Lies, Damn Lies, and Democratic Operatives


PREMO Member

Maria Bartiromo Absolutely Destroys Rep. Debbie Dingell Over Dems Relentless Politicized Attacks Against President Trump

During their discussion, Maria pounded Dingell on the political and lawfare attacks against President Trump.

Debbie Dingell: He was just convicted of 34 counts in a court of 34 counts of a felony in a due process by a jury of his peers.

Maria Bartiromo: What was the crime, Congresswoman?

Debbie Dingell: What was the crime? The crime was that he lied to people. He manipulated payments that were being made. He violated the law in terms of why was he making these payments.

Maria Bartiromo: Do you see any similarity to the 51 intelligence officials who lied about the Hunter Biden laptop right before the 2020 election, calling it Russian disinformation?

Debbie Dingell: Hunter Biden, by the way, we have a problem on all sides with Russian disinformation, so I’m never going to downplay. I think we have real problems.

Maria Bartiromo: But specifically, the Hunter Biden laptop was real. They signed a letter saying that it was Russian disinformation. Is that a similar situation to what President Trump was just convicted of?

Debbie Dingell: Hunter Biden was in a court and convicted….

Maria Bartiromo: No, that was gun charges. That was a very separate situation. Different situation. I’m talking about the Hunter Biden laptop right before the 2020 election. Fifty-one intelligence officials signed a letter saying it was Russian disinformation. They hid the truth before the election. Is that similar to what Trump was just charged with?

Debbie Dingell: There’s an investigation going into that laptop.

Maria Bartiromo: Is there?

Debbie Dingell: I don’t have the facts. I think you’re going to hear a lot more about this laptop in the coming months. I’m not privy, Maria, about what was on there, what wasn’t, what happened.

Maria Bartiromo: No, I’m just I’m asking if it’s a similar situation. Is it a similar situation that people hid truth before the election in 2020 about Hunter Biden, and now Trump was discharged with, I guess, hiding truth ahead of an election about a $130,000 payment he made to a porn star? Is it the same?


Well-Known Member

Leftists love making up strawman scenarios in order to guilt people into supporting their positions. For instance, they demand that pro-lifers pay for every baby, from cradle to grave, or they're not really pro-life.

In fairness, you can hardly blame them. For a long time, this tactic worked on far too many people. Maybe not true conservatives (like our Twitchy readers), but with people in the middle who just want to be seen as kind and compassionate, and don't like confrontation.

It is becoming very clear, however, that this playbook isn't working anymore. People have SEEN what the left does with more money and more power and no one likes it even a little bit. Just take a look at Joe Biden's basement-dwelling approval ratings for proof of that.

But they still like to try. This weekend, one leftist, Barbara Janik, decided to play the game with taxes. We don't know who Janik is (she says she wrote a book about Osama bin Laden, but we've never heard of it). But she DOES call herself a 'resister' and lists her 'preferred' pronouns, so it's easy to conclude that her question was not coming from a place of honest inquiry. Take a look:

Quick tip, Babs: If you want to play the compassion gaslighting game, don't bring taxes into it. People HATE paying taxes, and not just conservatives.

But when you add in the myth that increased taxes will help feed everyone or give everyone medical care? Yeah, no one is buying that nonsense. We know too well what the government does with OUR money.

Thankfully, thousands of people on Twitter were on hand to tell Janik what she could do with her tax idea. Since Twitchy is a family site, we didn't include any tweets that simply told Janik -- in no uncertain terms -- to f*** off. (And there were tons of those.)

But here are some equally definitive responses to her question.

The federal government took in more than $4.4 TRILLION in taxes in 2023. We do not have a revenue problem. We have a spending problem. And you don't fix a spending problem by giving the government more money to spend.

Why pay the GOVERNMENT to do it? If you want to feed the hungry or provide healthcare, you can just do that yourself.

I mean, if you’re concerned about the trash on your streets, you could petition the local government to fix it - and pay more local taxes -

OR you could just walk down the street and do it yourself.

The local soup kitchen - where The Brass Rail used to be - is ALWAYS ready for volunteers. It does a good job. The GOVERNMENT has been on the case for decades and sadly - hasn’t done any better.


Well-Known Member
Yep, we had charities to take care of people, progressives have driven them our in favor of Gov.
But charities exist because people give and volunteer. Governments are supported with taxes - paid for by other people - and have paid staff.


PREMO Member

Texas Rangers ARREST WOKE Democrat After Faking Racist Messages To Himself To Win Election BACKFIRES​



Well-Known Member
Those folks got a good hot breakfast this morning... and I helped.

*sorry, couldn't resist.


PREMO Member

Leftists: How Dare Conservatives Draw Attention to All Those Violent Crimes Committed by Illegal Aliens

Consider the following four news developments, which have all broken since last weekend: News emerged today that an illegal immigrant has been charged in the sexual assault of a 12-year-old girl in Iowa. The Washington Examiner reports that the Honduran suspect in the case entered the United States illegally in the spring of 2022 -- he's one of President Biden's "newcomers" -- near Hidalgo, Texas. This story comes on the heels of the horrifying rape of a 13-year-old by an illegal immigrant in New York City, who confessed to police this week that he'd filmed his crime, which was committed in broad daylight. The Ecuadorian national crossed illegally in 2021, another Biden "newcomer," and was released into the country. The man told authorities that he went to buy drugs after committing the rape. He was eventually tracked down and physically held by community members until cops arrived.

Then there's the appalling crime allegedly committed by an illegal immigrant from El Salvador, who stands accused of raping and murdering mother-of-five Rachel Morin in Maryland. The same man has been linked to a violent felony in California. He was captured in Oklahoma. He'd clearly been traveling quite a lot since unlawfully entering the US. ICE has confirmed to Fox News that this man had been captured three times at the border, then successfully entered as a "got-away" in February of last year. Yet another Biden "newcomer:"

A fourth story that has broken this week alone involves the murder of a 12-year-old Texas girl, allegedly at the hands of very recent illegal immigrants. Two more Biden "newcomers," these ones from Venezuela:



PREMO Member

LGBTQ Liberal Media Anchor TRIGGERED Over Democrat Admitting The Party Is To Feminine For Men!​
