Levaquin questions


Boss Lady
My husband has been pretty sick for over a week now. Dr. said it was bronchitis. Prescribed him a z-pack. Day 3 of the z- pack he started having chills and a fever. He also started this violent coughing followed by side pain. (I guess from the coughing). So yesterday he calls the doctor and tells him that he is still pretty sick. Coughing horribly ect, ect. Dr prescribes him Levaquin (should have given him a chest x-ray and sputum sample IMO). Doc says if you’re not better in a week call me back. I was talking to a co worker about it and she told me that it will kill anything but Cancer. That it is a very harsh antibiotic. Anyone else have any negative side effects from it.

BTW we are supposed to be leaving for the Bahamas in 11 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


My husband has been pretty sick for over a week now. Dr. said it was bronchitis. Prescribed him a z-pack. Day 3 of the z- pack he started having chills and a fever. He also started this violent coughing followed by side pain. (I guess from the coughing). So yesterday he calls the doctor and tells him that he is still pretty sick. Coughing horribly ect, ect. Dr prescribes him Levaquin (should have given him a chest x-ray and sputum sample IMO). Doc says if you’re not better in a week call me back. I was talking to a co worker about it and she told me that it will kill anything but Cancer. That it is a very harsh antibiotic. Anyone else have any negative side effects from it.

BTW we are supposed to be leaving for the Bahamas in 11 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My mom was on it. She started feeling better in 24 hours and was completely better in about three days. She did not have any bad side effects from it.

P.S. Have fun in the Bahamas!:smile:


I was on it for 21 days once. I stopped taking it at day 11 because of the side effects. They were some of the strangest things. It felt like I had soreness and lumps under my armpits, and the leg cramps were wicked. I called my doctor and told them that I wouldn't take it anymore. They never called back, but I now list it as one of the antibiotics I can't take (along w/ any of the penicillin-like ones, which give me a rash). Levaquin is one of the drugs they used when they had the anthrax scares on the Hill.


Boss Lady
Well my coworker said it kills everything but Cancer. I really think he needs to get off of it. He has only taken one pill so far.

Callie girl

New Member
I have taken it and it is very strong. It was for bronchitis also. It was a while ago but I think I had to eat a full meal with it not a snack. Look into it but have him take it while you are around just in case. My sister had problems with it I believe.


So happy!
Well my coworker said it kills everything but Cancer. I really think he needs to get off of it. He has only taken one pill so far.

I have taken it 2 times for the same thing your husband has and I had no problems with it. I think if your husband is that sick he should give it a try. I was on it for 10 days by the way.
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My husband has been pretty sick for over a week now. Dr. said it was bronchitis. Prescribed him a z-pack. Day 3 of the z- pack he started having chills and a fever. He also started this violent coughing followed by side pain. (I guess from the coughing). So yesterday he calls the doctor and tells him that he is still pretty sick. Coughing horribly ect, ect. Dr prescribes him Levaquin (should have given him a chest x-ray and sputum sample IMO). Doc says if you’re not better in a week call me back. I was talking to a co worker about it and she told me that it will kill anything but Cancer. That it is a very harsh antibiotic. Anyone else have any negative side effects from it.

BTW we are supposed to be leaving for the Bahamas in 11 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was on this for about a month last march/april along with another kind of antibiotic after being on Vancomycen IVd at the hospital for almost a week. I didn't have any side effects and it worked great - only thing was I was on soo many different things/combinations of things, I'm not sure what worked the best :lol: All I can say is SOMETHING worked :lol: I'd give a big thumbs up to Levaquin. Only thing I didn't like was the warning lable confused me. It said take two hours after antacids. I thought that implied I had to take antacids two hours prior to take it (even though I didn't have heart burn :lol:) :crazy:


You're a LOON :)
My husband has been pretty sick for over a week now. Dr. said it was bronchitis. Prescribed him a z-pack. Day 3 of the z- pack he started having chills and a fever. He also started this violent coughing followed by side pain. (I guess from the coughing). So yesterday he calls the doctor and tells him that he is still pretty sick. Coughing horribly ect, ect. Dr prescribes him Levaquin (should have given him a chest x-ray and sputum sample IMO). Doc says if you’re not better in a week call me back. I was talking to a co worker about it and she told me that it will kill anything but Cancer. That it is a very harsh antibiotic. Anyone else have any negative side effects from it.

BTW we are supposed to be leaving for the Bahamas in 11 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have taken it and it is very strong. If your husband is pretty sick and the z-pack didn't work, it sounds like he needs the levaquin. The main side effect I experienced was not being able to sleep.


New Member
I have taken it a couple of times. Once for pneumonia. Works great. I did not have any side effects. Good Luck and have a safe trip!


Boss Lady
He took his second dose last night and was able to sleep some. He still have a fever and is calling the doctor today. I mean after 2 doses of antibiotics you would think the fever would be gone by now.


New Member
He took his second dose last night and was able to sleep some. He still have a fever and is calling the doctor today. I mean after 2 doses of antibiotics you would think the fever would be gone by now.

Listen to your instincts. Demand the tests you think he needs.


Walking for a cure!!
He took his second dose last night and was able to sleep some. He still have a fever and is calling the doctor today. I mean after 2 doses of antibiotics you would think the fever would be gone by now.

Sometimes it takes a couple of days for the drugs to bring down the infection. He may still have a fever for a few days. But it is always a good idea to call the doctor with any concerns. Also after a few doses of the med and he is not showing any adverse reactions he should be ok. Different people have different reactions to medications. You really have to go by your own instincts and experiences.

hope he feels better soon :flowers:


Well-Known Member
He took his second dose last night and was able to sleep some. He still have a fever and is calling the doctor today. I mean after 2 doses of antibiotics you would think the fever would be gone by now.

You really shouldn't just quit taking antibiotics just because you think it *might* cause side effects. If he doesn't have any side effects by now, he's probably going to be fine. He's only taken 2 doses. If he's really sick it will probably take longer than that to work. I wouldn't fool around with antibiotics, especially if this one is that strong.

ETA: And a fever isn't a big deal unless it's too high. Fevers are your body's reaction to sickness.


Boss Lady
You really shouldn't just quit taking antibiotics just because you think it *might* cause side effects. If he doesn't have any side effects by now, he's probably going to be fine. He's only taken 2 doses. If he's really sick it will probably take longer than that to work. I wouldn't fool around with antibiotics, especially if this one is that strong.

This is the second round of antibiotics for him. So since the doctor only gave him 5 pills I figured by second round, second pill he would feel a little better. He has not improved and is going for a chest x-ray. His only complaint about the medication is not being able to sleep and he will contuine with his course of treatment. If he did start having the horrible negative side effects I had been reading about he would have stopped taking them, and contact the doctor. Kind of like you would do for an allergic reaction. 10 days to our trip and he is afraid he wont be better in time.
Also, I know that a fever is the bodys way of healing or killing off the bad germs. That is why most people dont take antibiotics and let their body heal it's self. Hubby's been hovering between 101 and 102.5.


I took Levaquin as a last effort to cure my Chronic Sinusitis else it was surgery. It worked wonders without any side effects. Unless they're life threatening, sometimes you just have to take the meds for the healing benefit, and cope with the side effects. Stinks that it works that way.
I hope he feels better soon!