Never going to happen - as Henry Louis Mencken said, “No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public.”
There will ALWAYS be people who will support the idiotic way these people talk.
Part of it is, a tiny bit of it is true - some of what they say is bullsht - and most of it is sheer conjecture without a shred of evidence. Even in grade school, I was constantly puzzled by politicians who would say "this is how he thinks - this is how he FEELS - this (insert horrific intention here) is why he wants to do this".
As if, without a crystal ball or secret means of reading minds or clairvoyance, they could ever discern such a thing. There are people I've known my entire life, and I couldn't make such a statement.
They would have you believe that Republicans squeal with glee over the suffering of children and the poor. And there will always be people stupid enough to believe them.