Larry and Limbaugh...

The Limbaugh effect...

  • I view you better

    Votes: 6 16.7%
  • I view you worse

    Votes: 1 2.8%
  • I already viewed you as high as possible

    Votes: 2 5.6%
  • I already viewed you as low as possible

    Votes: 5 13.9%
  • Who is Larry?

    Votes: 1 2.8%
  • Who is Rush Limbaugh?

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • What color is your grandmother then I'll decide

    Votes: 4 11.1%
  • Whom ELSE do you listen to, hmm???

    Votes: 2 5.6%
  • I view you no different

    Votes: 9 25.0%
  • Option 10

    Votes: 6 16.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


I used to be a big ditto head, now I'm just a ditto toenail only because he annoys me. But he does share my political philosophies.

I'm STILL not voting for you Larry.

Larry Gude

Strung Out


This ####ing countrys lost its grip
Subconscious hold begins to slip
The scales of justice tend to tip

The legal system has no spine
Its corroding from inside
Slap your hand youll do no time

Reality on vacation
All across a blinded nation
Mentality under sedation

Anyone can be set free
On a technicality
Explain the law again to me

Here in 1994
Things are different than before
Violence is what we adore

Invitation to the game
Guns and blades and media fame
Every day more of the same

Murder, mayhem, anarchy
Now are all done legally
Mastermind your killing spree

Unafraid of punishment
With a passive government
Theres nothing for you to regret

Nothing to regret

Unimposing policy
No enforcing ministry
Gaping with judicial flaws
Watching a fading nation crawl

(lead: hanneman)

Clashing with the publics frame
Im the one thats place in fame
Legislature sets the stage
Social slaves caught in my rage

(lead: king)

Administrative anarchy theres nothing
You can do to me
The world around you drifting to a
Continental tomb you see
Violence is my passion
I will never be contained
Living with aggression and its
Everlasting reign


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
gee do you think Brian Kilmeade was pissed @ being called a typical sports guy, or it was all staged .............

It was all tongue-in-cheek. You'll notice he was smiling when he "stormed" out, and Doocey and Gretch were laughing.

But it was interesting how the leftie bloggers picked it up and spun it as some rift on the Fox set, especially since they also insist that ALL Fox personalities are extreme right-wing zealots. You should have heard Randi Rhodes ripping on Susan Estrich yesterday.



You should have heard Randi Rhodes ripping on Susan Estrich yesterday.


I saw her on a YouTube Vid .... :blahblah: it was nauseating after 10 sec. how do you listen to Air America .... her and Janeane Garofalo make me want to contemplate Suicide ....

Progressive talk radio network with streaming audio features provocative conversation, interviews and political satire.

I don't know how AA gets away with describing itself as Progressive ..... more like Socialistic

Air America Radio - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia :lamo:
Difficulties and turnover

At the time they started Air America Radio, Progress Media stated it had secured US$30 million in venture capital before its debut. The actual amount was later estimated by the Wall Street Journal to be closer to US$6 million, though Sorensen said that an investor had backed out at the last minute.[4]

Two weeks after the on-air debut of Air America Radio, programming was withdrawn in two key markets due to contract disputes. Multicultural Radio owned two stations contracted to carry Air America programming, in Chicago and Santa Monica, California. Air America alleged that Multicultural Radio had sold time on their Los Angeles station to both Air America and another party, and claimed that that was why they stopped payment on checks due to Multicultural while Air America investigated.

Multicultural Radio noted that Air America bounced a check and claimed they were owed in excess of US$1 million. Air America Radio filed a complaint in New York Supreme Court, charging breach of contract and was briefly granted an injunction to restore the network on WNTD-AM in Chicago. On April 20, 2004, the network announced the dispute had been settled, and Air America's last day of broadcast on WNTD was April 30, 2004. The New York Supreme Court ultimately concluded that the injunction was improvidently entered and that Air America Radio's court action was without merit, dismissing Air America's complaint and awarding over US$250,000 in damages and attorneys' fees to Multicultural.[5] According to a subsequent lawsuit filed by Multicultural, Air America Radio never paid the sums ordered by the court.[6]

Four weeks after Air America's debut, its CEO, Mark Walsh, and executive vice president for programming, Dave Logan, left the network. One week after those departures, its chairman and vice chairman, Evan Cohen and his investment partner Rex Sorensen, were forced out by the remaining investors who asked Sinton and the network's executive producer, Carl Ginsburg, a lawyer and experienced newsman, to operate the company.

As part of a reorganization, the Progress Media Board of Directors bought the assets of that company, creating a new company, Piquant LLC. An important change which accompanied the reorganization was a decision to stop trying to buy radio stations and lease air time, and to allow affiliates to carry programming outside of the network's offerings.

On February 28, 2005, a new CEO, Danny Goldberg, was named, and in April 2005, Gary Krantz was named president of the network. Ginsburg and Sinton were named co-COOs with Ginsburg in charge of operations and Sinton running programming and affiliate relations.

In December 2005, over Sinton's objections, CEO Danny Goldberg broke up the network's morning drive-time show "Morning Sedition", and let comedian and co-host Marc Maron's contract lapse. While the increased overhead for the show's heavily produced format may have been a factor in the show's demise, Maron claimed that Goldberg did not "get" or agree with the comedy on the show. Maron exacerbated the conflict by calling attention to his situation right on the show for several weeks, prompting a petition drive that garnered over 5,000 signatures. This was to no avail, as Maron announced on November 28 that his last show would be on December 16, 2005. Maron was offered an evening show, which ran briefly on affiliate KTLK in Los Angeles, but Air America never followed through with promised national syndication and the show was cancelled in July 2006.

Goldberg announced his resignation on April 6, 2006, after a little more than a year on the job.

Janeane Garofalo's last day as co-host of The Majority Report was on July 14, 2006. Although several reasons for her departure were cited (including her outside acting responsibilities), rumors claimed the relationship between Garofalo and co-host Sam Seder had become increasingly strained.[7]

By the late summer of 2006 Sinton and Ginsburg's influence was marginalized (both would leave in short order), and the network began to fray. On August 30, 2006, nighttime host Mike Malloy was fired from the network. In the two weeks before the firing, Malloy had announced an impending multi-year deal for him to stay with Air America (and to return on the air in N.Y.C.), and so far the firing has not been explained. Rumours persist that Malloy's criticism of Israel during their bombardment of Lebanon in the summer of 2006 may have played a role. News of his termination was conveyed via a short statement on the homepage of Malloy's website, posted by his wife/producer Kathy Bay Malloy.[8] His final show was on August 29, 2006 filling in for Rhodes. No mention of his firing was made during the broadcast. Malloy's firing drew criticism from current Air America on-air talent, including The Majority Report's Sam Seder and Randi Rhodes. It also began a massive online campaign, including a petition that has over 17,000 signatures as of October 2006. On October 30, 2006, Malloy resumed his show on a newly created progressive radio network, Nova M Radio.


Air America Radio - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Gloria Wise controversy

Further information: Air America-Gloria Wise loan controversy

In July 2005, the Bronx News reported that the Gloria Wise Boys and Girls Club of Co-op City, a non-profit organization providing services for children and seniors in the Bronx, loaned US$480,000 to Progress Media, then owner of Air America Radio. It later turned out that there had been four separate transfers from Gloria Wise, of $80,000; $87,000; $218,000; and $490,000; between October 2, 2003, and March 14, 2004, totalling $875,000, and that no interest was to be paid on these loans.[9]

Since then, the city has suspended further funding of the agency, and Boys and Girls Clubs of America has revoked the group's right to use their name, likeness or logo. At the time the funds were to have been transferred, Evan Cohen, former chairman of the now-defunct Progress Media, was also Director of Development for Gloria Wise.

In response to this report, Air America Radio's owners at the time, Piquant LLC, issued a press release stating Piquant had "no obligation to Progress Media's business activities”, and Piquant, as previously agreed, would "fully compensate" the Gloria Wise Boys & Girls Club.[10] While Gloria Wise remains under investigation, Air America has since repaid the loan.[11]

[edit] Bankruptcy filing under Chapter 11

On October 13, 2006, Air America filed for protection from creditors, i.e. bankruptcy, under chapter 11, at the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of New York.[12] Air America continued broadcasting while the finances were worked out with the creditors. The company had US$4,331,265.30 in assets and US$20,266,056.23 in liabilities. Al Franken alone was owed US$360,749.98 and Rob Glaser, founder of Real Networks, was owed the most at US$9.8 million. The filing had over 25 pages of creditors and shows the company lost US$9.1 million in 2004, US$19.6 million in 2005 and an additional US$13.1 million by mid-October in 2006.[13][14]

Larry Gude

Strung Out


I don't know how AA gets away with describing itself as Progressive ..... more like Socialistic

...because 'liberal' became a bad word, never mind modern 'liberals' made it one. Generic 'Democrat' includes to many people who don't see eye to eye with the anti-America argument. "Leftist" is far to close for comfort, as is socialist and communist. When the term 'progressive tax rates' earned favor over confiscatory' over time, a foothold was gained for that word.

So, you are idealistic and thoughtful and you are interested in 'progressive' policies, thus, the re-branding of an ideology. Image is big in America.

Read my sig.