Lies, Damn Lies, and Democratic Operatives


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Democrats Thought Bragg Trial Would Sink Trump’s 2024 Campaign. Polling So Far Suggests Otherwise

Several polls released since the start of jury selection on April 15 have found that a potential conviction won’t deter voters from supporting Trump in November. Moreover, individuals nationwide say they don’t believe the former president acted illegally or is being treated fairly in Bragg’s case.

“Millions of Americans are hopping mad at this kangaroo court, and it shows in this recent polling data,” Mark Weaver, a veteran Republican strategist, told the Daily Caller News Foundation. “When dozens of partisan players – most of whom are coordinating with the Biden White House or the Biden Justice Department – use taxpayer dollars and precious court resources to try and defeat Trump long before the voters can decide, it makes people understandably angry.” (RELATED: ‘Trial By Ambush’: Former Federal Prosecutors Say Alvin Bragg’s Strategy Is Unlike Anything They’ve Seen Before)


PREMO Member
🔥 The New York Post ran a delightfully karmic story yesterday headlined, “NYC pol says law allowing rape suit against him was unconstitutional — despite voting for the legislation.” But the story was so much better than the headline promised.

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The Best and Brightest Little Head in New York!
You may recall some of last year’s anti-Trump lawfare, where bizarre cat lady E. Jean Carroll suddenly claimed twenty-five years later that Trump had sexually assaulted her in a Bergdorf Goodman changing room. Despite holes in her story Elon Musk could launch a Dragon Heavy rocket through, the Manhattan jury awarded her $5 million, although it also found that Trump had not raped the colorful Carroll, but had sexually assaulted her instead.

At least in part, Carroll’s antique case was resurrected by a brand-new, automatically-expiring New York law, as fancy a piece of progressive lawfare as ever high-stepped down Broadway. The “Adult Survivors Act” revived ancient sexual assault claims, making them viable — but only during a two-year period — although the statutes of limitation had long since passed.

Carroll filed her lawsuit against Trump right after the new law became effective.

The genius behind the Adult Survivors Act was state senator Kevin Parker, who at the time of passage bragged about his terrific new law, saying “I voted in favor of the Act to ensure all New Yorkers can seek justice and be heard.”

All New Yorkers. All.

Just like E. Jean Carroll, rape survivor Olga Jean-Baptiste also filed a claim — against Senator Parker — right before the Act expired late last year. According to her lawsuit, Olga was working with Parker on Haitian relief efforts twenty years ago in 2004, when Parker grabbed her by the wrists and forcibly raped her at her own home. Governor Kathy Hochul has called Olga’s allegations “deeply disturbing.”

But in a deliciously ironic motion to dismiss the case filed last week, Senator Parker now claims his Adult Survivors Act was unconstitutional. But Senator Parker, remember: no one is above the law.

It’s not just Parker, either. Lorna Beach-Mathura also filed an Adult Survivors claim right under the wire, against New York Mayor Eric Adams, who happens to be running for re-election this year. Also ironically, in Adams’ most recent motion, his lawyers complained the case is taking too long: “any longer a wait will start interfering with New Yorkers’ ability to fairly make a decision in the upcoming mayoral primary.”

Election interference!

Two months ago in mid-March, Lorna filed a ‘bombshell complaint’ accusing Adams of demanding oral sex as consideration for helping her with her budding career while the two worked in the Transit Police Department — all the way back in 1993! According to the lawsuit, when she refused his ungenerous offer, Adams — then leader of the Transit Bureau Association — allegedly whipped out and forced her to touch the little mayor, which promptly and prematurely delivered a seminal address right on her while she was struggling to secede from the salacious encounter.

What’s gooey for the goose, is gooey for the little mayor, too.

Democrats seem have a recurring ‘little mayor’ problem. See, e.g., Mario Cuomo and Jeffrey Toobin. Maybe lawfare like the Adult Survivors Act wasn’t the best idea their sticky little heads ever came up with. I’m just saying. Don’t cancel me.



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Liberals MELTDOWN Over Vivek Ramaswamy SCHOOLING Ann Coulter Instead Of Calling Her A Racist!​



PREMO Member
We're not sure if Seán Ono Lennon (formerly known as Sean Lennon) meant to take the Democratic Party APART asking this very simple question but boy howdy, it did the trick. For years (decades?!), Republicans were accused of being warmongers, see Dick Cheney, but per Lennon's question, that's not really the case anymore.

A lot of Democrats have overseen wars, FDR with WWII, Truman with Korea, Lyndon B. Johnson with Vietnam ... heck, Obama bombed more countries than any other president before him. So in reality, they've always been the war party. They were just better at hiding it, and the media worked harder to spin it.

Just sayin'.



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[that's NOT AOC from the neck down ]

Because that's what's important about women, how they look.

Wow. Again.

Here's another winner Leftist ladies can have:

Sheesh, after all of these years being told it's the Right who hates women it certainly looks like it's the Left who has officially filled that role. Guess we shouldn't be surprised when so many of them are actively working to replace women with mediocre, mentally-ill, butt-ugly men who think they're women.




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PREMO Member

Leftists love making up strawman scenarios in order to guilt people into supporting their positions. For instance, they demand that pro-lifers pay for every baby, from cradle to grave, or they're not really pro-life.

In fairness, you can hardly blame them. For a long time, this tactic worked on far too many people. Maybe not true conservatives (like our Twitchy readers), but with people in the middle who just want to be seen as kind and compassionate, and don't like confrontation.

It is becoming very clear, however, that this playbook isn't working anymore. People have SEEN what the left does with more money and more power and no one likes it even a little bit. Just take a look at Joe Biden's basement-dwelling approval ratings for proof of that.

But they still like to try. This weekend, one leftist, Barbara Janik, decided to play the game with taxes. We don't know who Janik is (she says she wrote a book about Osama bin Laden, but we've never heard of it). But she DOES call herself a 'resister' and lists her 'preferred' pronouns, so it's easy to conclude that her question was not coming from a place of honest inquiry. Take a look:

Quick tip, Babs: If you want to play the compassion gaslighting game, don't bring taxes into it. People HATE paying taxes, and not just conservatives.

But when you add in the myth that increased taxes will help feed everyone or give everyone medical care? Yeah, no one is buying that nonsense. We know too well what the government does with OUR money.

Thankfully, thousands of people on Twitter were on hand to tell Janik what she could do with her tax idea. Since Twitchy is a family site, we didn't include any tweets that simply told Janik -- in no uncertain terms -- to f*** off. (And there were tons of those.)

But here are some equally definitive responses to her question.

The federal government took in more than $4.4 TRILLION in taxes in 2023. We do not have a revenue problem. We have a spending problem. And you don't fix a spending problem by giving the government more money to spend.



PREMO Member

Democrats Promise Coordinated Assault On SCOTUS If They Don’t Get Their Way

Last week, The New York Times published a smear piece on Justice Samuel Alito “to indict the conservative judge as a partisan ideologue corrupted by far-right politics” all because an “Appeal to Heaven” flag flew outside his New Jersey beach home last year, my colleague Tristan Justice explained. The story came days after another hit piece alleged Alito was compromised because of an upside-down American flag flown by his wife.

Raskin pounced on the stories, however, arguing on MSNBC that if Alito doesn’t “heed the calls to recuse himself from the [Jan. 6-related] case,” there should be a federal ethics panel made up of circuit judges to which Raskin and other Democrats can whine and undermine the Supreme Court any time they don’t get their way. This is in addition to House Democrats’ newly announced task force, of which Raskin is a member, that exists to overhaul the court through legislation and rhetoric.

Raskin took his attacks one step further, last week encouraging Americans to “fall out of love” with the Supreme Court and arguing the institution can only be trusted once Democrats have control of its operations.

[T]o my mind, we’ve gotta organize the people in America. That’s where the power comes from. And we will, if and when we win back the House and the Senate and the White House. We will look at the Supreme Court and figure out what can be done about that extremely corrupted and contaminated body.

Fellow Democrat Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse reiterated Raskin’s message in a post on X saying, “Yes we will, brother. Yes we will.”
