...it is; The land of the safe, the home of the secure.
If we have enemies, why do we war on ourselves? Why do we incessantly presume the guilt of one another? Why do we not kill and break our enemies until they quit? We do not live in fear of Kamikaze's or Nazi's and there is a reason for that.
If you have a sensitive job, security there has nothing to do with getting on a damn plane.
I'm not following you. Security is needed wherever you are - whether it's at work, or on a plane, or in the grocery store. Protecting people at the airport is not a presumption of guilt, it's security. You're not allowed to go into court with a handgun or machete, but that's not a presumption of guilt, it's basic protection. It's smart, like locking your car at the mall. Do you assume the guilt of every passerby, or are you just protecting yourself?
We have walked ourselves into a state of fear, knowingly, willingly and there is no sunshine on the horizon. Bush and McCain are all about the endless war on terror yet do not speak of the plain, simple solution; defeat the enemy.
You apparently don't listen much if you think they don't say that.
Can't do that! The enemy is nameless and faceless and is in you luggage and your e mail and your cell phone and your computer!
That's quite a rant, but still has no basis in fact. The enemy just doesn't wear a uniform, and thus isn't the norm. "Terrorism" will never be defeated, and I've heard all of the candidates (among others) say that, but that doesn't mean security can't be regained. There are many faces, many names, and we're going after the current leaders (knowing full well they'll be replaced with others) to make us feel safe again. Not 1980's safe, but safe nonetheless.
This is just ridiculous. Obama said one intelligent thing months ago; go into Pakistan and kill our enemy, and hasn't dared repeat it since. Hillary has him dead to rights over Iraq on experience and tough votes and would rather lose the nomination than take issue with him on the one thing that separates them!
While that's great from the standpoint of a single issue, that's invading a sovereign nation (with nukes, btw) that (officially) does not support terrorism, and (officially) is working with us to defeat that same enemy. Obama made a huge diplomatic blunder, not a great suggestion. Doing it surgically then talking about it after - that would be a good suggestion. Talking about it before hand was just stupid.
We are not free. We are not brave.
I'm still free, and I still feel we are the home of the brave. Brave enough to tackle these issues so that countries like (fold here) Spain, and (surrrender here) France doesn't have to. England and Australia seem to be the only half-way decent additions to the homes of the brave.