Nanny Pam
Just do it the way Nickel told you to. Don't try to analyze it. You cannot win. Even if you have scientific proof on your side, the wife is always right.
Ahhhhhh....and here, folks, we have a well trained husband!
Just do it the way Nickel told you to. Don't try to analyze it. You cannot win. Even if you have scientific proof on your side, the wife is always right.
Ahhhhhh....and here, folks, we have a well trained husband!
I don't know why either, but I'm sure you did something stupid.I did laundry once after we moved down here. She then banned me from doing it. Nothing came out pink. Don't know anymore why she banned me.
"Open the microwave..(he does) put it in (he does) It says to cook for 3 minutes, so push 3-0-0 (he does) now push start." Seriously...true story.
Come on people. If you take a shower you have to get wet first before any soaping but IF you could apply the soap first you would. Doing wash ain't no different. I say as long as the clothes come out clean what does it matter.
In Dustin's defense, he is by no means helpless and this detergent before/after conversation is a running joke between us. I say add it to the water before, he says dump it on top. I don't care what he does as long as he isn't dumping detergent directly on my clothes (which he doesn't wash anyways). On this particular day I saw him walk by with a load of whites, and told him not to start yet because I had some that needed to be washed. I walked in the laundry room and noticed that the clothes were in the washer but the water wasn't on, which meant there was no detergent in the bottom. I gave him a sweet little smile, said "You know you're supposed to put the detergent in first right?" laughed, and proceeded to turn on the water and dump the detergent on top of the clothes.They ask dumb questions like "which goes first detergent or clothes?"
Guess it's kinda like brushing your teeth ... I bet most folks wet the toothbrush before putting toothpaste on it.
I put the clothes in first, THEN the detergent. I've always done it this way and never had a mishap.
But I do sort colors from lights.
Yes, well trained. I throw my clothes on the floor, and my wife washes them. Can't get trained any better than that!
Do you leave change in your pockets too?
...on water, add detergent, add blue jeans, socks, sweatshirts, boots, dishes, cats...
ALWAYS add detergent before the stuff. Detergent last leaves spots on the spoons.