La Plata Kid Gets Put On Wrong Flight


Lem Putt
Since 911, if you don't have a ticket, you don't get to go past the security check point.
Not true. The airline will issue one adult a pass that will allow them to escort a minor to the gate.

...another Bush 'legacy'.

In effing sane.
It would be "in effing sane" if it were true. Fortunately, it's not. Maybe because even bureaucrats can sense when something is just too stupid to do.
...another Bush 'legacy'.

In effing sane.

You would think provisions could be made to allow the parents to esort their children to the gate and see them off...

I use to spend a lot of time flying cross country for work and I was amased at the number of kids waiting alone at a gate... once or twice I did stop and help a confused child out and get them to the right spot.

If it was me - I would spend the extra $ to ensure my son made it to the right spot, he is not as versed as I about airports...


Well-Known Member
I used to put my daughter on planes quite often when she'd fly between mine and her Mom's house; however, that was before 911 and I was able to walk her to the gate and watch her walk down the correct jetway bridge. Since 911, if you don't have a ticket, you don't get to go past the security check point.

Not true. I was able to obtain special permission through the ticketing counter to excort my kids to the correct terminal (post 911)


Well-Known Member
...another Bush 'legacy'.

In effing sane.
I've walked my kids many times passed the gate. You just have to ask the ticket agent, and they'll give you an escort tag. You don't need to pay the extra "minor" fee, they'll let you just do it if you ask (and have the proper ID, etc.). I usually have to go through the extra security line, but it's worth it to ensure my kid gets on the right plane, and isn't wandering BWI (or elsewhere).

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Not true. The airline will issue one adult a pass that will allow them to escort a minor to the gate.

It would be "in effing sane" if it were true. Fortunately, it's not. Maybe because even bureaucrats can sense when something is just too stupid to do.

...what you're saying is they changed it? So what you're saying is that you can walk to the gate, just like the old days and grandpa and grandma can be sitting there waiting for the kid?


What used to be a joy, waiting at the gate for your loved one or a kid has now become one more victim to the 'war on terrah'. Now, one ONE person can go through while, what, while pop sits in the freaking car waiting for some cop to roust him for sitting too long out front? So now grandma can walk by her 70 year old self through the joys of the security cattle corral and take her shoes off and have her purse searched for bomb components?

That was a rather disingenuous post there, my friend.
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Pea Brain
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Lem Putt
...what you're saying is they changed it? So what you're saying is that you can walk to the gate, just like the old days and grandpa and grandma can be sitting there waiting for the kid?


What used to be a joy, waiting at the gate for your loved one or a kid has now become one more victim to the 'war on terrah'. Now, one ONE person can go through while, what, while pop sits in the freaking car waiting for some cop to roust him for sitting too long out front? So now grandma can walk by her 70 year old self through the joys of the security cattle corral and take her shoes off and have her purse searched for bomb components?

That was a rather disingenuous post there, my friend.
Where the eff did you get that out of my post?

Pitt said you can't escort your kid to the gate. You said that's insane. I said it's not true.

Disingenuous would be you turning my post into grandmas shoes. WTF?

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Where the eff did you get that out of my post?

Pitt said you can't escort your kid to the gate. You said that's insane. I said it's not true.

Disingenuous would be you turning my post into grandmas shoes. WTF?

...I apologize for popping a cork on this.

My point was following on pitt saying you can't go to the gate anymore. You pointed out that you can. Then I blew a gasket because what I was thinking is the way it was and the way it is. Yes, you can go to the gate, one person, but you can't go as grandparents or a family anymore and you can't go as a free American. You have to go through 'security', you have to deal with all the foppery of this stupid 'homeland' security nonsense.

So, again, I apologize. It's just this airport crap in particular really ticks me off.


Main Streeter
Not true. I was able to obtain special permission through the ticketing counter to excort my kids to the correct terminal (post 911)
Okay. My daughter was 18 by the time 911 happened so I never had to deal with it after that. I'm glad they make provisions for parents seeing their youngsters to the gate.


Lem Putt
...I apologize for popping a cork on this.

My point was following on pitt saying you can't go to the gate anymore. You pointed out that you can. Then I blew a gasket because what I was thinking is the way it was and the way it is. Yes, you can go to the gate, one person, but you can't go as grandparents or a family anymore and you can't go as a free American. You have to go through 'security', you have to deal with all the foppery of this stupid 'homeland' security nonsense.

So, again, I apologize. It's just this airport crap in particular really ticks me off.

:yay: I agree for the most part. The security helps people who don't know any better feel good. That's about all it is good for.

I don't believe that the TSA has anything to do with us not having another 9/11 yet, and they will not be able to stop the next one.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
This irks...

:yay: I agree for the most part. The security helps people who don't know any better feel good. That's about all it is good for.

I don't believe that the TSA has anything to do with us not having another 9/11 yet, and they will not be able to stop the next one. to no end. A GOP president has successfully established an ongoing state of fear in this nation, the land of the free, the home of the brave and the #1 bad guy is living the same way he's lived for the last nearly 30 years since he helped run the Sov's out of the region.
Not true. I was able to obtain special permission through the ticketing counter to excort my kids to the correct terminal (post 911)

I've walked my kids many times passed the gate. You just have to ask the ticket agent, and they'll give you an escort tag. You don't need to pay the extra "minor" fee, they'll let you just do it if you ask (and have the proper ID, etc.). I usually have to go through the extra security line, but it's worth it to ensure my kid gets on the right plane, and isn't wandering BWI (or elsewhere).

That is good to know!

I love to learn something new everyday - thanks! :yay:

Larry Gude

Strung Out

I usually have to go through the extra security line, but it's worth it to ensure my kid gets on the right plane, and isn't wandering BWI (or elsewhere).

...wouldn't it be nice if you and the wife could go sit with him at the gate or be there waiting for him, together, without having to go through the presumption of guilt not to mention the inconvenience?


Well-Known Member
...wouldn't it be nice if you and the wife could go sit with him at the gate or be there waiting for him, together, without having to go through the presumption of guilt not to mention the inconvenience?
Yes, it would. It's actually much calmer at the gate (and less crowded) with so few people there - only the people needed to be there; but, it would be nice to go back to total and complete ease of everything. When I was 16, the cars were in the ignition of my car when I went to bed in my unlocked house each night. And, I never felt unsafe.

I'm not sure what presumption of guilt I go through (I work at a place that I have to have my lunch box x-rayed, I go through a metal detector, and have a security badge to enter every day). To me, it's just a decent start at security - like locking my house and car at night. Will it stop someone totally committed to harming me? No, of course not; but, it slows them down and stops the mildly insane.

I don't think that the GOP president, nor the Congress, not the CIA, FBI, NSA, or anyone else within the government made me feel unsafe. I began feeling that way with Tim McVeigh, and continued on through attack after attack after attack on Americans and my country. The problem is, all of those people and agencies above haven't been able to make me feel SAFE.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
And there...

The problem is, all of those people and agencies above haven't been able to make me feel SAFE. is; The land of the safe, the home of the secure.

If we have enemies, why do we war on ourselves? Why do we incessantly presume the guilt of one another? Why do we not kill and break our enemies until they quit? We do not live in fear of Kamikaze's or Nazi's and there is a reason for that.

If you have a sensitive job, security there has nothing to do with getting on a damn plane.

We have walked ourselves into a state of fear, knowingly, willingly and there is no sunshine on the horizon. Bush and McCain are all about the endless war on terror yet do not speak of the plain, simple solution; defeat the enemy. Can't do that! The enemy is nameless and faceless and is in you luggage and your e mail and your cell phone and your computer!

This is just ridiculous. Obama said one intelligent thing months ago; go into Pakistan and kill our enemy, and hasn't dared repeat it since. Hillary has him dead to rights over Iraq on experience and tough votes and would rather lose the nomination than take issue with him on the one thing that separates them!

We are not free. We are not brave.


Well-Known Member is; The land of the safe, the home of the secure.

If we have enemies, why do we war on ourselves? Why do we incessantly presume the guilt of one another? Why do we not kill and break our enemies until they quit? We do not live in fear of Kamikaze's or Nazi's and there is a reason for that.

If you have a sensitive job, security there has nothing to do with getting on a damn plane.
I'm not following you. Security is needed wherever you are - whether it's at work, or on a plane, or in the grocery store. Protecting people at the airport is not a presumption of guilt, it's security. You're not allowed to go into court with a handgun or machete, but that's not a presumption of guilt, it's basic protection. It's smart, like locking your car at the mall. Do you assume the guilt of every passerby, or are you just protecting yourself?
We have walked ourselves into a state of fear, knowingly, willingly and there is no sunshine on the horizon. Bush and McCain are all about the endless war on terror yet do not speak of the plain, simple solution; defeat the enemy.
You apparently don't listen much if you think they don't say that. :lol:
Can't do that! The enemy is nameless and faceless and is in you luggage and your e mail and your cell phone and your computer!
That's quite a rant, but still has no basis in fact. The enemy just doesn't wear a uniform, and thus isn't the norm. "Terrorism" will never be defeated, and I've heard all of the candidates (among others) say that, but that doesn't mean security can't be regained. There are many faces, many names, and we're going after the current leaders (knowing full well they'll be replaced with others) to make us feel safe again. Not 1980's safe, but safe nonetheless.
This is just ridiculous. Obama said one intelligent thing months ago; go into Pakistan and kill our enemy, and hasn't dared repeat it since. Hillary has him dead to rights over Iraq on experience and tough votes and would rather lose the nomination than take issue with him on the one thing that separates them!
While that's great from the standpoint of a single issue, that's invading a sovereign nation (with nukes, btw) that (officially) does not support terrorism, and (officially) is working with us to defeat that same enemy. Obama made a huge diplomatic blunder, not a great suggestion. Doing it surgically then talking about it after - that would be a good suggestion. Talking about it before hand was just stupid.
We are not free. We are not brave.
I'm still free, and I still feel we are the home of the brave. Brave enough to tackle these issues so that countries like (fold here) Spain, and (surrrender here) France doesn't have to. England and Australia seem to be the only half-way decent additions to the homes of the brave.