Kitchen Knives


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I know it's a little ghey, but I have the miracle blades (infomercial) and They work very well! I think they were around $100 for the whole set.. steak knives (8), carving knoves (2), ginsu (SP?) (1), Chopping (1), pearing (1) and
another larger one not sure what to call it. I hope this helps some!

We bought the miracle blades on tv. We've had them for years and they are still SUPER sharp (I've got a lovely scar on my hand to prove it). Makes cutting very easy. Ours came with a block to put them in and we paid $40! Everybody that uses them at my house wants a joke. I added the link. Looks like it is buy one get one set free right now. It is totally worth it. Oh, they wash great in the dishwasher and show no signs of wear or dullness after maybe 3 years.

Miracle Blade III - As Seen on TV


I love her wild,wild hair
I got my knives back in 82 from the Culinary Institute in Burlington, VT. They are what they were using there at the time, they don't have a brand on them but are the best knives I've ever used and I've used some of the best brand names. I keep them pristine with mineral oil on the wood handles, sharpened with a diamond hone sharpener and hang them on a magnetic holder on the wall where they are always ready to be used. I was taught to never use hot water to wash them and dishwasher were sure death to a good knife. I use them a lot and have even butchered cows and pigs with them. They would be the first thing I grabbed if the farmhouse caught on fire after the kids and dog of course.


Sweet and Innocent
I absolutely LOVE the Pampered Chef knives. Then again, I LOVE everything Pampered Chef!

I'm glad to hear that you love Pampered Chef products! I'm the Pampered Chef Consultant and love all of the products!

All of Pampered Chef knives have protection sleeve case to keep yourself from cutting your finger while it is storaged away in the drawers. They also have honing set for you to sharp your knives when you need to sharp them. Also, the best part is that the Pampered Chef Knives are covered by Lifetime Warranty, so if it chipped, broke, rusted, or whatever, they will mail you new knife at No Charge!

Also, I think they will fit in the wood block that Vrai posted a link from Bed, Bath, and Beyond.


I know nothing
I graduated from college about a year and a half ago, and when I moved into my apartment, I caried all my old college crap with me, meaning the complete 27 cookware set from target that I bought for like $40. Since I started making some nice money now, I began upgrading all the pots and pans to the Calphalon anodized set. With the completion of that set coming up, I wanted next to focus on getting some nice kitchen knives.
I'm looking to get a block set, but don't know the first thing about brands. Does anybody know anything about knives?

Go back to target. They have really updated and are selling some very good kitchen and cooking ware.

I had a nice set of Henckels back when I attended Johnson & Wales. Some how they ened up at my parents and they refused to give them back.:lmao:

I found a great block set for the house at target. I have to say, I've had those henckels for 2 years, use them daily and they still hold thier edge. I havent had to sharpen them yet


PREMO Member
We have a set of Calphalon.
This is the one that almost killed me.


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New Member
A very good set of knives that we got about a year ago are made by Furi.

They make an all metal design that doesn't use plastic or wood as a grip. We do a lot of work with chicken and a one piece knife was a priority to me. I am a freak about salmonella and other "garbage" that can get trapped in handles.

I agree with the hot water and DW's-they will kill a knife edge. So after a use it's a quick wash with soap and water, wipe off and back in the bamboo block.

I think the set was $350 for everything [block and about 6 knives].

As far as cookware goes. NOTHING beats All-Clad. Awesome pots and pans. We have a complete set of their Cop-R-Chef. Very nice to cook with.


Supper's Ready

Just bought one of these

Miyabi 600d.jpg

today up in Annapolis at Sur la Table. Can't wait to start using it. :yahoo:

Looks like the price was right also, I see it listed on the link at $206 (which is a LOT for a knife - or at least much more than I'm willing to pay for one), but they had it on sale for $99. (edit: After browsing, it looks like there are other places who have it around that price, too though.)

I was told Miyabi is a Henckels spin-off brand. Feels good and very balanced holding it. Not too heavy, but heavy enough to cut with authority through the more dense foods. Scary sharp.

The store manager whom I bought it from is one of those knife-obsessed types (which I think is good, you don't see too many of those around) who was great talking with about the various knives. When I need it sharpened, I'll just bring it to him.

Anyhow, that was my adventure for the day..
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Active Member
I'm looking for new knives, too. A friend in the navy gave me a Ginsu knife back in 79 as a gift for my first try at cooking a Thanksgiving dinner. All the years of putting it in the dishwasher finally disintegrated the handle. But the knife was awesome, all those years. It wasn't until a couple of years ago that I noticed it was no good for doing things like cutting steaks off a whole NY strip.

Can't bring myself to paying $300 for a knife, after using a free ginsu for all those years. ;)