Lake Lariat Closed as Percautionary Measure


New Member
Hi all,
This is little better than a rummor at this point, We really dont know if we have an issue were just playing it safe! So no yelling shark!

On 9/10/07, Bernie Howe wrote:

The clam project has reported that their tests have revealed a bloom of Microcystis in Lake Lariat. Microcystis is a blue-green algae, also termed Cyanobacteria, which can be toxic to wildlife and humans. Although this bacteria naturally occurs in most lakes at low concentrations, the current bloom has developed in the Lake throughout the summer of 2007 to a significant level. Contributing factors are high temperatures, poor circulation, high pH and nutrients from chemical fertilizers coming from the watershed.

The test results have been submitted to the Calvert County Health Department. We have not yet received a copy of the actual tests. To be on the safe side, we have posted the lake for "no swimming" until we receive an opinion from the Health Department on the situation. Fisherman and boaters are being advised of the conditions but no attempt is being made to curtail their activities. Fisherman are advised that they should practice "catch and return."

June – Please post this to the web site.

Bernie Howe MBA, CMCAÒ, PCAM Ò
General Manager/COO
Office - (410) 326-3182 Ext. 102


New Member
If you have a lab confirmation from at least one certifiable source, why do you need to wait for the Health Department to confirm what it is, which could take days. I would think the process would be much more straight forward and general public notification would be sent out by every available medium including radio. There are legal requirements.

Not everyone gets in the water at the Lake Beach. In fact, most access the water from their private property. If a potential health hazard exists, the legal requirement is to PUBLISH A NOTICE first and ask questions later. The liability is on POACRE if someone has gotten sick, or may get sick from the water.

Why didn't POACRE raise the concern in the first place? Are they all blind? Wasn't the algae bloom on the Lake pretty much noticable? Didn't they see children swimming in it? Who is responsible for monitoring this anyway? I am pretty sure it wasn't the Clam Project people who have the authority to do something about it. How about some accountability?

NO, instead, we get "So no yelling shark!" Is this stuff harmful or not? How harmful can it be? The GM"s letter sounds like it could be. So, if there is something deadly in the water, why wouldn't you yell "SHARK". Or, are you all the city council of Amityville?

GEEEEEZ!! When will someone get a little common sense!!!!!


New Member
exnodak said:
If you have a lab confirmation from at least one certifiable source, why do you need to wait for the Health Department to confirm what it is, which could take days. I would think the process would be much more straight forward and general public notification would be sent out by every available medium including radio. There are legal requirements.

Not everyone gets in the water at the Lake Beach. In fact, most access the water from their private property. If a potential health hazard exists, the legal requirement is to PUBLISH A NOTICE first and ask questions later. The liability is on POACRE if someone has gotten sick, or may get sick from the water.

Why didn't POACRE raise the concern in the first place? Are they all blind? Wasn't the algae bloom on the Lake pretty much noticable? Didn't they see children swimming in it? Who is responsible for monitoring this anyway? I am pretty sure it wasn't the Clam Project people who have the authority to do something about it. How about some accountability?

NO, instead, we get "So no yelling shark!" Is this stuff harmful or not? How harmful can it be? The GM"s letter sounds like it could be. So, if there is something deadly in the water, why wouldn't you yell "SHARK". Or, are you all the city council of Amityville?

GEEEEEZ!! When will someone get a little common sense!!!!!

Why would you yell Shark? I didn't read anything about a Shark in the water. :shrug:


Well-Known Member
exnodak said:
Who is responsible for monitoring this anyway? I am pretty sure it wasn't the Clam Project people who have the authority to do something about it. How about some accountability?
the GM, Bernie Howe cut the testing of the lake water as a way to save money, and to penalize the membership for not voting to increase fees. So it is the POACRE's responsibility, but the GM has decided to shirk it. :yay:


Well-Known Member
Midnightrider said:
the GM, Bernie Howe cut the testing of the lake water as a way to save money, and to penalize the membership for not voting to increase fees. So it is the POACRE's responsibility, but the GM has decided to shirk it. :yay:
Also, as a owner of a lake front lot, i would like to know why i wasn't notified if you are going to "close" the lake to swimming. This is the first i have heard of it.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Midnightrider said:
Also, as a owner of a lake front lot, i would like to know why i wasn't notified if you are going to "close" the lake to swimming. This is the first i have heard of it.
Talking to yourself?


New Member
Midnightrider said:
Also, as a owner of a lake front lot, i would like to know why i wasn't notified if you are going to "close" the lake to swimming. This is the first i have heard of it.

Wether to tell you or not was going to be discussed at the next meeting!


exnodak said:
Its easier to say than " Extremely toxic Myocistis Aerogenosa Cyanobactera".

Yeah, but if I tell my kids, the water will make you sick today, next year they'll still feel safe swimming.

If I tell them, "Shark" they'll never go near that or any other lake again.

Why don't you yell, "GERMS" and have done with it.


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New Member
If it is the same blue-green algae I've heard about before, make sure your pets stay out of the water. It can kill a dog within hours!


nosey said:
If it is the same blue-green algae I've heard about before, make sure your pets stay out of the water. It can kill a dog within hours!

That's just my point... we don't know what algae it is... until the reports come in.... I guess the team would rather be safe.... I would rather be sure.... A few years ago we had a red algae bloom and as soon as it rained, it went away... we've had a long dry summer....


New Member
greyhound said:
Why would you yell Shark? I didn't read anything about a Shark in the water. :shrug:

Somebody didn't get the joke..... :lmao:

Lake Lariat Closed as P... 09-11-2007 07:33 AM are you too stupid to understand metaphors now? :lmao:

and what about that shark?