LATE!!!LATE!!!LATE!!! Pompous Newbie Here!!!!


Iron City
Mom2threebabies said:
Hey, it's below the Mason-Dixon line so it's the south

Go spend some time down in Hoke County, N.C. darlin'. That will give you a true taste of what the south really is. SoMD ain't the south.


Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
mrweb said:
Go spend some time down in Hoke County, N.C. darlin'. That will give you a true taste of what the south really is. SoMD ain't the south.

Why, cause our teefs ain't all jacked up from inbreeding? :smack:
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So I am bored since my 5 Y/O is at a friends house and my 5 month old is taking her nap, I was curious and well wow she took the time to change all 100 and whatever post to smiley things. who pizzed her off THAT much???? nomo, kwillia, mainman, Socki? :lmao:


Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
hborror said:
So I am bored since my 5 Y/O is at a friends house and my 5 month old is taking her nap, I was curious and well wow she took the time to change all 100 and whatever post to smiley things. who pizzed her off THAT much???? nomo, kwillia, mainman, Socki? :lmao:

I think it was mrweb's comment about Hokey County.