Infinite Impetus
After talking about getting a boyfriend surprised me on Valentines day with a black lab. She is about 6 months now and growing oh so fast! I know labs are known for being hyper dogs....but gees! My dog is in the cage all day while i work (8 hours) and then at night when i sleep. Everytime i let here out of the cae she goes crazywhich i understand because she has so much energy and the cage doesnt help! Even though after she is out for a while playing with me now stop she still gets a little rough and bites/jumps I have told her over and over to sit or get down and i hold her mouth shut for like 10 secs if she bites/nips sometimes she learns but other times she just acts like nothing is wrong. I have tried disciplining her and putting her in the cage for 5 minutes and "punishment". Also I really want to take her to the dog park but whenever we see other dogs or go to petco she acts CRAZY and jumps all over them...I'm scared there owners will get mad at my hyper dog so i stay away...and advice? The books dont work!
Labs are a VERY high energy dogs, who really don't 'calm down' until theyre 3-5 years old.. and even then they require a LOT of exercise and stimulation. That is a hard breed/puppy to have when only one person is around and works all day.
Tire her out as MUCH as you can and get her into some training, ASAP. Also, like the others said do NOT use her crate as a punishment.
PETCO classes leave much to be desired IMO, don't waste your time and money.