Lexington Park Growth Puts It on National Fast Track


Main Streeter
SoMD made the news...


"WASHINGTON - Lexington Park in seaside St. Mary's County is one of the nation's fastest-growing "micropolitan" areas, expanding by 14.6 percent since 2000, largely on the strength of military growth, according to new Census Bureau reports."

awpitt said:
"WASHINGTON - Lexington Park in seaside St. Mary's County is one of the nation's fastest-growing "micropolitan" areas, expanding by 14.6 percent since 2000, largely on the strength of military growth, according to new Census Bureau reports."
Does this have something to do with Pixie's new brood...:confused:


"Fluffy world destroyer"
The population may hit 100,000 next year if it continues at last year's 2.1 percent growth rate.



Board Mommy
PREMO Member

Then there should be plenty of money for MARC trains and downtown revitalization :yay:

Seriously, I'm curious what the money down there gets spent on. Here in Middletown, we pay our taxes and get trash pickup and water service thrown in. So what are they spending the tax bucks on in St. Mary's? Because I don't remember getting ANYTHING except road destruction.



24/7 Single Dad
vraiblonde said:
Then there should be plenty of money for MARC trains and downtown revitalization :yay:
Seriously, I'm curious what the money down there gets spent on. Here in Middletown, we pay our taxes and get trash pickup and water service thrown in. So what are they spending the tax bucks on in St. Mary's? Because I don't remember getting ANYTHING except road destruction.
Since the growth is caused by military contractors, SoMD attracts politically conservative voters. Our state tax money gets spent on PG, Bmore and Monkey counties


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
aps45819 said:
Since the growth is caused by military contractors, SoMD attracts politically conservative voters. Our state tax money gets spent on PG, Bmore and Monkey counties
But ol' Steny should be bringing home the bacon. That's why we got him.


24/7 Single Dad
vraiblonde said:
But ol' Steny should be bringing home the bacon. That's why we got him.
He's personally responsible for keeping PAX alive and well through the BRAC hearings (just ask him), but as far as infrastructure provided by state funds, we're somewhat of a red headed stepchild.


Asperger's Poster Child
vraiblonde said:
So what are they spending the tax bucks on in St. Mary's?

I was under the impression that St. Mary's was at a disadvantage compared with Charles and Calvert in collecting property taxes. St. Mary's has more untaxable property, belonging to the Navy and to the Catholic Church, and it doesn't have a power plant like Morgantown or especially Calvert Cliffs.

MMDad said:
:confused: "seaside" is 75 miles from the ocean?

If someone reads that article and thinks they can come swimming here in July or August, they're in for a helluva surprise. Meat tenderizer, anyone?


Well-Known Member
That's a hell of an upgrade for the Chesapeake, from bay to sea! I'll bet Steny got that done for us, too.