Lack of Parent Volunteers


New Member
seriously there must be 25 teachers at the school that can volunteer their time....after all the teachers are the ones that plan these things.....

Sweet 16

many parents are so involved in work and getting thier kids back and forth from other activities that they just can't/don't find the time.


And then some parents are just plain LAZY. Hubby and I volunteered a lot at our son's private school over the years and there were plenty of opportunities at different times, but it was always the same parents/families that never volunteered for anything, so I'm not buying the "busy" excuse there. Our school offered tuition credits for a certain level of volunteering as an incentive, but apparently it was not incentive enough for most people.


I would be carfeful not to judge others for not being there to help out at school activities...
I believe that most parents do in some way get involved with helping out with their childrens activities, some coach little league, some help in the church, some help with scouting, etc.etc. Maybe they are busy taking care of a sick/older parent, or they have younger children at home that need caring for, so they are really unable to help in the schools. Some people are just not good with kids activities, I would not press those folks too much, you might be sorry!!! LOL!!!!


New Member

And then some parents are just plain LAZY. Hubby and I volunteered a lot at our son's private school over the years and there were plenty of opportunities at different times, but it was always the same parents/families that never volunteered for anything, so I'm not buying the "busy" excuse there. Our school offered tuition credits for a certain level of volunteering as an incentive, but apparently it was not incentive enough for most people.

or maybe they are just not as rich as you...hmmm take the day off work with no pay or work and make money so they have food....not a real hard decision in my book....but then again only the spoiled snobby kids parents ever were involved when i was in school ...

Sweet 16

or maybe they are just not as rich as you...hmmm take the day off work with no pay or work and make money so they have food....not a real hard decision in my book....but then again only the spoiled snobby kids parents ever were involved when i was in school ...

Um, I am neither rich nor a snob. While I did occasionally take time off of work to volunteer, most of it was done AFTER work and on weekends, during my so-called "free" time. When the same parents don't ever volunteer in four years, it is not because they are too busy, they are LAZY, and they are always the ones complaining that the school doesn't do enough for them! That was my point in case you missed it.


Protected By Trunk Monkey
seriously there must be 25 teachers at the school that can volunteer their time....after all the teachers are the ones that plan these things.....

:duh: Considering the minimum amount of money teachers get paid, I think they are already "volunteering" their time! Teaching is an underpaid, thankless profession.


Active Member
seriously there must be 25 teachers at the school that can volunteer their time....after all the teachers are the ones that plan these things.....

The PTA puts on many of the functions and the teachers rarely have anything to do with planning volunteer functions (it's usually the school administrators that plan the non-PTA functions and the teachers have no choice).

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
Why is it so hard to find parent volunteers to help with after school functions? There must be atleast 1200 kids that go to Esperanza Middle School and they couldnt get 25 parents to volunteer to help work the Fall Festival this past Friday.

Do you have a job outside the home????