Larry's feminine side...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I put this in the ladies forum because, frankly, this is where it belongs.

In straightening up the cave today, I am actually sorting through cloths and choosing what to get rid of instead of the usual back a dumpster up to the window and heave everything and wait for the women in my life to reload me at Christmas and birthdays.

Well. I have a pair of jeans that I have not worn in years and I just have to say, there is no way I thought I could even get them up and over 'the keg' let alone button them up. Let alone comfortably.

Fit great, a little loose even. :diva:

So, there. That's my sharing, proud of myself, ghey moment of the day. :lol:



I put this in the ladies forum because, frankly, this is where it belongs.

In straightening up the cave today, I am actually sorting through cloths and choosing what to get rid of instead of the usual back a dumpster up to the window and heave everything and wait for the women in my life to reload me at Christmas and birthdays.

Well. I have a pair of jeans that I have not worn in years and I just have to say, there is no way I thought I could even get them up and over 'the keg' let alone button them up. Let alone comfortably.

Fit great, a little loose even. :diva:

So, there. That's my sharing, proud of myself, ghey moment of the day. :lol:




My Sweetest Boy
I put this in the ladies forum because, frankly, this is where it belongs.

In straightening up the cave today, I am actually sorting through cloths and choosing what to get rid of instead of the usual back a dumpster up to the window and heave everything and wait for the women in my life to reload me at Christmas and birthdays.

Well. I have a pair of jeans that I have not worn in years and I just have to say, there is no way I thought I could even get them up and over 'the keg' let alone button them up. Let alone comfortably.

Fit great, a little loose even. :diva:

So, there. That's my sharing, proud of myself, ghey moment of the day. :lol:


Are you keeping the loin cloth? What about the dust cloth?



Good for you Larry, I bet it feels good and thanks for sharing :huggy:
I just did that too, I'm way pregnant and I can't bare even looking at the cloth I can't wear. So many different cloth.


New Member
I put this in the ladies forum because, frankly, this is where it belongs.

In straightening up the cave today, I am actually sorting through cloths and choosing what to get rid of instead of the usual back a dumpster up to the window and heave everything and wait for the women in my life to reload me at Christmas and birthdays.

Well. I have a pair of jeans that I have not worn in years and I just have to say, there is no way I thought I could even get them up and over 'the keg' let alone button them up. Let alone comfortably.

Fit great, a little loose even. :diva:

So, there. That's my sharing, proud of myself, ghey moment of the day. :lol:


Well done!!!!!!!! What a great feeling!!!
I went through my wardrobe the other day and I am left with about 2 items of clothing I can wear:frown: My wardrobe looks like a Russian shop in the 80's......nothing in there!


Congratulations!!!:yahoo: When are you due?

Thanks frozen! November 10th is when he or she makes their debut. It's been a while since my last. How are your babies? And do you need some clothes for you Russian shop? I have some short sleeve size medium Tshirts from Old Navy among other cloths.


New Member
Thanks frozen! November 10th is when he or she makes their debut. It's been a while since my last. How are your babies? And do you need some clothes for you Russian shop? I have some short sleeve size medium Tshirts from Old Navy among other cloths.

Wow that is wonderful!!.I bet your son is excited! How have you been finding this pregnancy? My children are all well. That is very sweet about the tops.:huggy: I
Me or morningbell? :lol:

Well Larry is there anything you want to tell us?:lmao:.


Wow that is wonderful!!.I bet your son is excited! How have you been finding this pregnancy? My children are all well. That is very sweet about the tops.:huggy: I
Our house is buzzing, daddy has already been busy buying things already, my son decides he wants a boy or girl every other day and is excited to even change diapers (we'll see how long that lasts).

I have just gotten out of the first trimester and am starting to gain some energy back, still feeling nausea but less than every day/all day. I was really sick in the beginning even made a hospital visit for dehydration.

Well Larry is there anything you want to tell us?:lmao:.

Larry, when are you due....