Ladies: Sex Does Not = A Relationship


Im On 1.
Bottom line--if I sleep with a woman I don't know or care about SEX is NOT going to make me care. (I stopped doing that years ago) That kind of sex is like scratching an itch. Once a man scratches, he's through. He ain't sitting ar ound thinking about that spot that itched or how good it felt scratching it. He's moving on with his life until that spot itches again and it don't matter which hand he scratches it with, just as long as he gets rid of the itch.

Too many women PRETEND they can handle a sexual fling, but wind up getting caught up and wanting us to romance and wine and dine them and pretend we're having a "relationship" when it's NOTHING but a booty call. Come on, ladies, y'all know I'm telling the truth.

Unfortunately, ladies, you are part of our problem. You sleep with us BEFORE you know us or what we're about. Having sex with a man does not automatically make that a "relationship". Many women will deny they think like this but I'm speaking from personal experience. Also, ladies know when their men are fooling around and still turn a blind eye by getting mad at the other woman. Now, what kind of sense does that make? Why should that woman make YOU (a total stranger) a priority in her life? IF HE DID NOT MARRY YOU HE IS STILL SINGLE. The "other woman" is not breaking up a "happy home".

Many women marry men who were cheating BEFORE they walked down the aisle and then are SHOCKED that a fancy wedding dress or an expensive walk down the aisle didn't change who he was. Why should he change? YOU let him know it was acceptable by sticking around that long.

Ladies, start living with your eyes OPEN. Most shady men give themselves away one way or another, usually before the first 30 days. Women have to stop "rewarding" unfaithful men by pretending it ain't happening. All of us do not cheat. I do not cheat on my lady so don't buy the hype. I know other men who do not but many men WILL cheat if there are NO real penalties for it.

Stop jumping into bed with men YOU DON'T KNOW. That means fewer opportunities for men to cheat. Women have to STOP being so afraid to ask the important questions that would reveal his TRUE lifestyle. Worry LESS about what kind of job he has and what kind of car he drives and encourage him to talk about his past, particularly his past with women. OPEN those ears and listen. Does he put down his ex-women and blame them for everything? And don't be so vain. You are NOT a better woman than his last. If he dogged her out, you will probably be NEXT.

Observe him when you are with him. Do you have his home number? Work number? Have you seen where he lives? Where he works? Is he secretive? Did you ask if he's married or engaged? How does he treat other people? Listen to what he says, NOT what you want to hear. Stop INTERPRETING the meaning of what he says to fit your purposes. If he says, "I'm not lookin' for nothing right now" -- DON'T tell yourself, "Aw, he just scared of getting hurt. I can change his mind.." NO YOU CAN'T. He said exactly what the hell he meant. Men don't have to lie when so many women are already DEAF.

If you can't answer BASIC questions about a man DON'T OPEN YOUR LEGS. I could kinda understand back in the days when sex wouldn't KILL people but now? there's no excuse and if a woman takes that huge risk of sleeping with a STRANGER then she better protect herself -- sexually AND emotionally.

Show men to the door if we pressure you for sex too soon. Don't be afraid to be alone. After you give us some you will probably be alone anyway but now you feel like a fool. In other words, take your time and check us out. if we REALLY like you, we'll stick around. BUT if you decided to sleep with a man you hardly know, PROTECT yourself and keep your expectations to ZERO. We do not owe you a relationship or another date just because you had sex with us. That's not how it works, baby.

I have TOO many female friends who give me horror stories that could have been avoided if they'd done their homework first OR moved SLOWER before giving up the panties. I try as a man to give them the best advice I can but that won't mean a damn thing if women continue to live in a dream world. You are TOTALLY RESPONSIBLE for your own sexual behavior the same as I am. Blaming the man won't change a ____ thing. Women have to look in the mirror and take SOME of the blame for what's wrong with men/woman relationships. Let me end by saying....








Women are going to have to raise their standards if they expect men to do it. No, no, no! I don't want to hear you putting yourself on a pedestal because I KNOW you've made mistakes. I want you to hit me back with some TRUTH. What are women going to do about these shady, shaky relationships that wind up in divorce court 60-70%% of the time, that's if we bother getting married at all? What are women going to do DIFFERENT to make this sh!t better?

Very good read.
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New Member
And don't be so vain. You are NOT a better woman than his last. If he dogged her out, you will probably be NEXT.

Isn't that the truth. :lol: I hear that all too often "well, his ex was this or that way" (like they are saying they are better than the ex... girl... you better get a grip) or even the man saying "she was this way or that way." (So it is all her fault, right? :duh:)

This article works both ways, there are many men who think sex will lead to a relationship too, when these days, there are actually women out there who are about satisfaction in the moment. Oh yeah, we call them sluts for doing what a man does. Gotta love double standards. :jameo:


Im On 1.
Pandora said:
And don't be so vain. You are NOT a better woman than his last. If he dogged her out, you will probably be NEXT.

Isn't that the truth. :lol: I hear that all too often "well, his ex was this or that way" (like they are saying they are better than the ex... girl... you better get a grip) or even the man saying "she was this way or that way." (So it is all her fault, right? :duh:)

This article works both ways, there are many men who think sex will lead to a relationship too, when these days, there are actually women out there who are about satisfaction in the moment. Oh yeah, we call them sluts for doing what a man does. Gotta love double standards. :jameo:

I think women are more gullible though...

The only men that think sex will equal a relationship are the low self esteem ones who are even lucky to get some.


ice cream lover
Pandora said:
And don't be so vain. You are NOT a better woman than his last. If he dogged her out, you will probably be NEXT.

Isn't that the truth. :lol: I hear that all too often "well, his ex was this or that way" (like they are saying they are better than the ex... girl... you better get a grip) or even the man saying "she was this way or that way." (So it is all her fault, right? :duh:)

This article works both ways, there are many men who think sex will lead to a relationship too, when these days, there are actually women out there who are about satisfaction in the moment. Oh yeah, we call them sluts for doing what a man does. Gotta love double standards. :jameo:


New Member
Qurious said:
I think women are more gullible though...

The only men that think sex will equal a relationship are the low self esteem ones who are even lucky to get some.

I’m actually going through this with a friend of mine, and I don’t know if I honestly feel comfortable with calling her that anymore after the way she conducted herself with her boyfriend.

She was dating a man who was left very bitter and angry over a divorce and he told her, straight up, he enjoyed hanging out with her but he wasn’t looking for a long-term relationship. He felt they were getting too serious and wanted distance. I said, you really need to move on and find a guy on the same page. I just felt she jumped in with both feet when I clearly knew that living happily ever after is her goal, meaning getting married. Well, he started calling again and they started dating again. Next thing you know, she is pregnant and many thought it was her last ditch effort to keep him, me included. Who the hell would want a man they trapped? :duh:

In a sense, I felt for a moment, you really just don't know people do you?

And I take crap like this to heart, because it makes women look really bad.

"But it was an accident"

Call me insensitive, but in a world where there are so many birth control options, I don't buy that :bs: anymore.
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Im On 1.
Pandora said:
I’m actually going through this with a friend of mine, and I don’t know if I honestly feel comfortable with calling her that anymore after the way she conducted herself with her boyfriend.

She was dating a man who was left very bitter and angry over a divorce and he told her, straight up, he enjoyed hanging out with her but he wasn’t looking for a long-term relationship. He felt they were getting too serious and wanted distance. I said, you really need to move on and find a guy on the same page. I just felt she jumped in with both feet when I clearly knew that living happily ever after is her goal, meaning getting married. Well, he started calling again and they started dating again. Next thing you know, she is pregnant and many thought it was her last ditch effort to keep him, me included. Who the hell would want a man they trapped? :duh:

In a sense, I felt for a moment, you really just don't know people do you?

And I take crap like this to heart, because it makes women look really bad.

"But it was an accident"

Call me insensitive, but in a world where there are so many birth control options, I don't buy that :bs: anymore.

See when it comes to situations like this I'm like - dude if you dont wanna be with her long timer then u should be using protection. Dont go raw on someone your just having fun with.

I dont see him being trapped at all...he made his bed now he has to lay in it...and so does she if he would rather just pay a child support bill then be with her and that baby.


aka Mrs. Giant
Qurious said:
See when it comes to situations like this I'm like - dude if you dont wanna be with her long timer then u should be using protection. Dont go raw on someone your just having fun with.

I dont see him being trapped at all...he made his bed now he has to lay in it...and so does she if he would rather just pay a child support bill then be with her and that baby.

It takes two to tango.


Tight Pants and Lipstick
PREMO Member
Don't be afraid to be alone

:yay: Respect yourself. Be protected. Be clear about what you're getting into. Sounds reasonable.

My only complaint is that, although it's not a bad read, is that it has to be written.


Im On 1.
virgovictoria said:
:yay: Respect yourself. Be protected. Be clear about what you're getting into. Sounds reasonable.

My only complaint is that, although it's not a bad read, is that it has to be written.

someone had to go through that sh!t to write about it....


Tight Pants and Lipstick
PREMO Member
Qurious said:
someone had to go through that sh!t to write about it....
Meaning, that it had to be written as advice from a man to a women... As a :nono: deal.. Not a positive inner strength spin meant for everyone, but more as, "Why you need to stop riding our jocks"...


If he says, "I'm not lookin' for nothing right now" -- DON'T tell yourself, "Aw, he just scared of getting hurt. I can change his mind.."

I would be thinking that he was a moron, and stay far away. Who would want to converse with, much less sleep with a guy who uses grammar like that? :jameo:

Oh, my bad: An idiot who thinks she can educate him.

Then we get to pay for the spawn that spring forth from such unions.



My Sweetest Boy
Qurious said:
someone had to go through that sh!t to write about it....

I dunno, it's not like what he's writing about is some new innovative idea. Pretty much common sense.


New Member
Qurious said:
I think women are more gullible though...

The only men that think sex will equal a relationship are the low self esteem ones who are even lucky to get some.

Women more gullible? Did I just read that. I hope I was day dreaming. Yep, read it again and it's really there. In black and white. I'm in shock and almost speechless. Almost, I said!

As for the rest of your post, absolutely absurd!


New Member
This was a Good Reading Material. It is true, all of it. There is no single men in my bldg or church. So where do you meet the nice guys at without going to bars? Gym yes but no luck, Internet (that is a joke)
I think someone needs to create a night event that can get singles out (single parents also) with no beer and just see the good eyes of people, or do that have that and I just dont know anything about it. lol

somd whisper

New Member
migtig said:

It takes two to tango.

The woman has just as much responsibility in birth control as well. So men if you ask her if she is on the pill and she lies to you and gets pregnant for the sole purpose of trapping you, then what?

You should consider to always using protection unless you are in a committed relationship and even then if you do not want children.

somd whisper

New Member
lillymay said:
Women more gullible? Did I just read that. I hope I was day dreaming. Yep, read it again and it's really there. In black and white. I'm in shock and almost speechless. Almost, I said!

As for the rest of your post, absolutely absurd!

I concur.


New Member
goldielocks7 said:
This was a Good Reading Material. It is true, all of it. There is no single men in my bldg or church. So where do you meet the nice guys at without going to bars? Gym yes but no luck, Internet (that is a joke)
I think someone needs to create a night event that can get singles out (single parents also) with no beer and just see the good eyes of people, or do that have that and I just dont know anything about it. lol

Grocery store, gas station, bookstore, through friends, volunteer work. At least that's what I've heard. :lmao:


New Member
somd whisper said:

The woman has just as much responsibility in birth control as well. So men if you ask her if she is on the pill and she lies to you and gets pregnant for the sole purpose of trapping you, then what?

You should consider to always using protection unless you are in a committed relationship and even then if you do not want children.

Yeah, what she said! Do women still do that trapping thing? God! That trick is so vintage and lame!


wandering aimlessly
there are so many women I can think of that need to read the original post. And so many man I can think of that need to realize that its the reason certain women say no.