
Do you celebrate Kwanzaa?

  • No and I don't know anyone who does

    Votes: 31 38.8%
  • No but I know of peeope who do?

    Votes: 1 1.3%
  • Yes, I do

    Votes: 3 3.8%
  • No, they should do away with it. It's just a stupid made up holiday

    Votes: 45 56.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


wandering aimlessly
The African family in our school (not African American - these folks are straight out of Africa) do NOT celebrate Kwanzaa - they are Catholic and celebrate Christmas.


New Member
I would bet that 98% of those who celebrate Kwanzaa could not tell you what the 7 days mean, and no way could they name all seven without cue cards. They do it because its considered a part of being black.


Lem Putt
I know someone who has a Kwanzaa party every year. They all dress in dashikis (sp?) and drink malt liquor. Some of them even put on blackface.


In My Opinion
I certainly do not wish to see anything that mentions it in any public area, I find it offensive.


Harley Rider
Kuumba (Creativity)
To do always as much as we can, in the way we can, in order to leave our community more beautiful and beneficial than we inherited it.
Like Washington DC or PG County? Sorry, but that still is a sore subject with me since I was chased out of there in the late 70's.
Celebrate what you like, I don't care, but I'd never follow anything started by someone like that man.


Methodically disorganized
He uses the examples of Cinco de Mayo, and Chinese New Year as culturally specific holidays celebrated and honored outside the cultures from which they came. Kwanzaa, like many social movements, has slipped into a post-modern thinking that stresses both integrity and identity of a particular group while not excluding others from other groups from participation.
Cinco de Mayo and the Chinese NY were created as celebrations of joy within their home nations - not some PC fluff.

Kwanzaa, on the other hand, was begun merely as an alternative to "the man's" holiday.

If Kwanzaa is no longer supposed to represent that separation - and is now "inclusive", why continue celebrating it?

Father's/Mother's Day, as the example, do not divide people. Kwanzaa claims to celebrate "love, unity, :blahblah:" while it creates an unnecessary divide. But I surely do not wish to hurt anyone's feelings, so I probably should not argue...



The mighty Al-Sonsie!
Since most of the ideas cited by Karenga when he started this holiday for his United Slaves organization were straight out of the Communist Manifesto which was not specifically targeted to one particular race. This was followed by many of the radical elements of the 1960's fringe organizations, one of the more famous or infamous was a few years later when the Symbionese Liberation Army kidnapped Patty Hearst. The multi-headed symbol of the SLA represented the pillars of Kwanzaa. Karenga was convicted in 1971 IRC of torturing and beating two women in Los Angeles. His United Slaves were a very violent radical group.

LINK - On May 9, 1970 he initiated the torture session that led to his imprisonment. The torture session was described in the L.A. Times on May 14, 1971. "The victims said they were living at Karenga’s home when Karenga accused them of trying to kill him by placing crystals in his food and water and in various areas of his house. When they denied it, allegedly they were beaten with an electrical cord and a hot soldering iron was put in Miss Davis’ mouth and against her face.

Police were told that one of Miss Jones’ toes was placed in a small vise, which then was tightened by the men and one woman. The following day Karenga told the women that ‘Vietnamese torture is nothing compared to what I know." Miss Tamao put detergent in their mouths; Smith turned a water hose full force on their faces, and Karenga, holding a gun, threatened to shoot both of them. The victims Deborah Jones and Gail Davis were whipped with an electrical cord and beaten with a karate baton after being ordered to remove their clothing."

Karenga was convicted of two counts of felonious assault and one count of false imprisonment. He was sentenced on Sept. 17, 1971 to serve one to ten years in prison. After being released from prison in 1975, he remade himself as Maulana Ron Karenga, went into academics, and by 1979 was running the Black Studies Department at California State University in Long Beach and converted to Marxism. Kwanzaa's seven principles include "collective work" and "cooperative economics." He is still there and everyone has almost forgotten the cruel and vicious attacks committed on his fellow blacks. Kwanzaa has been successfully marketed and is now heralded as a great African tradition.​
Sounds like a nice guy....


New Member
Kwanzaa is great holiday. All da haters on here need to celibrate it one year and see for yourself how enjoyable Kwanzaa really is.


No Use for Donk Twits
Kwanzaa is great holiday. All da haters on here need to celibrate it one year and see for yourself how enjoyable Kwanzaa really is.

No thanks! Was celibate on a sub for three months (by choice Kerad!) and it wasn't enjoyable. But maybe next year Kwanzaa can help me be celibate and enjoy it.


New Member
Kwanzaa is great holiday. All da haters on here need to celibrate it one year and see for yourself how enjoyable Kwanzaa really is.
I celebrated Kwanzaa by doing this to some ho's....

I beat them with an electrical cord and put a hot soldering iron in their mouth and against their face.

I also placed their toes in a small vise, which then was tightened by the me and another woman.

The following day I told the women that "Vietnamese torture is nothing compared to what I know."

I put detergent in their mouths and turned a water hose full force on their faces and while holding a gun, I threatened to shoot both of them.

The I mean my "guests" were whipped with an electrical cord and beaten with a karate baton after being ordered to remove their clothing." Guess what I did then.

I love kuwanzeer man!! :yahoo: :buddies: :yay:


I celebrated Kwanzaa by doing this to some ho's....

I beat them with an electrical cord and put a hot soldering iron in their mouth and against their face.

I also placed their toes in a small vise, which then was tightened by the me and another woman.

The following day I told the women that "Vietnamese torture is nothing compared to what I know."

I put detergent in their mouths and turned a water hose full force on their faces and while holding a gun, I threatened to shoot both of them.

The I mean my "guests" were whipped with an electrical cord and beaten with a karate baton after being ordered to remove their clothing." Guess what I did then.

I love kuwanzeer man!! :yahoo: :buddies: :yay:

Kwanzaa is great holiday. All da haters on here need to celibrate it one year and see for yourself how enjoyable Kwanzaa really is.

Betcha' you don't celibrate Christmas now do you?

Oh I know - you work on the 25th and take Kwanzaa off... blow it somewhere else and finish your edjubacation.
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