Liberal Nazis


Well-Known Member
I am. I put up with you. :evil:


Exactly. THAT is tolerance. Tolerance is putting up with people who disagree with you.

Liberals I've debated with do not exhibit tolerance - they WANT tolerance, but they do not reciprocate, because they won't respect your views. As evidenced by the myriad remarks that the Senate can't pass bills without a filibuster-proof majority, they don't want consensus or compromise - they want capitulation.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Exactly. THAT is tolerance. Tolerance is putting up with people who disagree with you.

Liberals I've debated with do not exhibit tolerance - they WANT tolerance, but they do not reciprocate, because they won't respect your views. As evidenced by the myriad remarks that the Senate can't pass bills without a filibuster-proof majority, they don't want consensus or compromise - they want capitulation.

Thanks, Sam. I appreciate that.

Vrail constantly says I argue for arguing's sake and it's simply not true. Years ago, she got me to see the other side of gay marriage and it was one of those light bulb moments and I became interested in challenging my beliefs, what I think and why. Vrail will either come on here and laugh out loud or just do it privately but, you'll note I never argue about something I don't care about simply to have an argument going on nor do I claim to be always right. I DO enjoy the argument but, again, it's an exercise in exploring my own thoughts, seeing your, the other, view, something I fully admit I struggle with. Which is part of, or perhaps core, to the interest.



Well-Known Member
Thanks, Sam. I appreciate that.

Vrail constantly says I argue for arguing's sake and it's simply not true.

I wouldn't say it's impossible for you to reach an epiphany on something, although from experience, most people do not arrive at one in the midst of an argument. Arguments are about a lot of things, but "truth" usually isn't the primary one.

She knows you better than probably anyone, and certainly I can see that you like to take a contrary position. You enjoy arguing. Probably the most glaring example is your ability to take a completely unrelated discussion and turn it into a blistering scathe of Republicans and George W Bush.

Here, I'll start. GREAT Ravens game! Huh?

(Ducking the assault on the GOP and Bush)

I kind of came around on the gay marriage thing as well, because after years of knowing committed gay men, I realized that opposing it didn't make sense. Previously I'd only been exposed to the kind of gay people that OTHER gay people don't like.

PROBABLY never going to agree with legalizing drugs, even if it happens. I've just seen so much of what it does to people. I already have seen a lifetime's worth of what ALCOHOL does, and it's legal.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
She knows you better than probably anyone, and certainly I can see that you like to take a contrary position. You enjoy arguing. Probably the most glaring example is your ability to take a completely unrelated discussion and turn it into a blistering scathe of Republicans and George W Bush.

Here, I'll start. GREAT Ravens game! Huh?

(Ducking the assault on the GOP and Bush)



I'd like to think I do better associating Bush to X or Y or Z than going from, say, TARP to the NFL. However, now that you mention it, that one ref, the one who kept making the bad calls, looked kinda familiar... :angel:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
PROBABLY never going to agree with legalizing drugs, even if it happens. I've just seen so much of what it does to people. I already have seen a lifetime's worth of what ALCOHOL does, and it's legal.

And this is another example of why I don't argue just to argue. I am FINE with you not changing your position on drug legalization as long as you can explain why. THAT is the key. Agreeing to disagree BUT, at least understanding one another's position. That's what I seek.

I mean, I will likely forever be a reflexive Republican meaning chances are really good that when I hear Harry Ried's position and then Beohner's, I will, at first, take Boehner's side because he is an R and Reid a D.

Then, the challenge is on; WHY do I think X?


Keep Calm and Don't Care!

So, a businessman not wanting to be associated with Rush Limbaugh is equivalent to the systematic annihilation of millions of people???


New Member

So, a businessman not wanting to be associated with Rush Limbaugh is equivalent to the systematic annihilation of millions of people???

Well, I guess dipstick is your name for a reason. Brush up on your history and connect the dots from the beginning through to the systematic annihilation.

SIZE="2"]btw- sorry to be nasty, but I'm still pizzed about yesterday and I'm sick to death of liberals shouting down, shutting down, menacing and threatening those of us who dare to have a different view on things. I really have no idea what your personal politics are.[/SIZE]

Larry Gude

Strung Out

So, a businessman not wanting to be associated with Rush Limbaugh is equivalent to the systematic annihilation of millions of people???

No. The pressure interest groups might apply to that businessperson because they don't like Limbaugh are the Nazi's. It would be like regular folks fearing being associated with Jews because of Nazi disapproval.


New Member
No. The pressure interest groups might apply to that businessperson because they don't like Limbaugh are the Nazi's. It would be like regular folks fearing being associated with Jews because of Nazi disapproval.

It's really not like that all. The Nazi's killed people. No one is dying here, or being threatened in a way that would make one fear for their life.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
It's really not like that all. The Nazi's killed people. No one is dying here, or being threatened in a way that would make one fear for their life.

I was wondering if anyone would get around to that.

Yes, the Nazi's were mass murderers. However, they didn't start that way. It starts with intimidation and getting good people to be silent or ignore it or just look away and THAT was what happened with the GERMAN population; what sounded like a good idea went way beyond what the average citizen meant or wanted and the Nazi's were deliberate in not exhibiting open hostility, other than the odd political murder or 'accidental' fire to the citizenry.

Until the time was right. Then, you better stay on board or you lose your place in line. Or worse. Then, you've got people competing for a place in line based on wanting to get as high up as possible to curry favor where the power lay and to be less vulnerable to others.

That's how it works.

Tyranny is tyranny.

How many people you suppose worked for Bush and felt that, say, the Patriot Act was unconstitutional yet worked to get it done out of loyalty and position and worry of what would come of their future career if they said 'No!'?

Same question to Obama world. You don't think some folks in there are thinking 'this was wrong, that's wrong'?

Of course, we're not talking murder now. Just the likely end of careers. However, how far away is murder, really? Then, how hard is the next one? And the next?



New Member
How many people you suppose worked for Bush and felt that, say, the Patriot Act was unconstitutional yet worked to get it done out of loyalty and position and worry of what would come of their future career if they said 'No!'?

If you are talking about getting good people to be silent, that is a perfect example. But when you are talking about people not wanting to support a business because their political ideals clash, comparing them to Nazi's is quite the stretch.

Tyranny is oppression, and a business potentially losing some customers is no way being oppressed.

People are free to spend their money wherever they like. What is wrong with that? The owner always has the option to choose to make the customers happy and end the ads, or tell them no thank you.

Anyway, if his business is in such a liberal area, why is he running ads on a conservative talk show? Doesn't seem like a good marketing strategy.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
If you are talking about getting good people to be silent, that is a perfect example. But when you are talking about people not wanting to support a business because their political ideals clash, comparing them to Nazi's is quite the stretch. .

I agree. Completely. My only intent was to clarify what I thought one person was trying to say to another person who misunderstood the analogy.