All of you, lawyers! Is that the world we want to live in, one of knowing AND exercising every last single right, at all times and for all reasons???
Bruz, your boy got rousted by the cops, albeit with velvet gloves. They’re job is to enforce the law once a crime has been committed, to find the perps and bust their ass.
Cops live with an endless tidal wave of bullshit thrown at them at all times and from all directions. If they don’t treat everyone as a suspect, at the very least in their mind, until such time each person on the list has passed at least a sniff test, who they gonna catch?
So he approached junior as suspect? So he bent the intent a bit. Guess what? Your son passed with flying colors. That cop now knows your son is as clean as a whistle and is a good guy; he talked to the cops and he respected what they have to do. He’s NOT a punk. He’s not a smart ass. He’s on his way to being on the side of law enforcement as an adult.
Story time, children:
It’s 1981 and a 17 year old, name withheld to protect the guilty, is cutting class. Again. He’s got long hair. Ho looks like a pot head. He’s hanging in the woods where the pots heads are known to hang. He’s alone. He’s just wondering around, killing time.
Suddenly, 4 of PG county’s finest come crashing through the underbrush, badges help out, no weapons drawn: “Hold it right there, son! PG county’s finest here, we’re gonna check you out!” So, they go looking through my…err...this kids pockets and stuff, asking what I’m…HE is doing wandering around out here during school hours.
Mind you, they did not put this unnamed kid under arrest. I’m told they didn’t ask to search nor have a warrant. Four of them, one of he. So, our ‘victim’ says “I’m cutting class.”
They told him to go back to school and to tell whomever in office that officer so and so had stopped me.
Over 16. On public property. Hadn’t even spit on the sidewalk. Illegal search and seizure? Shoulda had a lawyer? Parental permission?
All I’m saying is that they were trying to do a job. They didn’t frame me by plopping a nickel bag in my pocket. They didn’t threaten me or make me give anyone up. They swung, they missed, no big deal, on with the game.
If cops don’t deserve and NEED a bit of leeway, who does? I think they do need that leeway.
Bruz, I don’t know your kid and I am not suggesting anything about him. The cop ALSO didn’t know your kid and would it have been so strange for some kid to know or have heard this or that and MAYBE have something to do with it?
Again, your boy passed. He dealt with some some grumpy authority figure that is stuck having to outwit teenagers and he came away knowing that this boy has good parents and is part of the solution, not part of the problem.
I say hooray for you and your wife and your son.
Legal or not, cut the cop some slack. He’s policing YOUR neighborhood.