Levaquin questions


New Member
My husband has been pretty sick for over a week now. Dr. said it was bronchitis. Prescribed him a z-pack. Day 3 of the z- pack he started having chills and a fever. He also started this violent coughing followed by side pain. (I guess from the coughing). So yesterday he calls the doctor and tells him that he is still pretty sick. Coughing horribly ect, ect. Dr prescribes him Levaquin (should have given him a chest x-ray and sputum sample IMO). Doc says if you’re not better in a week call me back. I was talking to a co worker about it and she told me that it will kill anything but Cancer. That it is a very harsh antibiotic. Anyone else have any negative side effects from it.

BTW we are supposed to be leaving for the Bahamas in 11 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was in the hospital after taking Levaquin. I took one at nihgt,then another the next day. No problems. Then,took one the next nihgt,and was itching all nihgt. when I woke up,I was covered in what looked like huge boils. They got worse and larger and my eyes began to swell. I went to the hospital and began having trouble breathing. I was there all night,being closely watched in ICU. I will not touch the stuff ever again.


New Member
I have had bronchitis for 2 and a half weeks now and couldn't stop coughing....I mean coughing until my lungs almost came up and vomiting from it. It felt like someone was sitting on my chest so I finally went to the doctor this past Friday to get antibiotics since I have a trip to California on Wed. The doc gave me Levaquin 750mg one a day for 5 days. A few hours after taking the first pill, my lungs felt lighter. Today is going to be my 4th dose and I feel so much better. I was not able to do much in the last couple of weeks except stay in bed and cough and feel tired. The day after I took my first pill, I was outside enjoying the day. The only thing is: I am still coughing, just not frequently but when I do cough, it is a lot of clear phlegm with a lot of saliva so I feel it's just getting the dead bacteria out. My nose also has a high mucous build up, but once I blow it all out...I feel better. Side effects I feel are tiredness and maybe trouble sleeping but maybe it's because I don't have a regular sleep schedule so that might not be due to the pill itself. I urinate a whole lot more I notice, but all that is not a huge problem compared to how I felt prior. I think that pill works great and what I suggest is to drink a lot of water and to eat hearty meals while on it. With every medication, there will always be side effects so that's just the risk you have to take. Keep in mind, everyone's body reacts differently to medications so this is just my opinion. I am a 34 year old quite healthy female and the only health problems I have are chronic bronchitis and allergies. Levaquin worked for me so far and if I have any complications arise, I will update.


I was hospitalized for 9 days with a nasty case of Pneumonia at the begining of March. They gave me IV Levaquin. Worked extremely well.


My mom had pneumonia (along with a bunch of other things, she was extremely sick) last year and was giving a shot of Levaquin that about killed her. They rushed her down to intensive care where she stayed for a few days.


Tight Pants and Lipstick
PREMO Member
:howdy: I just recently started a 10 day course of Levaquin. I've been on it before and quite frankly, did not know it to be a strong antibiotic. :shrug: I'm being treated for a sinus infection and bronchitis and am anxious for that oh-so-crappy feeling to subside. But then medicine is always a "hurry up and wait" game IMO.

I seriously hope I don't suffer the side effects and it truly sucks for those of you that do.