Laptop for middle school child??


New Member
Thanks, I thought the Sims had a pretty high requirement. What is E-PCs??

It is a tiny little laptop made by Asus as a browser-based computer. It has less functionality than a Iphone.

And, I know that Xaq and I are seeming a bit....over the edge here, but you really really should step up and tell your daughter that a laptop is useless. Short of spending multiple thousand dollars, anything (and even if you DO spend multiple thousands of dollars) you buy as a laptop will be completely outdated by the time it gets to yoru door. By the time your daughter even starts applying to college, her laptop will be absolutely worthless.


R.I.P. Bobo, We miss you!
It is a tiny little laptop made by Asus as a browser-based computer. It has less functionality than a Iphone.

And, I know that Xaq and I are seeming a bit....over the edge here, but you really really should step up and tell your daughter that a laptop is useless. Short of spending multiple thousand dollars, anything (and even if you DO spend multiple thousands of dollars) you buy as a laptop will be completely outdated by the time it gets to yoru door. By the time your daughter even starts applying to college, her laptop will be absolutely worthless.

I agree and I have told her that she doesn't need one, she is an insistent little bugger..She says that's all she wants.....:whistle:


New Member
Yeah, I'm not trying to be a downer or anything. Laptops are great and have their place, but they are expensive finicky pieces of machinery.


New Member
Aren't those like way outdated languages??:popcorn:


Now if I said Fortran...

But seriously. Get her to learn something geeky so she can appreciate the computer more.

And please, by the gods, block Myspace. and/or keep her banned from the internet without your supervision.


R.I.P. Bobo, We miss you!

Now if I said Fortran...

But seriously. Get her to learn something geeky so she can appreciate the computer more.

And please, by the gods, block Myspace. and/or keep her banned from the internet without your supervision.

Fortran...I remember being terrible with that! I agree, I don't care for that Myspace stuff.


Well-Known Member

Now if I said Fortran...

I wasn't even going to post in this thread because I'd have basically just have been saying that I completely agree with you and Xaquinn...but that made me laugh and I had to respond.
and now that I did...I have to say...
this should have been nipped in the bud. There is no reason for a 12 yo to have a laptop and you should have explained that they are for big kids, or something like that. :lol: But who am I to tell you how to raise your kid? If you have the money, go for it, but remember that for any bang for your buck is going to be probably halved by you getting a laptop instead of a desktop.
and its harder to keep track of what the kid does on a laptop.
and they have a much higher chance of breaking.

In conclusion...without dragging this on.
If you MUST get a laptop, I'd say try to get the cheapest Dell possible, and get a warranty. There are other options for cheap computers, but I believe out of the choices, you're probably going to get the best customer service with Dell when (I didn't stutter :lol:) this computer breaks. :yay:

Merry Christmas :howdy: :smile:


New Member
Here ya go:

Dell Vostro Laptops

And for the sims...

Question: What are the system requirements for "The Sims 2?"

Answer: Maxis has released information on the system requirements for "The Sims 2." If you have a T&L (info about what T&L is below) capable video card with at least 32 MB of video RAM (such as nvidia GeForce 2 or better or ATI Radeon 7000 or better) then you need at least:

800 MHz processor
256 MB RAM if Windows XP
128 MB RAM if Windows 98, Windows ME, or Windows 2000
At least 3.5 gigs of free hard drive space
If you have a non-T&L capable video card (such as TNT2, Intel, or Rage for example) then you need at least:
2.0 GHz processor
256 MB RAM if Windows XP
128 MB RAM if Windows 98, Windows ME, or Windows 2000
At least 3.5 gigs of free hard drive space
Recommened video cards (and the more video memory the better):
ATI Radeon 9800 Pro
Nvidia Geforce 4
Visit "The Sims 2" official website for a more detailed list.


I bought a Dell Inspiron 1525 for my 9yr. old for getting straight A's through the entire school year. I felt he deserved it. It can only further his knowledge. I also put office for Home and Students on it. Cost me around 650.00 but was well worth it. You get what you pay for in the end.


b*tch rocket
:cds: This is her I don't want a desktop...:cds:

I happen to agree with her. I'd never buy another desktop for me, or for my kids. Laptops all the way. :yay: Once you get used to the portability of a laptop it is almost impossible to use a desktop computer. I use the laptop in the kitchen for recipes, I take it almost everywhere I go. It is great that my daughter can be anywhere and be able to work on a school paper. She can take it to her friends house when they're working on projects together etc. She doesn't have her own laptop (yet), she uses mine, but when she does need her own computer, it will definitely be a laptop.