Ladies -just a reminder


All Up In Your Grill
(((echo))) said:
:really: ladies..please allow me to inform you of a new breast checking procedure (which i am fully capable of performing free of charge)
"it requires no hands" :really:

:faint: Stick a fork in me, I am DONE.


Watch it
nomoney said:
don't forget to check them titty's for lumps and any other weird crazy things :howdy: Remind a friend to do it to. :huggy:

Would somebody tell my husband that this is not a DAILY check?

All joking aside, it IS important. :howdy:


nachomama said:
:confused: Have you tried to iron them? :jet:

Or, like with mashed potatoes, the more you whip them, the less lumpier their are. :shrug:

I know. I know. :buttkick:

I think I'd rather have them whipped than ironed. :whistle:


jenbengen said:
Would somebody tell my husband that this is not a DAILY check?

All joking aside, it IS important. :howdy:

I wouldn't mind a daily check.

Of course the checker will have to be preapproved by me. :bubble:


I bowl overhand
julz20684 said:
I wouldn't mind a daily check.

Of course the checker will have to be preapproved by me. :bubble:
I can dig the box.. I mean SCANNER, out of the garage..


Well-Known Member
Lugnut said:

Just found out yesterday a family member has breast cancer. :frown:

are we related :howdy: i found out on monday the same thing when i got back from being in cancun for a week


I'm Rick James #####!
I just found out my family member passed away 3 days ago. I'm ####ING pissed that nobody saw fit to relay the magnitude of her illness when I was informed last week.

I'm even MORE pissed that nobody told me the day she passed!!! I'm told it was because I'm on the other side of the country and "probably" wouldn't have been able to make the funeral and they didn't want to "disress" me. WTF?!

#### I feel like punching somebody in the mouth right now.


Well-Known Member
Lugnut said:
I just found out my family member passed away 3 days ago. I'm ####ING pissed that nobody saw fit to relay the magnitude of her illness when I was informed last week.

I'm even MORE pissed that nobody told me the day she passed!!! I'm told it was because I'm on the other side of the country and "probably" wouldn't have been able to make the funeral and they didn't want to "disress" me. WTF?!

#### I feel like punching somebody in the mouth right now.
i'm sorry :huggy:

i am sure it was not done intentionally :huggy: