Laser Hair Removal


New Member
Has anyone had any treatments to remove hair by a laser?

I am curious how many treatments it took, has it grown back at all, and did it hurt? I'm tired of shaving...
Has anyone had any treatments to remove hair by a laser?

I am curious how many treatments it took, has it grown back at all, and did it hurt? I'm tired of shaving...

It depends on where you're having the hair removed. Thicker hair (legs, bikini) takes more treatments but the more often you have it done the longer it lasts. It's pretty good but kind of expensive. I guess if you consider how much you spend on razors and shaving cream, in the long run it's probably not terrible. I'm not gonna lie though, it hurts! I had my lip done...OUCH!! Turns out, I don't mind waxing my couple of lil hairs at all, haha!!


a few years back I worked with a girl that was getting laser hair removal on her cooch and she was telling me that she had to go in for several treatments and the area getting lasered could not be exposed to sunlight for weeks, I wanted to ask her how much that area normally got sunlight

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
My legs! Guess I should've clarified that...haha

A friend of mine had it done as well as her underarms. I think it took 4 or 5 treatments, spaced out to allow the remaining hair to come in so it could be then treated. Not inexpensive but she had very good results. :yay:


Well-Known Member
A friend of mine had it done as well as her underarms. I think it took 4 or 5 treatments, spaced out to allow the remaining hair to come in so it could be then treated. Not inexpensive but she had very good results. :yay:

Never get your underarms waxed. :yikes:


New Member
A friend of mine had it done as well as her underarms. I think it took 4 or 5 treatments, spaced out to allow the remaining hair to come in so it could be then treated. Not inexpensive but she had very good results. :yay:
4 or 5 treatments spaced out over a few months (or however long) sounds so much better than spending 10 min every day for the next 50 years shaving your legs. I hate stubble.
I wonder if anyone's hair has ever grown back after the following year or two, their hair was back and their money was down the drain. I remember hearing Elliott/Diane on DC101 talk about hair removal on one of their shows.
Thanks for the info!

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
4 or 5 treatments spaced out over a few months (or however long) sounds so much better than spending 10 min every day for the next 50 years shaving your legs. I hate stubble.
Amen sister. :high5:

I wonder if anyone's hair has ever grown back after the following year or two, their hair was back and their money was down the drain. I remember hearing Elliott/Diane on DC101 talk about hair removal on one of their shows.
Thanks for the info!
Hers hasn't and it's been a few years since she's had it done. :shrug: