Licking Problem


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PREMO Member
My beagle would lick/chew his feet until he cried. The vet attributed it to grass allergies. 3 benedryl a day and antiseptic pads helped.


New Member
My Min. Schnauzer does the same thing. He has skin allergies and in the summer it was bad when he had a couple fleas. Vet put him on antibiotics and steroids. Now that the cold it here, his allergies turn into dry skin, so I have to be careful with bathing him, and make sure he has enough "moisturizer". I use Salmon Oil in his food, which helps, an occasional benedryl, bath him with an oatmeal bath, and use a skin conditioner. Seems to help him most of the time. But he LOVES to go outside and roll in the grass and scratch his's a win/lose situation. Oh, and lots of "Stop that"! lol


Active Member
Does anyone have an idea why my miniature schnauzer constantly chews and licks at her paws?...someone mentioned allergies....TIA

food allergies are common for making dogs lick their paws. The vet will probably try putting him on a Rx allergy dog food. My cat has to eat that and it's pricey, but after about a year, we're back to mixing in reg. over the counter food too. My cat would groom until he pulled his hair out in patches. He's regrown all his hair, thankfully. Good luck. Go to the vet.