the smart mouth on the blue team finally got the gold star (well I thought he deserved it after seeing him console one of the younger girls it made me want to awww) I don't know about you guys but Taylor is Nelle Oleson in Laura Ingalls Wilder's body (Yes I've seen Little House on the Prairie....and got bored after awhile too wholesome)


Ummmmm ....
I have no idea of how I got hooked on this show ... but I watch it. Taylor definitely does remind me of Laura Ingles - especially with those braids - and Nelle with that attitude! She's such a beautiful little girl. But it will be interesting to see how she begins to behave now that she's not at the podium.

canuk woman

I have no idea of how I got hooked on this show ... but I watch it. Taylor definitely does remind me of Laura Ingles - especially with those braids - and Nelle with that attitude! She's such a beautiful little girl. But it will be interesting to see how she begins to behave now that she's not at the podium.

I meant to say Nellie but same thing yeah I know I wonder if Greg will keep working even after he finally gets a star

High EGT

Gort! Klaatu barada nikto
Unfortunately by watching your supporting child exploitation. Let’s just do a reality show about the daily life in a Chinese sweat shop.

canuk woman

Explains why Canuk likes it.

Not true I'm only watching it because it kinda reminds me of Total Drama Island which is an animated reality show in Canada except in Kid nation no one gets voted off. if you don't believe me then visit this site