Kitty Kelley on Hardball


Sorry about that chief.
vraiblonde said:
It's not surprising you'd feel that way, considering that "logic" isn't your strong suit.

Wake me up when the Republicans start forging documents and writing books and movies filled with lies ...

Didn't that get us into Iraq?


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
jlabsher said:
Why should I vote for Bush? I'm in MD, a democratic stronghold, so thanks to the electoral college any vote for Bush is worthless (including yours). Kind of like his foreign & domestic policies.
As long as you and others feel this way, Maryland will always be a Democratic stronghold. It takes voters to turn it around. We can. Most people are Democrat or Republican because their parents were. I actually went against the flow and registered as a Democrat originally even though my parents and grand parents were Republicans. I voted for Carter, not that I am proud of that now. Nice guy, terrible President. I have since changed my party affiliation. The Democratic party has really left the mainstream American. The problem is most mainstream Americans don't bother to understand that fact.

Most citizens oppose abortion - the Democratic platform supports it.
Most citizens support freedom OF religion - the Democratic platform supports freedom FROM religion
Most citizens do not support homosexual marriage - the Democratic platform supports it.
Most citizens support 2nd Amendment rights (37 states have Concealed Carry permits and Vermont allows anyone to carry) - the Democratic platform does not support it even though the official plank reads, "We will protect Americans' Second Amendment right to own firearms," by, "reauthorizing the assault weapons ban, and closing the gun show loophole." So if you read the more than the first clause, you know that this flies in the face of the Second Amendment.

Amendment II (1791)
A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

And before you go off about this being about the National Guard, the law establishing the National Guard was written in 1903, and as you can see, the Second Amendment was written in 1791. Not only that, any English teacher that does not have an agenda and will analyze the sentence structure of the Second Amendment will tell you that "A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state," is a clause and cannot not stand alone. But, "the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed." contains the subject, "right", propositional phrase used as an adjective, "of the people to keep and bear arms", explaining who has the right and what the right is, the compound verb with modifying adverb, "shall not be infringed.". This portion of the Second Amendment can stand alone. Since the definition of "infringed" is

Main Entry: in·fringe
Pronunciation: in-'frinj
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): in·fringed; in·fring·ing
Etymology: Medieval Latin infringere, from Latin, to break, crush, from in- + frangere to break -- more at BREAK
transitive senses
1 : to encroach upon in a way that violates law or the rights of another <infringe a patent>
2 obsolete : DEFEAT, FRUSTRATE
intransitive senses : ENCROACH -- used with on or upon <infringe on our rights>
synonym see TRESPASS
- in·fring·er noun

any law that in any way limits the right of the people of the United States ( you are not one of the people of the state carrying rights unless you are a citizen and felons used to loose their rights) violates the intent of the Second Amendment.


Sorry about that chief.
I'd like to interview Ms Kelly:

So you say Laura was a drug dealer in college?

Yes, that statement is in my book.

Ms Kelly, I knew several drug dealers in college, and Laura Bush is no drug dealer!

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Shouldn't drug dealing and use... enough to get the Clinton vote? How about the Barry vote?

Oh wait. Laura grew up. That's a disqualifier, right?