The zoning ordinance and Comprehensive Land Use Plan is a long and complex story, but I'll try my best to condense it and still allow it to make sense.
When we took office, we knew the land use policies were outdated. We immediately took action and met with the Planning Commission which, by law, was responsible for writing the Comprehensive Land Use Plan with the use of our Planning and Zoning staff. At the time, Joe Anderson and Shelby Guazzo were both members of this commission, a commission that was nominated by Democrats I might add.
We met with the Planning Commission (PC) for months and months if not over the course of a year and a half. The majority of commissioners, Eagan, Brugman and Jarboe, instructed the PC to draft a land use plan that used incentives rather than punitive regs that would help preserve our rural character, plan wisely, yet still respect property rights to fullest extent possible. We went round and round with these folks, but for some reason, they refused to listen to the "elected" commissioners and drafted a draconian plan that was full of new regulations. In my opinion Nod, the commissioners were elected by the voters of the county so they had the mandate on the philosophical approach of the land plan, not the politically appointed PC.
Anyway, after 2-3 years of drafting this plan, the PC (Guazzo and Anderson included), presented this 10 inch nightmare of a document and we were stunned. We told them over and over that we would reject any plan that used regs rather than incentives to acheive our goals. We all agreed on the fundamental goals of saving farms, preserving rural character, and all that crap. The difference was the approach. They favored draconian, socialist land grabs and we favored incentives and financial rewards for achieving the goals, such as a proven TDR (Transferable Developement Rights) Plan that was successful in other parts of the country. They ignored us.
We immediately voted the plan down. At the time, Anderson and Guazzo's five year term was up and we replaced them with people who had common sense and would respect property rights. We told the PC to go back to work, hired an outside firm to come in and help draft the plan to get this thing passed as soon as possible because we knew how important it was to get this thing finished due to the rapid growth that was occuring.
The second Land Use Plan was literally finished after the elections but before the new board took office. The law required us to have a public hearing and hold the record open for 60 days after the hearing. Rather than be arrogant A$$holes and pass this thing at the end of our term, we respected the voters and allowed the new board to make the decision.
What did they do? They immediately rejected the second plan that had addressed the TDR issue and elimated much of the regs, they fired the consultant, they removed the common sense volunteers we appointed to the PC in the middle of their terms (we at least waited until the terms expired), and they started all over again.
When the smoke cleared, it took them more than three years to finally get a plan approved and the zoning ordinance to pass. Why so long? Get this, they were concerned about the TDR program and they got the hell beat out of them by land owners from all over the county at the public hearings. Why? Because the people were outraged at the draconian measures this board was about to approve. They then tried to weasal out of it by saying they weren't actually prepared to take this to public hearing and that they weren't aware of what was in the plan.
In my opinion, I honestly believe that Anderson and Guazzo were part of an effort to delay the land use plan adoption to hurt our board during the elections. They both new they were going to run for office and this would be one heck of a campaign issue to run on for them if we had failed to get the darned thing approved. And sure enough, it worked. They both used this as the focal point of their campaigns when in fact they were the main reason the plan wasn't approved in the first place. Why else would they intentionally ignore us and give us a plan they knew we would reject? No one has ever asked that question and I doubt if they would give an honest answer.
These are the type of people we are dealing with Nod. They put politics ahead of the good of this county. I sincerely believe this and nothing can change it. I've seen it, I've lived it, I've experienced what these people are capable of doing.