Kinda Eating Healthier


Thats how them b*tch's R
EAT BREAKFAST! That doesn't mean donuts or a Honey Bun (600 + or - cals) a bowl of whole grain high fiber cereal with 2% or less milk. Skip the bread as much as possible, add some exercise, and eat 5 to 6 times a day, small meals only. Download or use to help you with your intake. Here's tonight's meal plan:

That looks really good! What I don't get is why recipes will tell you how many servings there are but not how big the actual serving is. I don't want to have to guess or take my meal that should be 6 servings and try to separate it into 6 even servings.


Well-Known Member
For millions of years, our caveman evolutionary imperative dictated that we "eat whenever and whatever we can now, because tomorrow we might not stumble upon the carcass of a lion kill to scavenge on." That mandate is still part of our human psyche. Eating all that's in front of you is not your fault.

In the last 150 years, food manufacturers and processors have become experts at making food taste (and look and smell) better. They do it by adding primarily salt, fat and sugar as well as chemical flavoring and preservatives. They want you to eat more so they sell more and make more money. I've made potato chips without salt or fat. They tasted awful. I've baked pleasant looking corn chips without salt, fat or chemical flavorings. They tasted awful. You would not eat the whole bag. But add the salt, fat and flavoring that food processors do, and you have fiery nacho cheese flavored corn chips and you will eat the whole bag. If you eat for just taste, you will pay the price. You must eat for your life.

It takes will-power to NOT eat more than one slice of a stuff crust, multi-cheese, multi-meat deep dish pizza sitting right there in front of you... all steaming hot and smelly. I got that will-power after my nearly fatal heart attack at 49 years of age. After that, it was easy. I surprised myself by throwing away 5/6 of that pizza and never thinking twice about it. I was motivated. In fact, I could throw the whole thing away... usually.

You post about being hungry in the evening. Okay, be hungry. Gandhi didn't eat any food for days at a time... a few times for 21 days. Most doctors will tell you a normally healthy person can easily live for 3 weeks or longer without any food. Don't let a little hunger in the evening keep you from NOT eating too much food. Go to bed a little hungry every once in a while. It's not going to kill you, in fact, in may save your life.

Get a scale and start recording your weight. Get a BP meter and start recording your BP. You can't motivate yourself to lower either if you can't see your progress... and that could take months, even years.

IMHO, life is more important than tasty food and feeling full every night. BTW, most diet food will never taste as good as adulterated food laden with salt, fat, sugar, artificial chemicals and preservatives. You'll just have to 'live' with that fact.

We have a Sunbeam digital B.P. cuff. I took my B.P this morning at 0600; before coffee. You don't wanna know what the #'s were.
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