Kids Driving too Young


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I'll second Cari's No No No...

...or third or fourth or whatever it is by now.

This stuff comes up whenever some new driver gets in a major accident that makes the news. I would be interested to know the actual numbers - my gut says that more teenagers DON'T kill themselves by driving recklessly than those that do. The basis for my gut feeling (that I would lay money on) is that more of my son's high school class are living than dead. And they all got their driver's licenses about the same time. Now it could be different in you all's high schools - I don't know.

Personally, I would outlaw driving by truckers on the beltway because they're the ones that I have to dodge the most often. And I would outlaw women who talk on cellphones while driving - two almost got me just this week.

It's interesting to note that the only two students in our local high school that died on the road in the last three years both had names where the first name and last name started with the same letter. So let's refuse drivers licenses to teens with alliterative names! That should do it!

And, yes, it IS a lovely day! :smile:

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
just asking...

Originally posted by Ken King

I think if people would quit bitching and get active they could get some of these drivers "straightened out". I know if I see someone operating in a dangerous manner I report them. I have even reported officers and stood by while they were called in and issued a citation for the act I reported.

I have been passed three times on the double yellow line on Indian Bridge Road in the last month - I guess 5 to 10 miles an hour over the 40 MPH speed limit isn't fast enough. They all blew by me so fast I didn't get their tag number - only a description of their car. Should I speed up so I can get their tag number? Or just report the incident with a description of the vehicle. Also, is it appropriate to dial 911 in these situations to report them or do you call the Sheriff's office directly?

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Re: just asking...

Originally posted by jazz lady

I have been passed three times on the double yellow line on Indian Bridge Road in the last month - I guess 5 to 10 miles an hour over the 40 MPH speed limit isn't fast enough. They all blew by me so fast I didn't get their tag number - only a description of their car. Should I speed up so I can get their tag number? Or just report the incident with a description of the vehicle. Also, is it appropriate to dial 911 in these situations to report them or do you call the Sheriff's office directly?

No speeding isn't the way to do it, though I am amazed that you couldn't read the tag number if they are overtaking you. I also wouldn't cal 911, instead use the commercial number found in your local phone book. Let them know this is a regular occurrence and they might patrol the area or set up radar to catch them.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by jetmonkey

Jeezus, why is everyone so sensitive today? Ever see Internal Affairs? You're a big baby, covered with buttons, and I just reach out and push them. Yes, Ken, I ignore it every freakin' day. If I called in every infraction I saw I wouldn't have time to do anything else! Criminey....

Maybe they are tired of dealing with an "ass clown" like you. Ignore it then, I don't care but if someone comes close to causing me to wreck you can bet your ass I'll report them and I don't care if they are driving blue and white or that puke green color.

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
Re: Re: just asking...

Originally posted by Ken King

No speeding isn't the way to do it, though I am amazed that you couldn't read the tag number if they are overtaking you. I also wouldn't cal 911, instead use the commercial number found in your local phone book. Let them know this is a regular occurrence and they might patrol the area or set up radar to catch them.

One passed me on a blind curve with cars coming, so I swerved off the road to avoid a collision. By the time I recovered, he was gone. Another had no front tag - again, roaring by with cars coming - same avoidance manuever. The third was rather unexpected - guy had been tailgating on and off, then backed off some and then just floored it - again, cars coming the other way. See a pattern here?

Anyway, I'm much more aware of the problem now and will try to get the tag number and report them. I do know they regularly have radar set up for speeders - maybe they can do something about the illegal passing.

One other question (and this may be one for the stupid question forum): what about reporting someone who is driving very erratically and you suspect may be driving drunk? Phone 911 or the Sheriff's Office? I say call 911 as this is endangering the public's safety.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Jet, were you a teenager or a stuntman?

About reporting reckless drivers: Some people are name-takers and hall monitors. I am neither. But, like Cari, we do complain when it's in our neighborhood.


Indy Bound
Well I may be harsh but I am young too (23) and I do remember what it was like in high school. I had an accident, not because I was doing anything wrong, but I was to inexpierenced to handle the car. I didn't have enough driving behind me. I panicked. I just wonder if your kid was killed in an accident by another kid would you feel the same way? Kids don't always listen to parents and maybe your kid is a good driver but if mine isn't and I let him drive and he kills yours, I am responsible and if he were 18 he might have been a little more mature. I know the 2 years from 16 to 18 I matured a great deal just from growing up. I just don't want to be slammed head on by a kid.



Kids don't always listen to parents and maybe your kid is a good driver but if mine isn't and I let him drive and he kills yours, I am responsible and if he were 18 he might have been a little more mature. I know the 2 years from 16 to 18 I matured a great deal just from growing up. I just don't want to be slammed head on by a kid.

It doesn't matter whether we start driving at 16 or at 18... we are still going to be immature when it comes to driving. The only way to become experienced is to get out on the road and drive. I can honestly say that I learn something new usually everyday on the road. Plus, I have been known to call L-town barrack and report drivers... and I'll continue to do it too.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Man, Jen! Old before your time! You're not supposed to start getting crotchety until you're in your 40's or 50's!

Ken King, since you're laid up with a bit of time on your hands (and better at this stuff than I am) would you pretty please run down the stats of who is the biggest threat on the roads? Is it kids or adults, males or females?


b*tch rocket

I don't want to be slammed head on by anyone, don't care if it's a kid or a 40 year old. You take that risk every time you venture out on the roads. My kid being killed by a kid or an adult doesn't change the fact that he/she is dead. The best preventative measures I take, is to ensure that I'm aware of what is going on around me at all times. That's about all you can do.


Indy Bound
Well I feel once you are 18 you are of age and only responsible for yourself. I know when I had my accident, my parents almost got sued for something they had no part of. I was a minor and they were responsible. I don't think its fair that they should have to pay for my mistake. I didnt have their permission therefore, they should not be responsible.

I think that maybe you should get a restricted liscence at 16 that doesn't allow you to drive other kids around or after a certain time at night (earlier than midnight) then at 18 you get them off. Plus I never understood why parents would give a 16 year old a brand new sports car. I see it all the time. Its just begging for trouble.

I do agree that not all kids screw up but a lot of them do. If we can prevent one or two from dying, don't you think if it were your kid that was saved you would appreciate it?


Originally posted by jeneisen

I think that maybe you should get a restricted liscence at 16 that doesn't allow you to drive other kids around or after a certain time at night (earlier than midnight) then at 18 you get them off. Plus I never understood why parents would give a 16 year old a brand new sports car. I see it all the time. Its just begging for trouble.

I do agree that not all kids screw up but a lot of them do. If we can prevent one or two from dying, don't you think if it were your kid that was saved you would appreciate it?

I agree with the having a new restriction on a liscence saying that there can not be other kids in the car. But I do not agree with making them be off of the road earlier than midnight. Most kids have a job at 16... and most of them are at resturants and can't leave earlier than 1100 1130... how would they continue to have that job!?!?!?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Jen, now you're startig to sound like Barbara Boxer and I'm getting skeered (as Tater would say). You can't penalize all for the actions of a few - if that were the case, no one would be able to so much as purchase McDonald's coffee.

I'd actually go for the more restrictive provisional license, though. Has anyone seen the new "black box" for cars? This is THE COOLEST thing and I'd love to have something like this for my daughters! Too late for my son (because he's 19 and in Korea - kind of out of my jurisdiction right now) but we'll pay any amount of $$ to have one of these for the girls.


b*tch rocket
Once again! Oh please!

Whoever said life was fair? And for heavens sakes, we'd all be much safer if we just make driving a car illegal and go back to horse and buggy. That would save thousands of lives, not just one or two.

And.... If your own parents couldn't even restrain you, and you went out and got in an accident, which they had to pay for, what in the world would ever make you think any law "restricting you from driving after midnight" would make any difference?

Why is it that everyone thinks that passing all these "feel good" laws "to protect the children" will do anything except for getting another worthless politician elected again.

Come on people, it's called responsible parenting, and foot up little Johnny or Mary's behind when they do something foolish. I know I still have foot imprints (or is that cellulite) on my behind from when I was growing up! You gotta stop punishing the good kids because some a-hole, tard of a kid, who wouldn't follow the law anyway, goes out driving like a maniac.


Indy Bound
My issue is with both. I think that at any age you can be careless but at least you are responsible for your own actions. I just think it would be a lot easier to have more restrictions or something. I see too many "younger people" driving this way more than I do with older people. Maybe its just where I live but I see a teen everyday racing down the road.


Originally posted by jeneisen
My issue is with both. I think that at any age you can be careless but at least you are responsible for your own actions. I just think it would be a lot easier to have more restrictions or something. I see too many "younger people" driving this way more than I do with older people. Maybe its just where I live but I see a teen everyday racing down the road.

There's always one that ruins something for all.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Re: Once again! Oh please!

Originally posted by Christy
...And for heavens sakes, we'd all be much safer if we just make driving a car illegal and go back to horse and buggy. That would save thousands of lives, not just one or two....
Yeah, but the exhaust would play hell on the air quality!!! :lmao: