lets share helpful hints with one another.


Set Trippin
This should be made into a sticky and made so that no matter what dems clicks on, she ends up here.....:yay:


Material Girl
PREMO Member
K_Jo said:
How come the guys get to wear shirts but the girls have to wear sports bras? :confused: I'm trying to eat. :barf:

I was laying in bed watching it and got up and worked out! :lol:


Material Girl
PREMO Member
Pete said:
Poor Mr. Jones, you should have stayed in bed and "worked out".

Mr. J is just fine. He's putting a table together for me. :dance:
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bcp said:
I will go first.

when you get your picture taken for your drivers license, make sure you are drunk off your ass.

that way if you get pulled over for dui, you will look just like the picture and have a greater chance of getting away with it.

next hint for better living?

Gosh! I wouldn't know where to begin on a thread like this :crazy: Can you narrow it down some for me? :lol: