Lawn Tractor


Active Member
Lawn tractors are nice but they can be dangerous. Believe me! Especially if you are mowing sideways on a hill or going from grass to gravel. My dad has a lawn tractor he got at a swap meet and rebuilded with some parts he got from the woods. The first day he made it work he unleashed it on a big hill and flipped it over three times. Each time he got his leg caught underneath and that tractor is pretty heavy. It's made of metal and steel (with some plastic) and weighs as much as a lot of stuff. Also make sure it has something to trap gravel because it shoots out real fast and will damage cars and people. Anyways, they can be real nice and you can use them for stuff other than mowing like shoveling snow or pulling a car on a flat surface.


New Member
Originally posted by DoWhat
What do you think of a JD LT150, 1 yr old for $1700?
But it only has a 15hp :bawl:

If you can get a JD that new for that price Id jump on it.
I bought a Sear Craftsman last year brand new, paid more than that and it is a piece of junk.


But wait, there's more...
Originally posted by Scorpion61
If you can get a JD that new for that price Id jump on it.
I bought a Sear Craftsman last year brand new, paid more than that and it is a piece of junk.

I read a lot of "lawnmower" forums when I was shopping for one, and they said the same ... especially when it came to the briggs and straton engines. :ohwell:

Stang Girl

Mr. and Mrs.!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Originally posted by DoWhat
Any recommendations on a good quality built, reasonable price, Lawn Tractor?


PS I know John Deere is Excellent, so if you know someone selling a used one, please let me know.

My boyfriend is selling his John Deere..