Laurel Glen


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
elaine said:
I wasn't aware that Laurel Glen was sec 8. It didn't used to be.
That's what I was asking, basically - if Laurel Glen is income-based or has a lot of Section 8.


PREMO Member
vraiblonde said:
That's what I was asking, basically - if Laurel Glen is income-based or has a lot of Section 8.
They are privately owned homes, so the owner can rent to anybody who qualifies for sec. 8.


Born and Bred Hillybilly
I live in Laurel Glen....The townhomes are privately owned and ALOT are rented to section 8 and most of them are Terrible Neighbors! Of all of the ones I know only one cares about her home. The rest trash the neighborhood and break ALL THE RULES! The apartments?condos what ever they call them selves are rentals..........not too much trouble there because all the troublemakers walk down into the townhouses to stir up trouble! We have alot of problems with trash..............Jerks don't seem to know how to throw in INTO the dumpsters, so the just drop it on the ground and it looks and smells like crap! The Homeowners Association are a bunch of hipocrits (spelling..........You've got me wound up and now I can't spell) They wouln't help anyone unless they have something to gain from it...and if you get on their bad side....They blackball you. I am meeting with an attorney tomorrow concerning a discrimination lawsuit against them. Over all the neighbor hood is okay.......but it does have a few BAD STREETS....


Hairy Harry
Bogart said:
So you live in Fox Chase?

I just read where Foxchase had been bought by the guys who built the new "income based housing" below the park. They're gonna get a big tax credit to fix it up a bit and still keep the rents low. Sec. 8 brings the landlord a lot more money, as long as they don't live there and have to deal with the crap that it brings in.


New Member
Laurel Glenn

I live in Laurel Glenn, I am a homeowner in the Single Family home section and have not had a problem with anyone around there. The HOA sucks I will admit that, but as far as the community goes everyone seems to speak. I have great neighbors on both sides of me and it is overall a great place to live. I would definately reccomend this community to anyone that is looking for a place to live, that is close to everything, and doesn't have prices that rape you. Just my two cents, if you don't agree, I truly don't care!!!



Born and Bred Hillybilly
Thats just it...........It is a wonderful place to live, with the execptions of the HOA and the few poo-poo heads who choose to make it difficult for everyone else. There are three houses on my street, that act like animals, drinking, fighting etc. And living in the single family homes you wouldn't notice because you are away from it. Next time you come home, around the horseshoe of Woodstown..........Look really good at that street. It reminds me of a inner city slum. Broken down vehicles and big oil stains in parking spots........trash everywhere. And the rest of the neighborhood looks great....All the jerks must be consentrated on Woodstown Way. If we could get the Man who rents out all those houses in question to control his tenants....we'd be doing great. Call the Sheriffs department...They'll tell you they have a call on Woodstown Way at least once a week. We've even made the front page of the St. Mary's Today when my loving neighbors decided to draw a weapon on a State Trooper.....Remember that? I do!!!! It only takes one bad apple to ruin the whole basket! I'd reccomend it to someone too........ONLY ADVISE THEM TO STAY AWAY FROM WOODSTOWN WAY!!!!