Legal Question


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Sandy
I am going to go to the state police barracks after work and find out my rights.
May I suggest the States Attorney's Office or legal aid. The police cannot advise you on your rights.


* * * * * * * * *
Staff member
PREMO Member
That may be true 2A, but she may need an escort to the house to get her stuff so as to avoid any trouble from the ex.


You're all F'in Mad...
It would seem to me that she gave temporary permission to her 15 year old son to stay with the ex-boyfriend until this mess gets straightened out. Just because she doesn't get along with the man and can't live with someone who asked her to leave with no notice, doesn't mean she is abandoning her 15 year old child.

Secondly, the boyfriend needs to be man enough to kick the kid out too. Keeping the kid is further insult to injury. He's not keeping the kid because he wants to. He might think having a 15 year old boy is cool, but it's not his child. 7 Years don't replace flesh and blood. He's doing it just to deepen the wound he's inflicting in you. Seen it before. Send the kid to live with his grandparents, or a closer relative until this can be sorted out. Have your parents come here to help you get stabilized again. No matter what, the kid needs to be removed from the situation completely.

No matter what, someone who cares about you needs to help, and if that's not immediately possible, then the local authorities need to intervene for your safety, and the childs' safety.

After this is stabilized, make sure you and a 3rd party who can facilitate positive communication, helps you and your son mend the fence in a totally open conversation. Someone he trusts and will open up to, but can also back up your position as the parent and the -only- person in charge.


Hi All, Went to the State Police Barracks in Leonardtown last night and explained the situation to them. A trooper escorted me to the house so I could get some personal belongings. He also explained to my ex-boyfriend that he could not just throw me out. He also told him that I had to be given 30 days just as if he were going to evict a tennant, told him not to disrupt my belongings and explained to my son that he would escort him out this weekend if he did not come with me willingly.

:burning: Ex-boyfriend proceeds to tell me his is going to the State Attorney's office to speak with someone regarding getting custody of my teenage son. I called the State Attorney's office earlier and was referred to two other numbers. :boo: No Help, they could not even advise me, knowing that I have full custody of my son, all they could say was that they could not discuss anything with me?:really: Give me a break, all my paperwork is from this county don't treat me like I can't ask a question.:biteme: btw, Nodnarb, excellent advise, appreciate it.


New Member
Originally posted by Sandy
No Help, they could not even advise me, knowing that I have full custody of my son, all they could say was that they could not discuss anything with me
I don't uinderstand why they can't discuss your son with you. Did your boyfriend call social services on you just to be d***?


Rose, he did not call social services, I told him that I wasn't happy with our relationship month's ago and that I wanted out. So this is his way of still trying to control me, by using my son against me. He told the trooper last night that he was going to file paperwork. My son has not been mistreated by me he has had a "father figure" whom he admires and has watched that so called "father figure":barf: degrade me and has joined with him.


I feel very sorry for you. I know that this situation is difficult to say the least.

The law works like this. You have full custody and all rights to your son until further ordered by the court.

Obviously the boyfriend is making nasty allegations. The States Attorneys Office handles Criminal matters so reaching out to them in a civil matter is useless.

I suggest that you contact Walden Sierra for housing and assistance if you need it. The Womens Center in Great Mills offers MONEY for Legal fees and will appoint you an attorney for free if the BF has been violent. Emotional Battery and Kidnapping count.

The most important advice that I have for you is to hang on tight and refuse to succumb to his emotional abuse. This is a head game right now. Keep yours on straight!

Don't let your guard down for a second these situations tend to Flame quickly.


Kain99, the reason he is going to the "State Attorney's" office is because he knows a person there that he thinks will do him a favor. I personally don't think the friend will get involved.:rolleyes:


Sounds like he will be getting advice from someone who knows the rules.... If I were you I'd get out there and get a few answers of my own.


2ndAmendment & Kain99, In this circumstance I know for a fact that this person he knows will not get involved b/c she has been in the limelight for knowing and associating with persons involved in illegal activities, and I would rather not elaborate any further:eek: Trust me I know the line money talks and it's who you know.


You're all F'in Mad...
Originally posted by Sandy
2ndAmendment & Kain99, In this circumstance I know for a fact that this person he knows will not get involved b/c she has been in the limelight for knowing and associating with persons involved in illegal activities, and I would rather not elaborate any further:eek: Trust me I know the line money talks and it's who you know.

That's all fine. Sounds like you have some challenges ahead. Make no mistake about this guy. His attempt to keep your child is -only- intended to hurt you. That is his #1 intention, even if he has something in his mind about wanting the boy to be safe.

The other big thing for you to do is to keep your cool. Don't go off screaming and being all upset. That will not accomplish anything. Get yourself together and keep yourself together, and have a strong front. If you need to cry and unload, go into the bathroom alone after everyone is asleep, and do it then. Call your folks and cry to them. Ask them (parents, family member, sibling or friend) to help you work through this before you're in the situation.

If he brings the law in, and you're a hysterical mess, then they have all that to sort through before they can deal with the situation. Deal with him on a factual basis. No emotions - period. Deal with your emotions, away from the situation. I know its tough, but you need to deal with this that way. If he sees he can make you angry, or cry, then he'll play that card at every chance. If you get like that, you can't think clearly. He may even push that button and have you working against yourself. At the same time, you deal with him the way you want him to deal with you. Don't play the games with him, don't throw things back in his face, don't make the nasty remarks or belittle him. Deal straight up, no emotions and facts only.

You're the Mom, he's not the dad. He was wrong to kick you out without notice. The boy is your child and will leave with you. You'll be OK as long as you have your stuff together, and keep it together.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Last I knew anything about it first hand (about a friend, not me) there is no common law marriges recognized in the state of Maryland. OF course with the liberals in charge, anything may have happened.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Sandy
2ndAmendment & Kain99, In this circumstance I know for a fact that this person he knows will not get involved b/c she has been in the limelight for knowing and associating with persons involved in illegal activities, and I would rather not elaborate any further:eek: Trust me I know the line money talks and it's who you know.

So Ann is going to help him. Interesting, to say the least. Get a lawyer, they do have the Legal Aide Society thing up off of RT 231 in Hughesville. Give them a try.


New Member
Originally posted by grandpa
Out here, living with someone that long makes you married "common law". I think you should see a lawyer ASAP.

If my memory is correct, Maryland does not recognize "common law" marriages. :confused: