rraley said:
I support spreading human rights and democratic self-determination, as outlined in the UN charter as ratified in the 1940s.
How about supporting and spreading human rights simply because it;s the right thing to do?
rraley said:
The most preferrable way to ensure that these positive values (held mutually by the United States and most of Europe) are endorsed by more nations is through diplomacy. This means the increased use of international aid, trade (either incentives or sanctions), treaties, etc.
And the most preferrable way for me to become a millionaire is to win the lottery, but the odds are that won't happen any faster than using sanctions to get despots to have "positive values."
rraley said:
The use of force should only occur when there are serious human rights abuses or a grave threat to national security. Furthermore, the outcome of the use of that force must incur less death and suffering than the status quo.
How do you define a threat to our national security? What would happen if Hussein set off WMDs in the US? Deaths, collapse of our economy, widespread hopelessness, etc. What would have happened if Hussein had succeeded in bringing the Middle East used his control over a huge chunk of the World's oil to destroy our economy, blackmail our allies, and use his power to gain WMDs that would allow him to take over even more territory? Is that any less a threat to our national security than someone using WMDs? Our way of life would be just as devastated.
As for the need to incur less death than the status quo, do you look at the status quo on a static or cumulative basis? If Hussein murders 1,000 people a year for 20 years, do we only count the 20,000 dead or can we also count the 20,000 more he'll be killing in the next ten years? How about the 20,000 after that? At what point can you come up with a life and death balance sheet that shows "X" number of deaths equals a need for action? And does that balance sheet that has a column that would have an entry for potential deaths in toppling the despot and what "X" value in that column would make saving the lives of thousands in the future not worth it?