Fire Marshal Kitchen electrical fire in Lusby result in $200,000 loss

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Date: 11/25/22

Time: 1:45 a.m.

Location / Address: 11528 Ropeknot Road, Lusby, Calvert County, Maryland

Type of Incident: Fire

Description of Structure / Property: 1 Story Rancher style home with walkout basement

Owner / Occupants: Carl Bucheister

Injuries or Deaths: None

Estimated $ Loss: Structure: $ 175,000.00 Contents: $ 25,000.00

Smoke Alarm Status: Present

Fire Alarm / Sprinkler Status: None

Arrests(s): None

Primary Responding Fire Department: Solomons Volunteer Fire Department

# of Alarms: 1 # Of Firefighters: 35

Time to Control: 10 minutes

Discovered By: Occupants

Area of Origin: Kitchen

Preliminary Cause: Accidental

Additional Information: The fire was caused by an unspecified electrical event in the kitchen. The occupants of the home were alerted to the fire by the smoke coming from the kitchen. All occupants were able to safely escape and are being assisted by the American Red Cross.