That would be the fun part! It's all been done for us though.. been done, but not even because we directly were threatened. If wolves killed the cattle they were poisoned. If coyotes ate a few sheep. they were hunted and trapped. If grizzlies came too close to our homes they were wipped out (can't blame them there) We are the ulimate predator, top of the food chain. The only thing we have to fear is ourselves. And that is pretty damn scary.Larry Gude said:...for everyone who makes it, that would be great! So then the gene pool is filled with what?
Only the strongest? Well, sometimes the gators and lions get the strongest one because he slipped or broke his leg stepping in a hole at full speed or because the weaker idiots behind him crashed into him and pushed him into the river.
The smartest? Or only the most single minded?
The healthiest? Or maybe just the ones closest to mom as the braver or more curious or more active ones were just out of safeties reach as the hyenas attacked?
The compassionate? Or just the ones who pushed everyone else out of the way to reach safety first?
Survival of the fittest sounds great on paper when we're talking about someone doing something totally idiotic but nature is not smart nor selective. Nature is thoughtless, plan less, absent of justice and absolutely remorseless.
Only man is capable of compassion and reason and thinking and acting past his stomach and his wiener.
If I was confronted with raptors I'd extermiante them. Maybe save a few for the zoo.
Before they exterminate me.