

New Member
Anybody know anything about rentals, preferably renting with roommates? I have heard of joint and several leases and such, but I don't know much about it. If you are having roommates is a joint lease required? And if not is there any benefit to having one?


24/7 Single Dad
You don't get stuck with the rent when your room mate and/or BFF meets somebody and moves in with them


New Member
If you have a roommate, you can have a lease application where you are the applicant and the roommate can be a co-applicant, or vice versa. When I moved in with my boyfriend, I was the main applicant and he was the co-applicant and both of our names are on the lease and we are both responsible for maintaining that lease.


New Member
make sure anyone who lives there is on the lease. If they want move and you want to stay they need to find someone who will take thier place on the lease, unless you want the place all to yourself.

I watch a lot of Judge Judy... Also, make sure that you each pay the rent and your half for any of the bills. Don't ever let the roommate get behind and you pick up the slack. If they cannot pay, be sure you pay your half and keep some proof (reciept or copy of check) so that if it ever goes sour, you are completely covered!


Well-Known Member
As a landlord, I would only deal with one person. All the drama is between the roomates and I do not referee.


I am so very blessed
Keep in mind that regardless if YOU'VE paid your rent and your roommate HASN'T paid their portion, you are still at risk for being kicked out of the apartment for non-payment of rent.

The landlord is concerned about getting the TOTAL rent, not just a portion of it.

If the landlord isn't getting the total amount due him, he has every right to evict ALL the people living in the apartment.

If you think that your roommate might not pay his share, do NOT rent an apartment with him.


New Member
Alright, thanks for the replies. So if you can still get kicked out even if you pay your portion of the rent, why not just get an individual lease?


New Member
spicy said:
Alright, thanks for the replies. So if you can still get kicked out even if you pay your portion of the rent, why not just get an individual lease?

Do that if you can. Most certainly.. OR, better yet don't get any roommates. Even the best of friends can become the worst of enemies just by living with each other.... Avoid it if you possibly can!


My dad has a few rental houses, and he does it like this...It is the renters responsibility to get ALL the rent paid...not the landlords. So...if you rent with someone and they do not pay, you are responsible to pay and then you can go after your "friend" for the money they owe you. So not all people will put multiple people on the lease.


Just gettin by
To protect yourself insist that all adults are on the lease and you may want to add the percentage of rent your responsible for 50% etc. also look into the utilities.


Well-Known Member
SuzieKerill said:
To protect yourself insist that all adults are on the lease and you may want to add the percentage of rent your responsible for 50% etc. also look into the utilities.
A Landlord that would go along with that is too naive to be in the rental business. You can have a sub contract with your friends but it will have to be with the approval of the Landlord. The Landlords standard contract will specify how many adults/children will reside in the house and he will hold but one person or couple responsible unless he is a fool.


Just gettin by
In my opinion the landlord would be in a better position with both names on the lease. There would be two responsible parties instead of one. In my experience landlords request that all adults living in the home are on the lease.


Has confinement issues..
I don't do roomates... I tried it and it sucks.

I went in on a house with a friend and in 4 months time, we were not speaking to each other and I found out she had HUGE debts! When I moved out, she got the furniture and I got the band that was living in the basement.:lol:

I have let people move in with me and pay part of the bills. That usually ends up with them stealing from you or skipping out with out any notice. The plus side of that is that if they piss you off, you can kick them out and find another loser to rent the room.

Good luck:wink: