Lady Gaga



Look up "androgyny" on Wikipedia and you'll see a picture of David Bowie.

And Wikipedia is not used as a valid source for any actual studies.

That being said, forgive the incorrect spelling. Additionally, David Bowie was the father of said movement, however, in retrospect, I'm sure most people would agree he is much more girly and a lead in to the 80's hair bands, where the guys looked like chicks but acted like alpha males.


curiouser and curiouser
And Wikipedia is not used as a valid source for any actual studies.

That being said, forgive the incorrect spelling. Additionally, David Bowie was the father of said movement, however, in retrospect, I'm sure most people would agree he is much more girly and a lead in to the 80's hair bands, where the guys looked like chicks but acted like alpha males.

For God's sake Kris, this isn't "actual studies" it's a freakin' internet discussion. You were corrected, it doesn't have to be a big deal. :roflmao:


For God's sake Kris, this isn't "actual studies" it's a freakin' internet discussion. You were corrected, it doesn't have to be a big deal. :roflmao:

It was a joke darling. If I can't joke with you then who can?

:doh: This is what I get for trying to post while working, and actually doing serious work. Apparently I lose my entire sense of humor.


:doh: This is what I get for trying to post while working, and actually doing serious work. Apparently I lose my entire sense of humor.

You're like a madwoman at work.... your arms are flailing about with papers, and typing, filing, then answering the phone.... you're like an octopus.

So..... Rebel Rebel :tap:


You're like a madwoman at work.... your arms are flailing about with papers, and typing, filing, then answering the phone.... you're like an octopus.

So..... Rebel Rebel :tap:

:lmao: Don't forget meeting with clients, running up and down stairs, and making important decisions like what's for lunch!

Hot tramp, I love you so!