Kitty Kelley on Hardball


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Chris is trying but she's obviously lying her ass off.

Chris: Did you talk to (someone who Kelley "quoted" in her book)?
Kitty: No
Chris: Why not?
Kitty: ...uh...mmm...he wouldn't talk to me
Chris: Why not?
Kitty: was afraid!

Chris: Had (someone else Kitty "quoted") ever met President Bush?
Kitty: Not sure what you mean...
Chris: Had he ever met the President in person?
Chris: Then how does he know these things?
Kitty: He told me those things were true.
Chris: But how does he know if he never met Bush or spent any time with him?
Kitty: Because he told me!
Chris: But how do you know he's tellign the truth?
Kitty: Because he told me!

Kitty: A hooker who was George Bush's girlfriend :)rolleyes:) was going to go public and got a visit from some men in dark suits who threatened her!

What a farce! Must get a transcript. :mad:

Now Kitty's getting angry because Chris is questioning her on her unverified "sources".

Now Chris is reading from her book: Laura Bush was the go-to girl at her college when you wanted dope. Not merely a druggie, but a drug kingpin who worked her way through college selling drugs!

Every single one of her sources is "unnamed", have never actually met George Bush or, in the case of Sharon Bush, Kitty "forgot" to record the conversation.

Chris: Did ANYONE come forward to say that they had done drugs with George Bush?
Kitty: No. But it's still true.

Chris: Do you mean to tell me that in a 600 page book, every single one of your sources is "unnamed"?
Kitty: That's how evil and powerful the Bushes are and how afraid of them everyone is.

Such bullshit.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Guest #2 was the guy that wrote "Chain of Command" about the "abuses" at Abu Ghraib. Chris asked him "who told you that?" about several of his allegations and each time the guy wouldn't say. "Don't push me on this, Chris." :rolleyes:

So all these nuts are coming out of the woodwork with their "unnamed sources" and somehow they have credibility. But the SVB guys, who are about public as public can be, have NO credibility?

I officially hate all Democrats and swear I will never vote for another one as long as I live.


* * * * * * * * *
Staff member
PREMO Member
vraiblonde said:
So all these nuts are coming out of the woodwork with their "unnamed sources" and somehow they have credibility.

Not with me they don't. You have to wonder why this crapola wasn't drug out during the last election if it was true. :duh:


Sorry about that chief.
vraiblonde said:
I officially hate all Democrats and swear I will never vote for another one as long as I live.

Well, isn't that special. Like anybody thought you EVER felt otherwise. :duh: But, what makes you think these people were democrats? Just because you hate republicans doesn't mean you are a democrat. Contrary to public opinion, I'm not one, I even voted for the emasculated idjit republican governer of this state, because the democrat was even worse. Kind of like the presidential choices.

Maybe all these unnamed sources who talk about crazy stuff are the ones that told dubya about the WMD, and Saddam having to do with 9/11, you think??!!?!


Asperger's Poster Child
This isn't the first time Kelley has tried to "dish" on the Bush family. Her book on Nancy Reagan claims that George H.W. Bush had a girlfriend while he was VP. Allegedly, George Schultz and Attorney General William French Smith were called away from a D.C. dinner party in 1981. When they got back, they were laughing their asses off about Bush getting in to a minor traffic accident with his girlfriend, and the VP asked them to help him keep the accident off the D.C. police blotter.

I don't put a lot of stock in Kelley's stuff, partly because her bibliography is so catty and mean-spirited.


Sorry about that chief.
I think most people (with the exception of CBS) realize her "books" are best suited for the supermarket checkout aisles.


Asperger's Poster Child
jlabsher said:
I think most people (with the exception of CBS) realize her "books" are best suited for the supermarket checkout aisles.
Exactly my point. Like a trash novel about Hollywood, Kelley's trash portrays the rich and powerful as amoral scumbags. The idea is that we ordinary Joes and Josephines are supposed to feel superior to those people.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
jlabsher said:
Like anybody thought you EVER felt otherwise.
Obviously you know as much about my voting record as you do about anything else - nothing.

Maybe all these unnamed sources who talk about crazy stuff are the ones that told dubya about the WMD, and Saddam having to do with 9/11, you think??!!?!
Actually, Bill Clinton, Sandy Berger, Madeline Albright and Bill Cohen were the ones who told W about the weapons of mass destruction - unless W wasn't paying attention when they told the press and the rest of us. Maybe you just crawled out from under your rock in the last 3 years, but I remember the 90's quite well.

If you had any integrity (ha ha), you'd punch your chad for Bush in November not because you love him, but to prevent a dangerous person like John Kerry from becoming President of the United States.

I think most people (with the exception of CBS) realize her "books" are best suited for the supermarket checkout aisles.
The difference is that most fiction writers aren't blasted all over the Today Show, Hardball, and whoever else has let Kitty Kelley out of her padded cell to tout her lies. So, no, most people don't realize that she's a fraud and a liar because the mainstream media (who vote overwhelmingly Democrat, according to surveys) are giving her credibility.

If nothing else, you should be outraged that the media and a few lose screws are trying to steal the election by telling lies to the American people.


Sorry about that chief.
Why should I vote for Bush? I'm in MD, a democratic stronghold, so thanks to the electoral college any vote for Bush is worthless (including yours). Kind of like his foreign & domestic policies.


Well-Known Member
I am surprised, after reading the thread about Hardball and the Swift boat guys, that Matthews didn't support Kitty.


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
jlabsher said:
Why should I vote for Bush? I'm in MD, a democratic stronghold, so thanks to the electoral college any vote for Bush is worthless (including yours). Kind of like his foreign & domestic policies.
In that case... isn't any vote for Kerry worthless, if he'll win Maryland anyway?
Why not just stay home?

If Erhlich can win in MD... it's not too much of a stretch to say that GW can win too.


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
willie said:
I am surprised, after reading the thread about Hardball and the Swift boat guys, that Matthews didn't support Kitty.
Maybe he's been watching CBS and didn't want to get in the sh!t that they're in. :lol:


Sorry about that chief.
sleuth said:
If Erhlich can win in MD... it's not too much of a stretch to say that GW can win too.

I don't think so, Erlich won because Glenndenning was such a tool that he screwed the democrats, and having an ultra liberal running as their candidate didn't hurt either. That was right after I got to this state but that is my simplistic take on it.

But in the presidential election, most of the urban Marylandites will be voting ABB.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
jlabsher said:
Why should I vote for Bush? I'm in MD, a democratic stronghold, so thanks to the electoral college any vote for Bush is worthless (including yours). Kind of like his foreign & domestic policies.
Electors give their vote to whoever wins the majority in their state. So it's ignorant to say any vote for Bush is worthless because it's no more worthless than a vote for Kerry. If enough sane people get out and vote, we can wrest our election away from the ghetto-dwellers and homeless people whose vote can be bought with a pack of cigarettes.

So why don't you just admit that you will vote for John Kerry no matter what? You try to pretend that you're some independent, when it's obvious that you're an ABB nutball.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
willie said:
I am surprised, after reading the thread about Hardball and the Swift boat guys, that Matthews didn't support Kitty.
The difference between the two interviews was stunning. Chris literally took the SBV guy apart - yelling at him, disparaging him, wouldn't let him finish a sentence, lambasted him so badly it was embarrassing. Chris should have lost his job after that little stunt.

Contrast that to his loving treatment of Kitty Kelley last night - letting her have all the time in the world to formulate a response, answering for her when she couldn't come up with anything, not giving her much of a challenge when she said over and over that there was no one to substantiate the claims in her book.

MSNBC is no better than CBS, as far as I'm concerned.


Sorry about that chief.
vraiblonde said:
If enough sane people get out and vote, we can wrest our election away from the ghetto-dwellers and homeless people whose vote can be bought with a pack of cigarettes. You try to pretend that you're some independent, when it's obvious that you're an ABB nutball.

Do you wear leather and use a whip at home too?

This was in response to YOUR statement that YOU officially hate all democrats and would never, ever vote Democrat. Now if somebody says they would vote ABB they become a raging, one-way nutball? This logic would make Mr Spock (as well as the baby Jeebus) weep.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
jlabsher said:
This logic would make Mr Spock (as well as the baby Jeebus) weep.
It's not surprising you'd feel that way, considering that "logic" isn't your strong suit.

Wake me up when the Republicans start forging documents and writing books and movies filled with lies intended to skew the election.