Leticia James BUSTED in Fraud Scandal


PREMO Member
WORSE Than What She Prosecuted Trump For

An Irish society, an unpaid loan and the hypocrisy of Letitia James

The Society’s financial woes and dysfunction had reached crisis point by 2021, when Cahill tried to sell the building for $52 million (later reduced to $44 million).

He died the following year, and in stepped the New York Attorney General, citing a petition she had received opposing the sale.

She announced that, by state law, any sale of a nonprofit asset had to be approved by her, effectively kyboshing the plan.

“It’s an amazing place,” James gushed to the Irish Voice. “We had to save it, had to save it … One day people can come in there and enjoy it again.”

Which was all very well, but Doyle still was owed $3 million.

The AG appointed an interim Board of Directors and Doyle was persuaded not to try to collect his money or foreclose on the mortgage before July 2023.

But by August 2023, he still hadn’t been repaid, so he initiated foreclosure proceedings — and promptly was blocked by the AG, who claimed the mortgage was invalid because he was a board member.

On Friday, Doyle launched a lawsuit against the Society and requested a subpoena be issued against James requiring her to produce a raft of documents, including anything relating to campaign events hosted at the townhouse or any contributions to her political campaigns from the Society or any of its members or directors.

Doyle’s lawyer, Tim Parlatore, alleges that James’ enthusiastic involvement in the Doyle case may be driven by “connections with the Defendant.”

And he points out the uncanny similarities between his client’s predicament and the notorious case James brought against Donald Trump for supposedly inflating the value of his properties to get a better mortgage, “although her office is now taking a polar opposite position.”

The lawsuit alleges that Doyle was given “fraudulently inflated valuations” of the townhouse, putting its market value at over $80 million. Dr. Cahill
and the Society’s current President-General, James Normile, “made representations to [Doyle] that the building had ‘air rights’ and could be built, or rebuilt, higher than its current height.

“In reality, there were no ‘air rights’ and the actual value is closer to $20 million. [The Society] made a gross over-valuation” of the townhouse, which induced Doyle to make the $3 million loan.

“Tish James said, ‘nobody is above the law,’ which should include Tish James, who seems to have actively aided and abetted in the Art of the Steal,” Parlatore told The Post.

“This organization fraudulently inflated the value of their building to induce my client into giving them a mortgage which Tish James is now trying to help these fraudsters avoid having to repay.

“The theory of fraud Tish James accused the Trump Organization of engaging in is identical to the fraud she is aiding and abetting here.”

James has come down on the side of the Society against its lender, Doyle. And yet, in her signature case of People v. Trump, she took the opposite position, holding that “where an organization inflates the value of a property to obtain a loan, that is fraud, even where the lender was aware of the actual value and was paid in full,” Doyle’s lawsuit says.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
WORSE Than What She Prosecuted Trump For

An Irish society, an unpaid loan and the hypocrisy of Letitia James

The Society’s financial woes and dysfunction had reached crisis point by 2021, when Cahill tried to sell the building for $52 million (later reduced to $44 million).

He died the following year, and in stepped the New York Attorney General, citing a petition she had received opposing the sale.

She announced that, by state law, any sale of a nonprofit asset had to be approved by her, effectively kyboshing the plan.

“It’s an amazing place,” James gushed to the Irish Voice. “We had to save it, had to save it … One day people can come in there and enjoy it again.”

Which was all very well, but Doyle still was owed $3 million.

The AG appointed an interim Board of Directors and Doyle was persuaded not to try to collect his money or foreclose on the mortgage before July 2023.

But by August 2023, he still hadn’t been repaid, so he initiated foreclosure proceedings — and promptly was blocked by the AG, who claimed the mortgage was invalid because he was a board member.

On Friday, Doyle launched a lawsuit against the Society and requested a subpoena be issued against James requiring her to produce a raft of documents, including anything relating to campaign events hosted at the townhouse or any contributions to her political campaigns from the Society or any of its members or directors.

Doyle’s lawyer, Tim Parlatore, alleges that James’ enthusiastic involvement in the Doyle case may be driven by “connections with the Defendant.”

And he points out the uncanny similarities between his client’s predicament and the notorious case James brought against Donald Trump for supposedly inflating the value of his properties to get a better mortgage, “although her office is now taking a polar opposite position.”

The lawsuit alleges that Doyle was given “fraudulently inflated valuations” of the townhouse, putting its market value at over $80 million. Dr. Cahill
and the Society’s current President-General, James Normile, “made representations to [Doyle] that the building had ‘air rights’ and could be built, or rebuilt, higher than its current height.

“In reality, there were no ‘air rights’ and the actual value is closer to $20 million. [The Society] made a gross over-valuation” of the townhouse, which induced Doyle to make the $3 million loan.

“Tish James said, ‘nobody is above the law,’ which should include Tish James, who seems to have actively aided and abetted in the Art of the Steal,” Parlatore told The Post.

“This organization fraudulently inflated the value of their building to induce my client into giving them a mortgage which Tish James is now trying to help these fraudsters avoid having to repay.

“The theory of fraud Tish James accused the Trump Organization of engaging in is identical to the fraud she is aiding and abetting here.”

James has come down on the side of the Society against its lender, Doyle. And yet, in her signature case of People v. Trump, she took the opposite position, holding that “where an organization inflates the value of a property to obtain a loan, that is fraud, even where the lender was aware of the actual value and was paid in full,” Doyle’s lawsuit says.

Saw this yesterday from the NY Post. Tried to find alternate sources, no joy. Looked again today still nothing. Although I would be overjoyed I'll wait until there are other sources before I comment. Anybody have a reliable source?


Well-Known Member
Nothing but to take a single source as gospel is so democratic.
Agreed. Even when something really critical of the right - I make sure that the numerous left-wing sources aren't ALL PARROTING each other.

The NY Post is fairly reliably right-leaning - so - I'd wait until something concrete comes out, because even if totally true, if nothing comes of it, it makes no difference newswise.
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PREMO Member
Even when something really critical of the right - I make sure that the numerous left-wing sources aren't ALL PARROTING each other.

This was the point of the ' Journalist ' back some years ago, they coordinated a narrative

I'm sure now a days they use Telegram or What's App

Nothing but to take a single source as gospel is so democratic.


Ok I am not taking this as Gospel

I can only find repeating of the NY Post Article or another Editorial on the same

but Now a days I sometimes only find a particular story being discussed by some commentary in YouTube

Like the on going Gamer Gate 2.0 and the woke DIE infecting video games ... in this case when the story reaches the Main Stream News Progressives are attacking Gamers as Right Wing Trump supporters attacking some poor defenseless company that ONLY produces narratives or stories for video games

When you look into the people / company the CEO literally tells woke'sers to TERRORIZE their marketing dept if they will NOT Hire Her Company to ' proof ' read the story to ENSURE the store meets Trans / Feminist / Racial Inclusion

if that means race swapping to Tran's ing characters

Female Characters are Strong Independent Girl Bosses - See latest version of Snow White
Last edited:


PREMO Member

Attorney General James Announces Plan to Preserve and Revitalize the American Irish Historical Society

The AIHS was founded in 1897. In 1940, AIHS purchased a townhouse on Fifth Avenue, which has since served as the organization’s headquarters and represents its primary asset.

In the spring of 2021, AIHS was in poor financial and operational condition that had been further exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Prior leadership had listed the townhouse headquarters for sale, intending to use the proceeds to address the organization’s financial obligations. As the regulatory body overseeing charities in New York, OAG is responsible for reviewing the sale of any property owned by a charity. Following the news that the townhouse was up for sale, OAG received a petition with more than 40,000 signatures opposing the sale, many citing the townhouse’s central importance to both the organization and the community. The OAG and AIHS then began working together on a restructuring plan to allow AIHS to keep the townhouse headquarters and continue serving the Irish and Irish American communities.

Under the leadership of the new interim Executive Director and Board of Directors and with oversight from OAG, AIHS will enter a six-month period of transition and revitalization. This period will include an open and transparent selection process to appoint a permanent board, which will stabilize the organization and safeguard its assets. Once selected, the permanent board will work with OAG and other stakeholders, including the Consulate General of Ireland, to develop a strategic plan for the future of AIHS.

The members of the interim leadership team for the transition period are:

  • John Keefe, an expert in nonprofit rehabilitation, as interim Executive Director;
  • Elizabeth Stack, Executive Director of the Irish American Heritage Museum in Albany, New York and former Associate Director of the Fordham University Center for Irish Studies, as an interim member of the Board of Directors;
  • John MacIntosh, Managing Partner at SeaChange Capital Partners, an organization that helps nonprofits work through complex challenges, as an interim member of the Board of Directors; and
  • Gregory P. Pressman, Of Counsel at Schulte Roth and Zabel, as an interim member of the Board of Directors.
The interim members of the Board of Directors are serving in a voluntary capacity without compensation.


PREMO Member
The Irish Government is providing a grant to cover the costs of utilities and other essential services during a transition period where the interim board will be responsible for securing and assessing the Society’s assets, $300,000 has been allocated for this purpose.”

The Irish Consulate General in New York welcomed the changes. “The American Irish Historical Society is an historical symbol of the profound relationship between Ireland and the United States,” it said in a statement. “We are very pleased to see a plan in place to revitalise the society and preserve the organisation’s headquarters in New York City.

“The Government of Ireland will support the transition process in recognition of the foundational importance and historical significance of the society, and the importance of maintaining and preserving its assets for Ireland for Irish America and for our community organisations and diaspora in New York State and across the United States.

“The AIHS headquarters on Fifth Avenue is an iconic emblem of Ireland in New York. Its loss would have been keenly felt by the community in New York and beyond.”



PREMO Member
Strange Letitia James/American Irish Historical Society Goings-On. Is She Planning To Move To 5th Avenue?

In essence, the venerable American Irish Historical Society, which owns and is headquartered at the beautiful 991 Fifth Avenue mansion in New York, has fallen on hard times. Fundraising collapsed some five years ago and a dispute over selling the building enabled the regulator, New York Attorney General Letitia James, to take control in 2022 and appoint a new Board.

Insensitively, although the purpose of the AIHS is stated as

To encourage and promote historical research relating to Americans in the United States of Irish descent.

only half the new Board appear to be of Irish extraction.

After this, things have become very strange.

In 2017, a then Board member, James Doyle, had advanced $3 million to the Society, structured as a mortgage. Payments had been long in default when the then management moved to sell the mansion in early 2021.

Letitia James blocked the sale. Doyle agreed to take no action until June 2023.

But by August 2023, he still hadn’t been repaid, so he initiated foreclosure proceedings—and promptly was blocked by the AG, who claimed the mortgage was invalid because he was a board member.

Why this should be so is not obvious. The latest available (why?) 990, that for December 31, 2021, clearly reports a $3 million loan from Board member Doyle.

There is a dispute about whether the building was overvalued in 2017, when Mr. Doyle advanced the money. His attorney says:

This organization fraudulently inflated the value of their building to induce my client into giving them a mortgage which Tish James is now trying to help these fraudsters avoid having to repay...
James has come down on the side of the society against its lender, Doyle. And yet, in her signature case of People v. Trump, she took the opposite position, holding that “where an organization inflates the value of a property to obtain a loan, that is fraud, even where the lender was aware of the actual value and was paid in full...”


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Letitia James Prepares to SEIZE Trump Assets as she Faces Accusations of CORRUPTION! Vive Frei Vlawg​

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Letitia James SIMP Judge THREATENS Investigation of FDNY Because Booing was R@CIAL​



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Letitia James Corruption Exposed! Congress DEMANDS She Turns Over White House Collusion Documents​
