Let's talk about lying and liars


New Member
You are right Tonio, neither party has a right to morals and ethics, that is why I ignore that when I choose who to vote for. I vote for the person that I believe will truly help America or Maryland or St. Mary's County thrive. This is almost always a Democrat for me (except in 1980 when I voted for Anderson for President, this year when I voted for Tommy McKay and Schaffer's GOP challenger as well as Rick Fritz). Its time for us to forget the tedious scandals that the parties have, and this is especially pointed to the GOP who just love to use this, because BOTH parties DO have this problem. Forget it and debate us on the issues. But I don't know, when we debate the issues (and the Dems actually say something) the GOP knows that their voices falter on the economy and social issues. I think that they bring ethics up because they can't beat us any other way.


New Member
Originally posted by vraiblonde

You, Maynard (as much as I like you), are a wonderful representative for the Democratic party. Not as good as DemsforMD but still pretty good.
Is that an insult or a compliment? LOL...I'm telling you, I should have run back then, when I could.


endangered species
And my beef...

...is with voters who don't pay attention. Those of us who wade through all of the scandals, and B.S., and hypocricy, may still end up with differing opinions. I can respect that. But it's these people who get their news 30 seconds at a time, or repeat Novak lines (or Carville, for that matter), and then go VOTE on that so-called information, that drive me crazy.