Kurt Schlichter


PREMO Member

Don't Believe the Media Senate Psych-Out - We’ll Win Big

What matters is that gas costs $6 a gallon. What matters is that parents are tired of little Jimmy coming home from his unionized public school, and announcing that he is now Stacy and that his accursed penis is a tool of white supremacy. What matters is that about half of Latinx Americans are just not having any of this nonsense and are treating the Democrats' demographic wishcasting like Eric Swalwell treats his boxer shorts.

You will hear nothing from the regime media for the next hundred days until the general election except how the GOP is doomed, dying, and done for. It’s a psy-op, and a cheesy one. But it’s all they’ve got. The Democrats know that unless they can disillusion and demoralize us into giving up, they are on the way to the electoral woodchipper. That’s why you will see MSM polling about how our candidates just can’t win. Believe nothing. Remember the one in 2020 showing how Trump was down 17 in Wisconsin? If you believe any polls, I have a slightly used-unicorn to sell you - his name is Chet and he enjoys long walks and interpretative dance.

We can’t let them get us down. We got this. That’s not just talk. The correlation of forces favors us. History teaches us that midterm elections are almost always a festival o’ failure for the party in power. And you combine historical trends with a president whose policies are political monkeypox and you have a red tsunami. Of course, some durwood candidate who maybe is a witch, or hears voices, or who likes to tie up his girlfriends in the basement and get caught, can blow a sure thing. But we seemed to have avoided them this time. All our people have to do to win the Senate majority is not actively screw up.

Let’s go through some of the races, shall we?


PREMO Member

Civilization Cannot Exist Without Righteous Retribution

Imposing order means harshness. It requires that actual criminals be treated with the swift, sudden, and relentless force that today only people who pray at abortion mills or who take selfies in the Capitol receive. Their treatment by the garbage feds demonstrates that law enforcement knows how to crack down. It’s just that the crackdown should be on actual criminals instead of the political enemies of the Biden regime. Cleaning up law enforcement is another topic and another column, or even a whole book. But one thing that must happen is empowering the properly led and directed police to go after the bad people like they today go after the good people. The Soros DAs must be purged. The restraints on policing thugs must come off. We must collectively shrug when a video shows cops capping or kicking the ass of some degenerate, and if there is a riot then that riot must be crushed. We did that in Los Angeles in 1992 – it is a matter of will.

That is the thing – public order and safety are a matter of will. We know how to do it; we’ve done it. We just have to choose to do it again and reject the whining and wailing of those who benefit politically from letting criminals run rampant. You know, Democrats.

And we inevitably will make that choice. It’s human nature; people can only be pushed so far before they either push back themselves or rally behind someone who ruthlessly will. There is going to be a backlash. The question is what kind there will be. I propose a purposeful, conscious backlash where society says “Enough” and uses the present justice system and structures to stamp out crime. But if that does not happen, then there will be a harsher backlash, one that could easily spin out of control into excess. That’s when civilization starts falling apart. Remember the olden days, when there was no crime in mafia neighborhoods because if you tried to mug Mrs. Andolini on her way home from mass the cops found you in the trunk of a Buick parked in New Jersey divided into twelve pieces?

Tough but fair. Yet, the reaction to come might not be so relatively orderly and focused. It’s not a problem for you or me, since we’re not criminals, but it might get out of control. Yet that’s still better than normal people living in fear.

Choose wisely. Choose to stop tolerating this chaos.


PREMO Member

The 2024 Race Is Already Underway

Last Sunday afternoon I got bored – you can only slap around so many Twitter pinko blue checks before it gets monotonous – and I decided to toss a match into a barrel of high-octane gasoline. I tweeted “Okay, let's do this thing. Who do you hardcore patriots want to see win the GOP 2024 nomination right this minute, knowing you can change your mind as the primary progresses...” Then I listed the poll choices and set it to run for two hours. I expected a few hundred results, and for the former president to come in ahead of the pack.

That did not happen. In just two short hours, 14,713 people voted in the poll and the responses were shocking:

  • President Donald J. Trump - 32.6%
  • Governor Ron DeSantis - 64.1%
  • Another based GOPer - 1.8%
  • Liz Cheney or her ilk - 1.6%

Perhaps the most stunning part was that 1.6% of the people following me on Twitter supported Liz Cheney, Larry Hogan, or some other Never Trump dork. But the fact that nearly two-thirds of the poll voters picked Ron DeSantis over Donald Trump was pretty amazing too.

Now, these people are not soft Republicans. These are not moderate invertebrates. These are not cruise ship cons. My timeline is predominantly hardcore folks who generally like Donald Trump. They think he did a pretty good job as president. They think the last election was flawed. They will vote for him if he wins the nomination without hesitation. But only three in ten put him as their first choice for the Republican nomination in 2024.


PREMO Member
The Unbearable Sadness of Toots Swalwell

Poor Eric is as unhappy has the guy trapped in a Buick with him on a hot day after hitting the Taco Bell drive-thru. He cannot be on the Intelligence Committee anymore. His humiliation and bellyaching bode well for the tenure of Kevin McCarthy, the guy who applied his Doc Martens to the Californian’s flatulent fanny. Kevin McCarthy kept his word and kept his off the committee. That’s awesome. It would be easy to back away from his promise – his predecessors made that a habit – but the new Speaker endured the fussy flack of the regime media and held his ground. Excellent. I had my doubts about him, and I’m still not fully convinced, but we need to reward proper behavior.

And making Eric Swalwell sad while protecting our secrets is proper behavior. He is now claiming that he is getting death threats – he even posted some. Amateur. I get harsher ones when I point out how dumb people who think there are more than two genders are – don’t get me started on the hate I’ve gotten over the years when I mock bronies and other perverted weirdos. And He Who Dealt It is accusing Kevin McCarthy of wanting his kids dead. Well, Eric did get the guy who allegedly made the comment fired, but if Swalwell was a man concerned with his family 1) we would not be making Fang Fang jokes because there would have been no Fang Fang bang bang, and 2) he would own what he calls an “assault rifle” to protect his kin – you know, the very weapons he wanted to nuke American patriots for owning.

But he has not done those things. He thinks that if he cries hard enough about the same crap his friends pull on us every day, we will stop talking and defending our interests. But we won’t. If nasty people are nasty to him, too bad. Not our fault, nor our problem. It is not entirely correct to say that I don’t care if people threaten him. It is more that I care exactly about what mean people do to him as much as he cares about what his commie pals do to me.


PREMO Member
You cannot fix a problem if you will not actually do what you need to do to fix the problem, and it is unclear whether these media leaders (that is, at least until the worse generation drives them all away) really want the kind of neutral truth-teller journalism model they all wax nostalgic for. After all, it was not the post-teen radical crowd that pushed the Russia hoax, the insurrection hoax, the climate hoax, the mask/vaxx hoax, the pangolin hoax, and all the other hoaxes. These same “respected journalists” are now upset because these kooky kids are making it hard to hide the bias inherent in the nature of American media.

Krakauer has it right on the nature of the media and how that creates these problems – these people are all the same, geographically co-located in the same coastal enclaves, educated in the same overrated resorts for rich kids, and they are all eager members of the same mediocre ruling class. They talk about speaking truth to power, but that becomes a challenge when they like the power that comes from being them. And they hate the rest of us. They are not us. We are Other. Walk through a major newsroom. Is there anyone who goes to an evangelical church? Who owns a Wilson Combat CQB .45 or similar lead freedom dispenser? Who thinks that men cannot become women through the power of wanting? Who thinks global warming is a crock and that Greta Thunberg is a weird, scowling kobold? How about someone who did a hitch in the 82nd Airborne? Or who did a job that involved perspiration?

These defenders of democracy will never democratize themselves, which is why Krakauer is wrong. He hopes that revealing the regime media’s failures will shame it into reform, but he fails to account for the possibility that these bugs are actually features. The media likes it how it is. The ones currently in charge or with prestige want to keep their power and positions. To them, the real problem with those wokesters is that the younger radicals are the competition.



PREMO Member
For a long time, we had a norm about trying not to prosecute political opponents even when we could. You beat them at the ballot box. But then they got more brazen, and there was no ambiguity about their crimes. They were actual crimes, and they rubbed them in our face. The Felonia Milhouse von Pantsuit toilet server stuff struck a nerve because so many of us knew what a big deal treating classified materials like her husband treated interns is (or was) – if we had done that, we’d be charged and in some fed pen converting large rocks to tiny ones. But she did not get charged. That looming doofus James Comey invented a new legal requirement for the statute that never existed before and never would exist if it was us. And there’s the First Crackhead buying a gun when he’s a drug addict – again, you know that if we lied on a Form 4473 the AFT would be SWATing us in our cribs. They took the sensible norm of reluctance and mocked us with it.

So, let’s not do that anymore. Let’s not bend over backwards to avoid charging our political enemies with their crimes. And if we have to be creative about the crimes and create novel new theories to ensnare our opponents, so be it. Alvin Bragg was creative. That’s the New Rule. Let’s see how they like being served up a dose of that kind of legal suppository.


Yeah, what rule of law is that?



Well-Known Member
For a long time, we had a norm about trying not to prosecute political opponents even when we could. You beat them at the ballot box. But then they got more brazen, and there was no ambiguity about their crimes. They were actual crimes, and they rubbed them in our face. The Felonia Milhouse von Pantsuit toilet server stuff struck a nerve because so many of us knew what a big deal treating classified materials like her husband treated interns is (or was) – if we had done that, we’d be charged and in some fed pen converting large rocks to tiny ones. But she did not get charged. That looming doofus James Comey invented a new legal requirement for the statute that never existed before and never would exist if it was us. And there’s the First Crackhead buying a gun when he’s a drug addict – again, you know that if we lied on a Form 4473 the AFT would be SWATing us in our cribs. They took the sensible norm of reluctance and mocked us with it.

So, let’s not do that anymore. Let’s not bend over backwards to avoid charging our political enemies with their crimes. And if we have to be creative about the crimes and create novel new theories to ensnare our opponents, so be it. Alvin Bragg was creative. That’s the New Rule. Let’s see how they like being served up a dose of that kind of legal suppository.


Yeah, what rule of law is that?

So, after screaming about this crap for better than 25 yrs now, Pundits are finally starting to sound the alarms to stand up & fight....this Country is getting EXACTLY what it deserves....


PREMO Member

We’re Watching the Rule of Law Get Flushed Down the Toilet

Joe Biden – imagine being so lucky as to have an entire regime media out there dedicated to covering up your incompetency, senility, perversion, and corruption. Apparently, this guy is out there taking bribes. Now, I know it's based on an anonymous whistleblower, but apparently, that's the best kind of evidence. That's the kind of evidence you can impeach people for. The New York Post is writing it, and you'll see some of it on Twitter, but what about The New York Times? Republicans pounce on Joe Biden's entrepreneurial activity – to the extent they even mention it. It's total crap, but what are you going to do? Well, we're going to watch the law swirl around the toilet and get flushed into the sewer. Look at the campaign to delegitimize the Supreme Court because it's conservative, the reaction to some freaky spazz who had been arrested 40 times and was out on a warrant for assaulting a 67-year-old woman getting choked out on a New York City subway by a Marine, and the bizarre bullcrap rape case against Donald Trump – have you noticed a common theme among these disparate elements? None of these are like the law. The law has to be one law for everybody, applied equally, all the time. And right now, it isn't.


PREMO Member
The piece of trash governor of New Mexico, whose stupid name I don’t care about and whose state is corrupt enough to put Old Mexico to shame, recently decreed, apparently for the children or something, that the Second Amendment no longer applies there because the criminals she won’t prosecute have created a “public health emergency.” The fact that a significant number of her citizens are barbarians who can’t help but murder one another is apparently justification to eliminate the rights of normal citizens. The question is “What can we do about it?” More specifically, the question is “Can we put this Chardonnay-swilling Democrat harridan in federal prison?”

Well, the Democrats sure think so, judging from the criminal cases they are pursuing against Republicans. And I say let’s take them up on it.

As you know, President Trump is being railroaded, I mean, being subjected to the fair and impartial processes of law, under our fair and impartial Department of Justice (sic), and aided by the fair and impartial FBI that is every bit the glorious organization of love and light and honor and integrity that you see on any of the 600 FBI–themed shows on CBS if you’re among those shut-ins who actually watches network TV. One of the election crimes Trump is charged with is that he allegedly conspired to violate a civil right of American citizens. What right, you ask? Well, a convoluted version of the right to vote, which apparently he conspired to interfere with by insisting that elections be honest, transparent, and unrigged. Now, no one else has ever been prosecuted for that. It’s a weird extension of the law that makes use of the Trump Exception. The Trump Exception is, of course, that handy-dandy excuse for doing whatever you want to do, including impaling established norms, in order to get Trump because Trump is pretty much Genghis Khan times Pol Pot times Hitler times Nickelback.



PREMO Member

The Tool Who Governs New Mexico Has Handed Patriots a Potent New Tool

I’ve long said that there are three ways things can go. Option One is a free society where there are norms and rules that we all abide by and our Constitutional rights are protected and everybody has a right to participate in their own governance. This is my favorite option. It’s the one that I grew up in back when America was a free country and not a pronoun-fixated banana republic. Option Two is an authoritarian dictatorship where guys like me are in charge. Not my first choice, but I can live with it. Finally, Option Three is a communist dictatorship, and then it’s basically break out the rifles, boys. I was never good at kneeling, and at my age, my knees just won’t tolerate it any better than my attitude will.

Well, Governor Paula Pot has made it clear that Option One is now off the table, so I guess we have to go with Option Two – ironically, during the week of the 50th anniversary of Augusto Pinochet overthrowing the communist dictator of Chile. Now, I think it’s a bad idea and I’m still pushing for Option One, but it’s pretty clear that freedom no longer an option. So Option Two it is.

Let’s start decreeing stuff, Republicans!

The first thing red states need to decree is a ban on the teaching, advocacy, or practice of socialism in any of its putrid forms. Those who care nothing about the children will immediately pipe up about the alleged right to speak freely, but they refuse to acknowledge the harm this poisonous ideology does. Harm trumps rights, as colleges and the regime media have taught us. And boy, is socialism harmful. It’s violence – literally. Marxism is responsible for over 100 million deaths in the last century. That’s more deaths than net neutrality, Republican Medicare cuts, and dead-naming combined!

From the killing fields of Russia and Ukraine, to those of Red China and Cambodia, Marxism is murder. We must prioritize safety, for the children, and there is no safe space when an ideology of death like socialism is able to be articulated and advocated in public. Free speech is nice, I guess, but it is officially known that no right is absolute. Socialism is clearly hate speech, which is totally a thing in our Constitution, according to sources and experts who you can watch on MSNBC anytime you want – well, not after we ban socialism! Because socialism is hate speech, not only can we ban it, but we must ban it as the public health menace that it is.


PREMO Member

We Are Sitting Ducks And Our Leaders Do Not Care

I typically write my Townhall columns a couple of days ahead of time, and I hope that events don’t overcome this one. Why am I worried? Because what I’m writing about now is the deadly threat that our incompetent elite, led by that senile, corrupt, dust puppet masquerading as our president, have allowed to fester in our country. Last Thursday, I wrote about how the left literally wants to see you raped and murdered. Well, the left has also left the door open for the murderers. Now, half the Third World is waltzing across our southern border, and how do you think this is going to end? Think it ends well? Does it seem like a really smart idea? Of course not, which is why they are doing it.

Though around the world sociopaths stabbed some folks, the Day of Jihad fizzled in America – how many bummed patriots slammed in a mag hoping some mutant was going to choose his small town to prove Jason Aldean right? But it is only a matter of time. When you allow millions of military-aged males to come unvetted into your country, including many from bizarre hellholes where hatred for Americana is more common than food and indoor plumbing, there is a non-zero chance that some of them are part of sleeper cells waiting for the signal to murder Americans here at home.

Oh, now I’m just a pundit, albeit one who actually has a little experience doing things, and it is not beyond the realm of pundit possibility that a commentator may exaggerate for effect. So ignore what I say. Ignore this heartfelt warning that our country is vulnerable to a massive insider threat made up of illegal aliens who have walked across the open border and can, at the time of their own choosing, decide to slaughter mass numbers of Americans. Put aside that it has happened before, from 9/11 to San Bernardino to the Pulse nightclub, and for all we know, in Las Vegas, because the FBI is too busy arresting scary grandmas for praying outside abortion clinics to figure out what the hell happened there.


PREMO Member

Reject Moral Illiteracy

No, my bingo card did not have Generation Z embracing the wit and wisdom of Osama bin Laden, but it probably should have. After all, when you conceive of the stupidest possible leftist flex these days, that flex is likely to eventually come true – hell, I have a series of eight People’s Republic conservative action novels that conceive of some of the stupidest conceivable leftist flexes, and they are all coming true.

Osama bin Laden‘s ravings about how Israel is bad and America is worse, or vice versa, have hit a chord among recently-born TikTok viewers. Osama’s Been Litup’s rants have it all – claims of nefarious Jewish influence, complaints about evil capitalists, and whining like a little girl about Americans and Israelis fighting back against sociopathic Jihadi scumbags who go on murder sprees. This nonsense is supposed to provide “context” for 9/11, and to have further applicability to the current elimination of Hamas. What it actually provides is more reason for us to ignore young people and to ban China’s malevolent TikTok malware.

There’s no question about who was right and who was wrong regarding 9/11. It pains me to have to point this out, but the guys who flew airplanes full of innocent people into major buildings on our East Coast were the bad guys. They were terrorists. They were not misunderstood. They did not make some valid points. You do not gotta hand it to them.

Normal people are disgusted by mass murders like 9/11. Now, you might wonder why these kids aren’t repelled and disgusted by 9/11, but then you will remember that they were raised by other moral morons. Megyn Kelly had a long and potent tweet just lambasting parents who failed to teach their children about the basic moral calculus regarding terrorists versus normal people. These PINOs – parents in name only – along with the schools, have failed to teach moral literacy, the basic ability to discern right from wrong and good from evil. Hence, a generation of moral illiterates.


PREMO Member

The Left’s Funny Definition of Fascism

According to weirdos, Donald Trump’s likely return to the White House will usher in an age of fascism unprecedented in American history, which is odd since a Trump presidency was recently precedent in American history, and that interregnum of constitutional governance brought us our only respite from nascent fascism – as defined by people who know what fascism is – in the last fifteen years or so. We heard this in 2016, too, and in 2020 as well. Hysterical warnings about Trumpussolini are all the rage again, only they are more hysterical than before as it dawns on the left that maybe renominating a corrupt, desiccated old pervert publicly sundowning his way to Senility City even as he wrecks the economy, betrays our allies, kills our soldiers, prosecutes political opponents, and invites the entire Third World to camp out on our collective lawn makes for a president whose popularity going into the election is comparable to that of colon polyps and lung cheese.

Leading the way is The New Republic, with a typically subtle illustration of Trump glowering with a Hitler mustache because the parallels between the genocidal Bavarian house painter and the Playboy bunny-tapping Queens playboy are obvious to anyone with an agenda or a brain defect, or both. The venerable magazine recently devoted an entire issue – they actually still print this thing? – to the idea that the rise of Trump is the death of Our Democracy. This might be true. Correctly focused, the Trump 2.0 administration could be the death of Their Democracy and the resurrection of Ours. While the commies are right to fear that a conservative-populist government led by a now-experienced president fresh off multiple attempts to frame him into prison for the rest of his life will shatter all their pinko dreams, their notion of how this equates to fascism is a bit odd in the sense that none of the things they purport to fear constitute “fascism” in any sense of the word other than the one whispered into their brains by the voices in their heads. It is performance art, without the art and with typically flaccid performance. The issue is written by the political commentary equivalent of a lonely hard-5 sophomore at an expensive but generic liberal arts college whose daddy and mommy just don’t get her and who obsessively scribbles florid prose into her dream journal about the injustices she has suffered, raging at how the world refuses to accept that she is special, damn it, and deserves attention. But she doesn’t deserve attention, and to the extent The New Republic’s toobinesque fantasy of coming oppression – would that be so! – deserves attention, that attention is justified only as part of a comprehensive campaign of mockery.

Let’s look at what TNR says constitutes “fascism,” but not to point out that leftism makes no sense to the rational mind. To do so would be to misunderstand the essence of leftism, which is that nothing matters but leftism. They might or might not know their definition makes no rational sense, but what they objectively know is not the point. Leftism frees you from the surly bonds of facts; it’s liberating when you need not concern yourself with petty bourgeois conceits like consistency and making sense. This is why we get “Queers for Palestine '' eagerly stanning the Seventh Century sociopaths who would eagerly toss them from the nearest rooftop, and why you get this cracked and kooky version of fascism. We, the base, get that it’s entirely insane, but we are neither shocked nor appalled. We accept the enemy as it is. But normal people will be shocked and appalled until they too are based, so, to the extent we observe that the communists crying fascism are not actually decrying “fascism” but embracing it, we do so to freak out the squares and inspire them to join us in our campaign to purge the hateful stain of Marxism from our country and then from the world.


Well-Known Member

The Left’s Funny Definition of Fascism

According to weirdos, Donald Trump’s likely return to the White House will usher in an age of fascism unprecedented in American history,
OR - in defense of "democracy" - they engage in the MOST fascist behavior we've seen in generations - if ever.

From Tulsi Gabbard (say what you want about her, her words are spot on):

"People who believe in freedom and the Constitution are now being labeled Right Winger. That’s the state that we are in today.I am warning every American that if President Biden and Kamal Harris are allowed to stay in power, we will see the end of freedom in America and the end of democracy in this country that we love."

"They’re already censoring our freedom. They are already undermining our democracy, trying to keep President Trump off the ballot in over 32 states, making it so we, the people, don’t even have the right to choose who we want to vote for in this election. The use of welfare, the weaponization of the Department of Justice and law enforcement. This is bigger than Democrats and Republicans. This is a message for all Americans. If you already know what I’m saying, talk to the people close to you in your life, maybe friends or family members or coworkers who still need to be convinced about the truth of what we are facing. "


PREMO Member

Joe Biden Reminds Us to Buy Guns and Ammunition

Just last week, the FBI took a break from arresting people for illegally praying to lock up eight people from Tajikistan with links to ISIS who had been allowed into the United States by the Democrats. Their specific brand of terrorist is ISIS-K, who you last heard of when some of their goons went into a theater in Moscow and butchered 140 people. Don’t think that can’t happen here. It absolutely can – and likely will. I’ve written about it in my new novel, The Attack.

Unarmed Americans are extremely vulnerable to uneducated, low-IQ religious fanatics with simple armaments going on mass murder sprees, not to mention other kinds of terrorist operations. We saw that tactic at the Pulse nightclub, where a Democrat donor’s son, who was ISIS-connected, murdered about 50 people at a gay venue. The lying regime media did its job, which is to protect the interests and pursue the agenda of the garbage ruling class, by going the Full Norm McDonald. They wanted to blame normal people for being armed, but normal people never do these things. They stop mass killers with their guns. This was a scumbag jihadi Muslim fanatic who hated gay people, despite protests of the Queers for Palestine crowd, and he wanted to kill as many gay people as possible.

If a couple of the victims had been armed, maybe this guy could’ve been stopped. Or maybe not. But here’s the thing. If you’re armed, you have a chance to fight. If you’re unarmed, you’re going to die. Don’t believe the police are necessarily going to come and save you. The first guy the cops took down at Uvalde was not the killer but a distraught cop who wanted to go in to try and save his wife while the rest of those cowards refused to help.

The fact is you are your own first responder. We are all our own first responders. You need to get guns. You need to get ammunition. You need to get trained. And you need to get your mind into the mental headspace where you are ready to take decisive action should the situation arise.

It goes without saying that part of your training is to understand the legal aspects of deadly force. This is vital for your protection and for the protection of others. Being armed is a huge responsibility. Having guns is essential. So is ensuring you use them only as a last resort where lethal force is appropriate and lawful. Learn the law in your venue before you arm yourself.

Laws vary from state to state, and your political activism should be to make them better to protect lawful citizens. We all saw that in New York when a former Marine intervened to protect New Yorkers, he ended up in prison. I guess New Yorkers have made their choice – let regular citizens die. Oh well. But even in states that aren’t actively pro-criminal, we have to work to improve the laws. In Texas, for example, it took over a year to pardon the guy who shot an Antifa scuzz threatening him with an AK47. Texas should change its laws to prevent local Soros DAs from prosecuting innocent citizens, as well as empower its governor to pardon the victims of these injustices. The bottom line is you need to study the law and know the law, but you also need to use good sense. The best outcome is you never use your weapon. You don’t ever want to get into a situation where you have to use a gun. You want to avoid it. You want to de-escalate. You want to walk away if you can and run if you need to. Only idiots look for trouble. A gun is a last resort, but sometimes you get to the last resort. And if our situation in this country keeps spinning out of control, skiing down the slippery slope at light speed, you may get there sooner than you think.