Lake Lariat Update
ladyhawk said:
Today, I was told that the Health Department did call the POACRE office and told them to close the beaches when they received the reports. I will be calling them first thing tomorrow to verify this. I do not rely on rumor and speculation but instead verify things as necessary. But I do not rely on waiting for someone else because of my experiences with Cyanobacterias. My Vet agreed with me on this one.
I called the Health Department today. They told me that the last sample they tested was on September 5th and that it was the lowest all summer with a reading of 1.93 ppm (parts per million). Then I asked what they tested for. The only test they do is for E. Coli bacteria. Any other tests would have to be sent out. Cyanobacteria requires a special test to detect and is primarily done by private labs.
They had no reason to call anyone based on their recent tests.
I asked how often they tested and based on their records, it was about every two weeks and they test the waters right at the swimmers area of the beach. The highest reading over the summer was 3.0 ppm and they had been in contact with the General Manager throughout the summer because of the testing.
I do wonder now if they should use the lower recordings as a warning to have additional tests because I heard that Cyanobacteria may well have fed off the E. Coli thus causing such a low reading... I'd have to do my own research on this one because I am not sure that would be the case, but it is something to look into...