I'm sure all you Mac users think I am anti-Mac. That is completely untrue. I will admit to being anti-Mac User though. What duimbfounds and annoys me most about Macs has nothing to do with the computers, it's the a large percentage of the people who use them. Mac users are so blinded by the hype around Macs that they will tout the greatness of a Mac to someone shopping for a new system whether a Mac is truly the best choice or not. After all, it's a Mac it has to be the best choice.
I love Linux. It's fast, reliable, and I really like the interface. I don't use it, nor would I throw it out there as a recommendation for anyone looking for a system. Why? While I love the operating system and believe it to have great potential; I just can't do everything on it that I want/need to. Sure I could load up WINE and probably get alot of my stuff to work. However if I do that then I need to stand back and look at the situation and ask "Why am I doing this? Could everything I want/need to do be done under the other operating system?". If the answer is yes, then I truly should be using the other system and let Linux go. Which I did. Sure I still play with it some on an old box, but it's not my main system.
Same applies to any system out there. If you like a Mac and you can do everything you want/need with a Mac without resorting to loading another OS or utility to run another OS's applications then great. A Mac is a perfect choice for you. Macs have some great features and applications available to them. However the second you try to leave that Mac world to run something not originally intended for a Mac you need to ask the same question. If someone comes up to me and says I'm a gamer and I was thinking about getting a Mac. I would tell them they were a fool. Why? Because there truly are few game options for a Mac, Windows is the preferred platform that companies release games for. Sure they could do some things to get the Windows games to run on their Mac. But a low-end gaming PC will most likely outperform a Mac trying to run the same games. It just wasn't designed for that purpose and would not be a good recommenation for that person.
Windows and Macs are both just as reliable. Steve Jobs and Bill Gates have both had egg on their faces at one time or another while touting how great their systems are only to have them crash and burn right there in front of the media they were there to impress. My current system has been running for 3+ years without a hitch. I've never reloaded the operating system, though I'd like to but thats mainly because I am too lazy to go searching the system to see if I really still need that application loaded. Wiping it would just be easier. I still have plenty of disk space and the system runs great so I do not see the need to go through the trouble. Dell and HP while not great, aren't terrible. They fill exactly the niche they are trying for a low cost system for the average user. It is very unfair and narrow-minded to brand all Windows boxes as low quality pieces of junk riddled with problems. High quality systems exist, but I doubt you'll find them on the shelf at your local Walmart or Best Buy.
Is Windows subject to more problems? Sure, it holds the lion's share of the computer market. The problems arise mostly from unstable software/hardware out there created by some fly by night company, hackers, and viruses. If you avoid those and properly shield your system from attacks then Windows remains just as reliable as a Mac. All of these are the price Windows pays for being the most popular OS. If the tables were turned and Mac was on top, I am positive we would be able to say the same thing about them.
An old Mac running as a web server, yes that is impressive. Both Apple and Microsoft have had some impressive accomplishments. I mean come on, you truly need to give Microsoft some credit. They have created an operating system that is capable of working on an almost limitless combination of hardware. If we compared all possible Mac hardware combinations to all the possible Windows (PC) hardware combinations it would be like comparing an ant hill to Mount Everest. To be able to stand there and say "Yes, it is capable of running that hardware together under Windows" is truly impressive. Apple can't claim that, they dictate what hardware goes into their systems and they create their OS around that ideal (not really a bad thing as it does contribute to their stability, it's just not very impressive).
Would I ever recommend a Mac? Sure, they have their plusses but they are by no means the right system for every person out there. Just like I would never recommend some high end gaming rig for someone who just wants to surf the web. We could all go back and forth for hours on the pros and cons of each, but in the end what we really should be saying is "What do you want a computer for?". I shall now climb off my soapbox.