La Plata high school events today


New Member
There must be a mistake. There is no way there could be a problem at a Laplata school. Are you sure you are not talking about a Waldorf School?


Well-Known Member
mygoldnhorse said:
beamher said:
Before my daughter left for school I asked her if she thought it was a just a rumor and if she wanted to stay home? She said that she was not taking it serious because there are rumors going around all the time and that she wanted to go to school. She is very LEVEL headed and does not feed into all the typicial teenage drama BUT as soon as she got to school and saw that there really was something going on and she called me immeadiately and I went to get her.
And the reason I called the school to question them is that if they are taking it serious enough to have the school in a total disarray then I do feel that they should of closed the school for the day.

too each its own........had it been a rumor that someone was going to pull the fire alarm prank, i may have brushed it off. but, a shooting, He!! to the Naw!!!!! sometimes, we as parents have to make that decision; as we tend to find out some kids dont take things as serious as they should, only to find out that when something happens, they knew about it for a period of time
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Well-Known Member
mygoldnhorse said:
Nope not a rumor! As my daughter was heading out for her bus she said that there was a rumor about a shooting at her school today

this implies that maybe she knew/heard about it maybe the day before....we're talking about a shooting, why not alert someone ahead of time and if it was to be a rumor it could have been dispelled(sp.?) before school this morning and everything turned caotic as it seems some are posting and kids are asking to be picked up


Well-Known Member

i'm a little slow when it comes to jokes; i must admit, i had to read it a couple of times before i got it :lmao:
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New Member
beamher said:
mygoldnhorse said:
Nope not a rumor! As my daughter was heading out for her bus she said that there was a rumor about a shooting at her school today

this implies that maybe she knew/heard about it maybe the day before....we're talking about a shooting, why not alert someone ahead of time and if it was to be a rumor it could have been dispelled(sp.?) before school this morning and everything turned caotic as it seems some are posting and kids are asking to be picked up
Rumor is a rumor. There's nothing to this, the school has not been locked down or evacuated. There are extra security officers at the school, but the widespread belief is there's nothing to this. Just another kid running his mouth I'm thinking.


New Member
mygoldnhorse said:
beamher said:
Before my daughter left for school I asked her if she thought it was a just a rumor and if she wanted to stay home? She said that she was not taking it serious because there are rumors going around all the time and that she wanted to go to school. She is very LEVEL headed and does not feed into all the typicial teenage drama BUT as soon as she got to school and saw that there really was something going on and she called me immeadiately and I went to get her.
And the reason I called the school to question them is that if they are taking it serious enough to have the school in a total disarray then I do feel that they should of closed the school for the day.
Apparently, you're daughter's not as level headed as you think.


Nothing to see here
AndyMarquisLIVE said:

There's a difference between a Ford Mustang and a Ford Fusion. :smack:

Seats are great, can't wait for Friday :yahoo:

Glad you noticed..:lmao:

The Mustang was not finished at the body shop like it was supposed to have been. Gotta love people who hit your car in a parking lot and don't bother to leave a note.:rolleyes:


Cowgirl Up
AndyMarquisLIVE said:
mygoldnhorse said:
Apparently, you're daughter's not as level headed as you think.

When I pulled up to the school there were 3 cop cars in the back of the school and one in the front, with Adminstration running around. My daughter felt uncomfortable and called me to pick her up. I think that is pretty level headed.


Well-Known Member
mygoldnhorse said:
AndyMarquisLIVE said:
When I pulled up to the school there were 3 cop cars in the back of the school and one in the front, with Adminstration running around. My daughter felt uncomfortable and called me to pick her up. I think that is pretty level headed.

levelheaded is if the 2 of you took it serious initially


New Member
otter said:
Glad you noticed..:lmao:

The Mustang was not finished at the body shop like it was supposed to have been. Gotta love people who hit your car in a parking lot and don't bother to leave a note.:rolleyes:
Or, just today, when people stop in the middle of an entrance to a parking lot for no reason leaving you there to be in an accident.

Fortanently, he moved when I gave him the horn, after he reminded me I'm number one.


Well-Known Member
otter said:
Glad you noticed..:lmao:

The Mustang was not finished at the body shop like it was supposed to have been. Gotta love people who hit your car in a parking lot and don't bother to leave a note.:rolleyes:

happened to me; luckily, i was approaching my car as they were exiting....why in the he!! would you park a 15-passenger van in a regular size parking spot?? oh i forgot, how lazy some people are and don't want to be too inconvienced to walk, so the he!! with how i'm parked and who's car i hit.......
it's the company's van
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Cowgirl Up
AndyMarquisLIVE said:
beamher said:

Why the hell do you post here BEFORE you call the police or the school or school board. When the school didn't answer, did you attempt to call the board?
Go back to post #10 and you will see that I DID call the school, DID talk to the receptionist.....who acknowedged that there WAS A PROBLEM and that they were taking precautionary measures, and DID call the State Police when I tried to call back and did not get an answer.
That was a 1/2 hour prior to posting that there was something going on.


Well-Known Member
mygoldnhorse said:
AndyMarquisLIVE said:
Go back to post #10 and you will see that I DID call the school, DID talk to the receptionist.....who acknowedged that there WAS A PROBLEM and that they were taking precautionary measures, and DID call the State Police when I tried to call back and did not get an answer.
That was a 1/2 hour prior to posting that there was something going on.

didn't you say you called the school after your daughter called and asked to be picked up.....duh, why wait and call only after this and then call the police when the school doesn't answer


Well-Known Member
mygoldnhorse said:
Nope not a rumor! As my daughter was heading out for her bus she said that there was a rumor about a shooting at her school today but she said she didn't think it was a big deal so she was going to go. As I was driving to work my cell phone rings and it is my daughter...she said by the time she got to school everything was nuts. She asked me to come and pick her up. When I got to the school and she came out as we were heading off I called the school to find out why we were not notified. The receptionist picked up and I asked her about this situation and she acknowledged that they are aware of what is going on and that administration and the police are taking precautionary measures. I asked her if the children were being sent home and she said that parents can come pick up their children if they wished. As we were driving home while talking my d gave me the details that she had heard. I tried to call the school back but I kept getting the answering machine. I called the State Police and gave them the info and they were going to follow up with it.

yep, here it is


New Member
mygoldnhorse said:
AndyMarquisLIVE said:
Go back to post #10 and you will see that I DID call the school, DID talk to the receptionist.....who acknowedged that there WAS A PROBLEM and that they were taking precautionary measures, and DID call the State Police when I tried to call back and did not get an answer.
That was a 1/2 hour prior to posting that there was something going on.
But someone said something about a lockdown and there was something happening :confused:

That person managed to cause mass hysteria :smack: :buttkick:

Made my day a little more, um, interesting.


Well-Known Member
karma giver: Not locked down you ass

sorry for just responding even though i tend to ignore ignorant comments, but i haven't learned how to check or keep up when someone sends you karma--never said it was; why can't you sign so there's no guessing