Kidney Stone?



Hopefully DW is at the emergency room now getting an CT scan.


mama to two
Not a Dr. or a nurse but it may be just a kink, from the way you slept or maybe sitting. Roll your shoulders 'like doing' the cabbage patch' to work it out. If it turns sharp or increases please see someone. If its a stone, with or without a history of them, you'll know soon enough. Not to scare but when I had my heart attack at a young 36 I never had chest pain it was in my back. You know you better than anyone and can set the level of pain meter. If it reaches 6 go to get seen by someone. IMHO


Wow, deb. Glad you are still here. My hub's dad died of a heart attack at age 39. You are blessed and so is this forum to have you here as a member. :huggy:


Luvin Life !!!
If you are not at the ER as of yet. Drink plenty of water and cranberry juice, no beer for now and get to the doctors ASAP. Not plenty of young'ins left here. So we have to look out for each other. :huggy:

P.S. This is a perfect time to get some TLC and pampering from the wife.:wink:


I bowl overhand
That is the way I am. I can handle a lot, but this #### really hurts.
Wife asked me if I wanted to go to the ER, "Hell no".

If it was a Kidney Stone you'd be begging to go the ER for the drugs... no lie.

Well, if had a manly kidney. stone..

They're as hard as Calculus..


If it was a Kidney Stone you'd be begging to go the ER for the drugs... no lie.

Well, if had a manly kidney. stone..

They're as hard as Calculus..

My husband has had 3, one in Iraq, one in Afghanistan and one here at home which was the last one (probably not the last one though). I feel so bad after seeing how bad it was knowing he was in those foreign countries being in so much pain. He said the worst was in Iraq, the very first one. Once they pass, it's all good, but up to that point there is not much that helps with the pain at all. I was always told that to a man a kidney stone is the equivalent to a woman giving birth.


Happy Creepy Ass Cracka
My husband has had 3, one in Iraq, one in Afghanistan and one here at home which was the last one (probably not the last one though). I feel so bad after seeing how bad it was knowing he was in those foreign countries being in so much pain. He said the worst was in Iraq, the very first one. Once they pass, it's all good, but up to that point there is not much that helps with the pain at all. I was always told that to a man a kidney stone is the equivalent to a woman giving birth.

I hope your hubby is drinking more water each day than he wants. It's the only way to stop kidney stones that are caused by getting dehydrated (which I suppose is what was happening on his deployments). If he keeps having them, there are some medicines that can stop certain types of stones.

As far as the pain being like childbirth: my father said that if you want to feel the pain similar to a kidney stone, take ahold of your lower lip with both hands. Pull the lip out about an inch.........then jerk your lower lip up over your forehead until it touches your ears. :lmao: