

Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
How do you tell a woman that she's not handling her "change of life" well and she may want to look into HRT?


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
The only way to safely do so without risking life or limb is to sneak it into her food? Does she like cheese?

This ones a sister who lives 800 miles away. i don't think she'd come this far to kill me, but she does have a mean streak.
This ones a sister who lives 800 miles away. i don't think she'd come this far to kill me, but she does have a mean streak.
You are safe. Just fain communication issues and "accidently" hang up in mid-sentence then let it go to voicemail if she tries calling back. She will forget how angry she is with you once the next flux occurs.

I vividly remember my mom going through the change and how evil she got! I used to call and make her put my dad on the phone so that I could verify he was still alive and not buried in the crawlspace!


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