mygoldnhorse said:
work my cell phone rings and it is my daughter...she said by the time she got to school everything was nuts. She asked me to come and pick her up. When I got to the school and she came out as we were heading off I called the school to find out why we were not notified. The receptionist picked up and I asked her about this situation and she acknowledged that they are aware of what is going on and that administration and the police are taking precautionary measures. QUOTE]
uuhhh, you were notified, your daughter told you...why wait for the school to contact you. yea, i know there are some that are just that "scares" or a way to disrupt school but what about the "what if's". suppose something really was to jump off. we must take precautions and not wait for someone else--i know some of us say "well i'm quite sure someone else will inform the school"
Before my daughter left for school I asked her if she thought it was a just a rumor and if she wanted to stay home? She said that she was not taking it serious because there are rumors going around all the time and that she wanted to go to school. She is very LEVEL headed and does not feed into all the typicial teenage drama BUT as soon as she got to school and saw that there really was something going on and she called me immeadiately and I went to get her.
And the reason I called the school to question them is that if they are taking it serious enough to have the school in a total disarray then I do feel that they should of closed the school for the day.